Pentingnya karbohidrat, lemak dan protein di dalam...

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Pentingnya Karbohidrat, Lemak dan Protein di dalam Pakan

Tim Nutrisi Dasar Hewan


Definisi Karbohidrat

Senyawa kimia netral yang mengandung unsur-unsur karbon, hidrogen, dan oksigen.

Rumus empiris (CH2O)n

• n = 3 atau lebih

Tubuh hewan mengandung <1 % karbohidrat yang berada di darah, otot, dan hati.

– Diketahui sebagai animal starch atau glikogen

Klasifikasi Berdasarkan kelarutan dan kecernaan dibagi

menjadi 2 :

Soluble carbohydrates

• Nitrogen free extract (NFE)

• Simple sugar, starch, hemicellulose

• Easily digestible

Insoluble carbohydrates

• Hard fibrous substance

• Crude fibre, cellulose and lignin

• Less digestible by non-ruminants and easily digested in ruminants (by rumen microflora and microfauna)

Functions of Carbohydrates

1. Carbohydrates serve as a major source of energy in animal body.

2. They are essential components of production, temperature control and proper functioning of the different parts of the animal body.

3. They are essential components of milk as lactose.

4. They are stored as glycogen, excess of carbohydrates in the diet is converted into fat and stored in the fat depot.

Functions of Carbohydrates

5. Carbohydrates are helpful in absorption of calcium and phosphorus in younger animals.

6. They help the secretion of digestive juices in gastrointestinal tract.

7. They provide suitable environment for the growth of rumen bacteria and protozoa.

8. They help in peristaltic movement of food.

Functions of Carbohydrates

9. They maintain the glucose level of plasma.

10. They are also component of several important bio-chemical compounds such as nucleic acids, coenzymes and blood group substance.

11. They play a key role in the metabolism of amino acids and fatty acids.


Grains (wheat, corn, etc.)




– Honey

– Cane sugar

– Molasses

Sugars (Simple Carbohydrates)

Divided into two categories

– Single sugars (monosaccharide)

– Double sugars (disaccharides)

Names of sugars usually end in –ose

Monosaccahridesare the building blocks of complex carbs


Glucose (also called dextrose) – Body’s main source of energy

– Body converts other sugar into glucose for use by the body

– Found in fruits and honey

Fructose – Sweetest natural sugar

– Found in honey and fruit

Galactose – Not found alone in nature



– Cane sugar

– Combination of glucose an fructose


– Does not occur in nature


– Natural only in milk

Complex Carbohydrate

Also known as polysaccharides

Starch : root vegetables (carrot, parsnips), potatoes, yam, plantain



Made up of many glucose linked together

Found only in plant foods

Found in grains

– Wheat, corn, rice, rye, barley, and oats

Tickens liquids when heated (gelatinization)


Edible but not digestible Fiber moves through the body unchanged Two categories

– Soluble – pectins, gums, mucilages – Insoluble – cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin

Found in dried beans, peas, lentils, also found in the peelings of fruits and vegetables

Not an essential component of a diet, but it is important and does affect the health and efficient functioning of the GI tract


Found in whole grains

Whole grains include :

– Endopesrm

– Bran

– Germ

Peranan Fiber terhadap Saluran Cerna

Memperlama pengosongan lambung

Merubah absorbsi, adsorpsi, dan metabolisme nutrien

Menormalkan waktu transit pakan di usus

Mempertahankan integritas struktur mukosa usus

Meningkatkan kapasitas feses dalam menahan air

Menambah massa feses

Defisiensi Karbohidrat

Kadar glukosa darah rendah

Kehilangan berat badan

Laju pertumbuhan rendah

Kehilangan lemak tubuh

– Tubuh akan menggunakan protein dan lemak untuk energi

Ketosis (acetonemia) pada sapi

– Gangguan metabolik



Fats (solid at room temperature)

Oils (liquid at room temperature)

Fat molecules are made up of one part glycerol and three parts fatty acids – a triglyceride

Functions of Fats

1. Supply energy to the animal body.

2. They provide essential fatty acids (linoleic, arachidonic and linolenic) to the body.

3. It is an essential component of milk.

4. It helps in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the body.

Functions of Fats

5. Absorption of fat-soluble vitamins – A, D, E, and K

6. It is an essential constituent of the body protoplasm.

7. Phospholipids are the essential constituent of cell wall and play an important role in cell nutrition.

8. It helps in temperature regulation & insulation for the vital organ, protecting them from shock.

Functions of Fats

9. It is required for the lubrication of joints.

10. Fats are important nutrient of nervous metabolism.

11. It delays the sensation' of hunger.

12. Polyunsaturated F.A. particularly arachidonic acid, are the precursor of highly active prostaglandins.


Fats occur in both animal and plant foods

– Pork fat and sunflower oil

– Arachidonic acid only found in fats from animal source

Classification of the Lipids

Glyserol-based Lipids :

Simple Lipids

– E.g. Short- medium- and long-chain fatty acids and esters of fatty acids with glycerol

– Most common in food

Compound lipid

– Lipids combined with other product

– E.g. Phospholipids and lipoproteins

Types of Lipids

Types of Fats

Saturated fat – Found in animal foods

– Some vegetable oils (coconut, palm kernel, palm oil)

Mono-unsaturated – Olive oil, canola oil, peanut oil

Poly-unsaturated – Safflower, corn, soybean, sesame,

and sunflower oil

Asam lemak

Tubuh hewan dapat mensintesis asam lemak jenuh (saturated)

Hewan tidak dapat mensintesis asam lemak tak jenuh (unsaturated) yang berikatan rangkap

– Asam linoleat dan linolenat

– Hanya disintesis oleh tanaman

– Asam lemak esensial (EFA)

Sumber Asam lemak esensial (EFA)

Minyak tanaman

– Alfa linolenat

– Asam linoleat

Hewan laut yang memakan fitoplankton

– Asam eikosapentanoat (EPA)

– Asam lemak dekosaheksanoat (DHA)

Kekurangan Asam Lemak Esensial

pertumbuhan yang menurun serta efisiensi konversi pakan yang rendah.


Fosfolipid merupakan komponen lipid terbesar kedua setelah trigliserida lemak dan minyak pada tubuh hewan.

Fospfolipid berperan penting sebagai pengemulsi dalam sistem biologis dan secara khusus dilibatkan dalam transportasi lemak dalam tubuh.

Fospfolipid berperan dalam pengemulsian lipid dalam saluran pencernaan dan sebagai unsur lipoprotein

Sumber : telur dan minyak kedelai


Lanolin (pada wool)

Beeswax (sekresi insekta/lebah)

Spermaceti dari sperma hewan (unggas dan monogastrik paus)

Tidak memiliki nilai nutrisi nyata

Hanya sebagai sumber energi


Steroid adalah zat yang sangat penting dan tersebar luas dalam tubuh hewan.

Steroid meliputi sterol, asam empedu, hormon adrenal, dan hormon sex.


Kolesterol adalah steroid yang tersebar luas dalam tubuh hewan :

– otak dan jaringan saraf, darah, empedu, hati dan kulit.

Komponen yang sangat penting dalam sistem membran dari spesies hewan eukariotik, bersama dengan phospholipid dan protein.

Prekursor senyawa sterol penting yang terdapat dalam tubuh, yaitu :

– Asam empedu, hormon steroid, vitamin D3



Senyawa organik kompleks berbobot molekul tinggi yang merupakan polimer dari monomer-monomer asam amino yang terhubung oleh ikatan peptida.

Semua protein mengandung karbon, hidrogen, oksigen, nitrogen, dan umumnya mengandung sulphur, banyak yang mengandung fosfor.


Building block of cells

Essential for the growth and development of the body.

Made up of long chains of amino acids

20 different kinds of amino acids

10 amino acids must come from food

– Essential amino acids

Function of Protein

1. Proteins form muscles and tissues of the body

2. They help in maintaining the loss of body tissues and muscles.

3. They help in the formation of enzymes, hormones, antigen, antibody, digestive juices of the body and regulate body osmotic pressure and acid-base balance.

Function of Protein

4. They help in the repair of body cells as well as for the production of new cells.

5. They also supply energy to the body.

6. They are essential for the formation of egg, milk protein, wool and hairs of the animals.

Function of Protein

7. They provide the basic cellular matrix within which the bone mineral matter is deposited.

8. Movement by muscle contraction

9. Transport (haemoglobin) and storage of oxygen in muscle (myoglobin)

Protein serve as :


• Catalyst in many metabolic reactions


• Controlling metabolism, growth and reproduction

Body protection

• Lubricants in mucus help prevent physical damage

• Innate imunity, skin, nails, claws, etc.

• Adaptive immunity, antibodies

An energy source

Sources of Protein

High Biological Value (HBV

– Protein contain all of the essential amino acids

– Meat, poultry, eggs, fish, soya bean and dairy product

Low Biological Value (LBV)

– Protein are missing one or more of the essential amino acids

– E.g : cereals, pulses, beans, some nuts, seeds

Akibat defisiensi

• Anoreksia

• penurunan rataan pertumbuhan

• penurunan atau ketidakseimbangan N

• penurunan efisiensi penggunaan pakan

• penurunan konsentrasi protein serum

• anemia

• akumulasi lemak pada hati

• edema

• pada beberapa kasus)

• penurunan bobot lahir

• penurunan produksi susu

• penurunan sintesis enzim dan hormon tertentu.

Beberapa Akibat Defisiensi Asam Amino

defisiensi triptopan mengakibatkan katarak mata

defisiensi metionin atau treonin menyebabkan perlemakan hati

defisiensi lisin pada unggas menyebabkan ketidaknormalan bulu.