Macam Macam Jurusan Smk Dan Total Smk Di Indonesia

Post on 09-Sep-2015

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iseng iseng seacring tentang macam macam jurusan Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) di Indonesia, dan hasilnya didapat file ini, entah benar atau tidak

Transcript of Macam Macam Jurusan Smk Dan Total Smk Di Indonesia

MACAM MACAM JURUSAN SMK DAN TOTAL SMK DI INDONESIAIndonesia merupakan negara berkembang yang mempuyai sumber daya manusia yang sangat besar, di Indonesia terdapat berbagai macam lapangan pekerjaan, dan tentunya membutuhkan banyak pekerja, SMK merupakan lembaga pendidikan yang menghasilkan lulusannya untuk siap bekerja, menurut Depkom Info terdapat 100 macam Jurusan SMK, yang tersebar di 6400 SMK di Indonesia, Jurusan SMK Di Indonesia meliputi Bidang Teknik seperti mesin, Elektro, Bangunan, industri, Komputer, Informatika. kemudian dibidang pertanian, perkebunan, peternakan, kelautan, kehutanan, kemudian di bidang fashion, tata kecantikan, perkantoran, kuliner,perhotelan, avionik, ekonomi, bisnis dan Akutansi. dengan terdapat berbagai macam jurusan SMK diharapkan kebutuhan tenaga kerja di berbagai Industri dapat terpenuhi.

variety of majors SMK in IndonesiaIndonesia is a developing country that have Big human resources, in Indonesia there is a wide range of employment, and require a lot of employees, SMK is an educational institution that produces graduates ready for work, according Depkominfo there are 100 kinds major SMK Department, which spread 6400 SMK in Indonesia, Department SMK in Indonesia, covering areas such as machine technique, Electro, buildings, industry, Computers, Informatics. then dibidang agriculture, horticulture, livestock, marine, forestry, and in the field of fashion, beauty procedures, offices, culinary, hospitality, avionics, economics, business and Akutansi. with a variety of majors are expected SMK labor requirement can be fulfilled in a variety of industry

variety of majors SMK in IndonesiaIndonesia is a developing country that have Big human resources, in Indonesia there is a wide range of employment, and would require a lot of employees, SMK is an educational institution that produces graduates ready for work, according Depkominfo there are 100 kinds major SMK Department, which spread 6400 SMK in Indonesia, Department SMK in Indonesia, covering areas such as machine technique, Electro, buildings, industry, Computers, Informatics. then dibidang agriculture, horticulture, livestock, marine, forestry, and in the field of fashion, beauty procedures, offices, culinary, hospitality, avionics, economics, business and Akutansi. with a variety of majors are expected SMK labor requirement can be fulfilled in a variety of industry

variety of majors SMK in IndonesiaIndonesia is a developing country that have Big human resources, in Indonesia there is a wide range of employment, and would require a lot of employees, SMK is an educational institution that produces graduates ready for work, according Depkominfo there are 100 kinds major SMK Department, which spread 6400 SMK in Indonesia, Department SMK in Indonesia, covering areas such as machine technique, Electro, buildings, industry, Computers, Informatics. then dibidang agriculture, horticulture, livestock, marine, forestry, and in the field of fashion, beauty procedures, offices, culinary, hospitality, avionics, economics, business and Akutansi. with a variety of majors are expected SMK labor requirement can be fulfilled in a variety of industry

variety of majors SMK in IndonesiaIndonesia is a developing country that have Big human resources, in Indonesia there is a wide range of employment, and would require a lot of employees, SMK is an educational institution that produces graduates ready for work, according Depkominfo there are 100 kinds major SMK Department, which spread 6400 SMK in Indonesia, Department SMK in Indonesia, covering areas such as machine technique, Electro, buildings, industry, Computers, Informatics. then dibidang agriculture, horticulture, livestock, marine, forestry, and in the field of fashion, beauty procedures, offices, culinary, hospitality, avionics, economics, business and Akutansi. with a variety of majors are expected SMK labor requirement can be fulfilled in a variety of industry

variety of majors SMK in IndonesiaIndonesia is a developing country that have Big human resources, in Indonesia there is a wide range of employment, and would require a lot of employees, SMK is an educational institution that produces graduates ready for work, according Depkominfo there are 100 kinds major SMK Department, which spread 6400 SMK in Indonesia, Department SMK in Indonesia, covering areas such as machine technique, Electro, buildings, industry, Computers, Informatics. then dibidang agriculture, horticulture, livestock, marine, forestry, and in the field of fashion, beauty procedures, offices, culinary, hospitality, avionics, economics, business and Akutansi. with a variety of majors are expected SMK labor requirement can be fulfilled in a variety of industry