
Post on 18-Aug-2014

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Transcript of penting

setelah kemarenan sulit mencari, ane sekarang mau share gem RAGNAROK BATTLE OFFL INE (RBO) buat agan" yang ingin maen gem ini... RBO ini full sampe expansions 3 udah ane test dan worked di PC adek ane pake win XP CEKIDOT RBO Installer: RBO Ex1: RBO Ex2: RBO Ex3: RBO Config Eng: RBO Patch 009: Credit goes to the original poster/uploader. Installation Procedure: -Install RBO installer. -Install RBO Ex1. -Install RBO Ex2. -Install RBO Ex3. -Copy the file in RBO Config Eng to the folder you installed RBO. -Copy the file in RBO Patch 009 to folder you installed RBO. -Run RBO3.exe kalo ada permasalahan dengan configurationnya, coba cara ini : masuk ke folder RBO (biasanya ada di program files) klik RBOEx3config dan atur config nya untuk player 1, dst (klo maen rame")

This is a guild to help you install and run Ragnarok Battle Offline (RBO) If this does not belong here, please move it to the proper place. Step 1: Downloading (Download the following) The Game