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Teknik Mikropropagasi Tunas Mikro Stevia rebaudiana (Bertoni) aksesi Mini secara in vitro

sebagai Upaya Pemuliaan dan Perbanyakan Bibit Unggul Tanaman Pemanis Sehat Alternatif bagi

Penderita Diabetes

Tim Peneliti :

Dr. Nurul Jadid, S.Si., M.Sc/ Biologi / FSAD

Wirdhatul Muslihatin, S.Si., M.Si /Biologi/ FSAD/ ITS Surabaya

Dini Ermavitalini, S.Si., M.Si / Biologi/ FSAD/ ITS Surabaya

Dwi Oktafitria, S.Si., M.Sc / Biologi / FMIPA /Universitas PGRI Ronggolawe Tuban

Christin Risbandini, S.Si / PLP Laboran Biologi / FSAD / ITS Surabaya





Sesuai Surat Perjanjian Pelaksanaan Penelitian No: 964/PKS/ITS/2020


Daftar Isi

Daftar Isi .......................................................................................................................................................... i

Daftar Tabel .................................................................................................................................................... ii

Daftar Gambar ............................................................................................................................................... iii

Daftar Lampiran ............................................................................................................................................. iv

BAB I RINGKASAN ..................................................................................................................................... 1

BAB II HASIL PENELITIAN ........................................................................................................................ 2

BAB III STATUS LUARAN……………………………………………………………………………….11

BAB IV PERAN MITRA (UntukPenelitian Kerjasama Antar Perguruan Tinggi)………………………...11



BAB VII DAFTAR PUSTAKA……………………………………………………………………………12

BAB VIII LAMPIRAN…………………………………………………………………………………….15

LAMPIRAN 1 Tabel Daftar Luaran……………………………………………………………………….15


Daftar Tabel


Tabel 2.1 Respon organogenesis dan kalogenesis setelah 10 minggu diinokulasikan pada kombinasi ZPT yang berbeda


Tabel 2.2 Respon jumlah tunas yang dihasilkan oleh eksplan nodus steril dengan perlakuan kombinasi ZPT yang berbeda


Tabel 2.3 Respon pembentukan akar dengan perlakuan kombinasi ZPT BA dan Kin yang berbeda



Daftar Gambar


Gambar 2.1 Respon organogenesis 5

Gambar 2.2 Respon organogenesis berupa tunas pada eksplan yang ditanam pada medium 0,5 ppm BA


Gambar 2.3 Pengamatan jumlah tunas 10 minggu setelah inokulasi 7

Gambar 2.4 Akar yang terbentuk setelah diberi perlakuan kombinasi ZPT konsentrasi yang berbeda selama 10 minggu



Daftar Lampiran


Lampiran 1. Tabel Daftar luaran 15



Tanaman Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana (Bertoni)) merupakan tanaman perdu dari keluarga

Compositae. Budidaya tanaman tersebut memiliki potensi ekonomi tinggi karena memiliki

tingkat kemanisan 200-300 kali lebih tinggi dibanding gula tebu. Namun demikian, kendala

utama dalam budidaya stevia adalah tingkat perkecambahan biji yang rendah. Selain itu,

perbanyakan secara generatif juga menghasilkan mutu bibit stevia yang relatif memiliki

karakteristik fenotip yang beragam. Hal ini menyebabkan rendahnya ketersediaan bibit Stevia

unggul yang memiliki karakteristik seragam. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan teknik budidaya yang

efisien. Salah satu metode perbanyakan dalam upaya penyediaan bibit unggul adalah melalui

teknik mikropropagasi. Teknik tersebut merupakan metode perbanyakan tanaman yang efektif,

dengan penambahan zat pengatur tumbuh (ZPT) sesuai dengan tujuan yang diharapkan secara

in vitro. Teknik ini juga dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu cara dalam pemilihan dan

pemuliaan bibit unggul tanaman. ZPT adalah senyawa organik bukan nutrisi yang

mempengaruhi pertumbuhan dan perkembangan tanaman. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah

untuk mendapatkan metode mikropropagasi tanaman stevia aksesi Mini yang efektif dan

efisien melalui modifikasi media kultur dengan kombinasi konsentrasi Kinetin (Kin) dan

Benziladenin (BA) yang berbeda. Beberapa parameter uji yang dianalisis adalah persentase

bertunas, jumlah tunas dan jumlah akar. Penelitian ini didesain menggunakan Rancangan Acak

Lengkap (RAL) faktorial dengan jumlah ulangan sebanyak 5 kali. Hasil awal penelitian ini

menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan penambahan kombinasi BA dan Kin dengan konsentrasi yang

berbeda dapat menginduksi proses organogenesis. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan terbentuknya

tunas dan organ akar. Selain itu, kombinasi perlakuan ZPT tersebut juga mengakibatkan

terbentuknya massa sel parenkim yang bersifat meristematic (kalus). Perlakuan dengan

penambahan 1 ppm BA menghasilkan rata-rata jumlah tunas terbanyak sebesar 36,05.

Sedangkan perlakuan tanpa pemberian ZPT menghasilkan pembentukan akar paling baik

sebesar 2,6.

Kata Kunci: aksesi Mini, bibit unggul, mikropropagasi, pemuliaan tanaman, Stevia rebaudiana



Ringkasan penelitian berisi latar belakang penelitian,tujuan dan tahapan metode

penelitian, luaran yang ditargetkan, kata kunci


2.1. Respon Organogenesis dan Kalogenesis

Zat Pengatur Tumbuh (ZPT) adalah molekul organik selain unsur hara (unsur yang

menyediakan energi atau hara mineral), yang mempengaruhi pertumbuhan dan

perkembangan tanaman. ZPT ini bersifat aktif pada konsentrasi yang relative rendah.

Beberapa jenis ZPT memiliki fungsi untuk mempercepat, menghambat, serta

menyebabkan mutasi pada proses-proses fisiologi yang terjadi pada tanaman (Basra,

2000). Dalam kultur in vitro penggunaan ZPT dalam konsentrasi rendah diperlukan untuk

menginduksi proliferasi sel dan organogenesis (Gaba, 2005). Penggunaan zat pengatur

tumbuh didalam kultur jaringan juga tergantung pada tujuan atau arah pertumbuhan yang

diinginkan. Lestari (2008) mengungkapkan bahwa interaksi antara ZPT yang terdapat

secara alami (endogen) di dalam eksplan (sel, jaringan atau organ tanaman) dan ZPT

eksogen juga berpengaruh pada pertumbuhan dan organogenesis tanaman. Benziladenin

(BA) dan Kinetin (Kin) merupakan ZPT golongan sitokinin yang berfungsi sebagai

pemacu pembelahan sel dan pemecah doninasi apikal oleh auksin (Salisbury dan Ross,


Penelitian ini menggunakan eksplan berupa nodus dari planlet tanaman stevia steril.

Eksplan steril tersebut umumnya dikenal dengan sebutan secondary explant. Pada

penelitian ini, interaksi BA dan Kin pada konsentrasi yang berbeda menyebabkan respon

organogenesis dan kalogenesis yang berbeda pula (Tabel 2.1). Chishimba (2000)

melaporkan bahwa penambahan BA, Kin dan ZPT golongan sitokinin lain pada kultur in

vitro eksplan tunas pucuk Uapaca kirkiana memberikan respon yang berbeda pula. Hal

tersebut juga dilaporkan oleh Quadri (2012) yang menyatakan bahwa penambahan BA,

Kin dan Thidiazuron pada proliferasi tunas secara in vitro Hyoscyamus niger L. juga

memberikan respon yang berbeda.


Tabel 2.1 Respon organogenesis dan kalogenesis setelah 10 minggu diinokulasikan

pada kombinasi ZPT yang berbeda

Kombinasi ZPT Persentase










0 0 100 0

0,5 0 100 0

1 0 100 0

1,5 0 100 0

2 0 100 0

0 2 90 100

0,5 2 100 100

1 2 90 100

1,5 2 100 100

2 2 65 100

0 4 85 100

0,5 4 90 100

1 4 60 100

1,5 4 65 100

2 4 60 100

0 6 75 100

0,5 6 75 100

1 6 50 100

1,5 6 60 100

2 6 85 100

0 8 95 100

0,5 8 75 100

1 8 45 100

1,5 8 75 100

2 8 85 100


Analisis data menggunakan Anova – two way menunjukkan bahwa interaksi BA dan

Kin tidak berpengaruh terhadap persentase eksplan bertunas (p value > 0,05). Meskipun

demikian, eksplan yang ditanam pada medium MS dengan perlakuan kombinasi ZPT

yang berbeda hampir seluruhnya seluruhnya memberikan respon pembentukan tunas.

Nilai persentase pembentukan tunas tersebut berkisar 45%-100%. Respon pembentukan

tunas terendah muncul pada medium dengan penambahan ZPT 1 ppm BA + 8 ppm Kin.

Sedangkan respon pembentukan tunas paling tinggi muncul pada medium dengan

peambahan ZPT BA secara tunggal dan kombinasi dengan Kin konsentrasi rendah (0,5

ppm BA + 2 ppm Kin (Gambar 2.1) dan 1,5 ppm BA + 2 ppm Kin). Dari data tersebut

dapat disimpulkan bahwa ZPT BA memberikan respon organogenesis berupa

pembentukan tunas yang lebih baik dibandingkan Kin pada penelitian ini. Rendahnya

persentase bertunas oleh adanya Kin dalam menginduksi tumbuhnya tunas aksilar sesuai

dengan hasil penelitian Thiyagarajan (2012), Razak (2014), Rafiq (2007).

BA memberikan respon pembentukan tunas yang lebih baik karena mempunyai

aktivitas yang lebih kuat (Zaer dan Mapes, 1982) dan menyebabkan pemanjangan yang

lebih nyata dibanding kinetin (Salisbury dan Ross,1995). BA mempunyai struktur dasar

yang sama dengan kinetin tetapi lebih efektif karena BA mempunyai gugus benzil

(George, l984). Flick (1993) menyatakan bahwa pada umumnya tanaman memiliki

respon yang lebih baik terhadap BA dibandingkan terhadap kinetin dan 2-iP sehingga BA

lebih efektif untuk produksi tunas in vitro.

Selain respon eksplan bertunas, pada penelitian ini juga dilakukan pengamatan

terhadap respon eksplan berkalus. Kalus merupakan suatu massa sel tidak berbentuk dan

tidak terorganisasi yang terbentuk pada permukaan potongan jaringan yang terluka

sebagai respon perlindungan untuk menutup jaringan yang terluka (Heryanto, 2014). Pada

penelitian ini 100% kalus terbentuk pada media yang ditambahakan Kin (Gambar 2.1).

Morfologi kalus setelah 10 minggu inokulasi, kalus kompak dan berwarna kecoklatan

sementara dipermukaan atas kalus, kalus bersifat friabele berwarna kehijauan (Ikeuchi,

2013). Gupta (2010) melaporkan bahwa penambahan Kin dengan konsentrasi 3 ppm, 4

ppm dan 5 ppm memberikan respon pembentukan kalus. Pembelahan sel yang terjadi

karena sitokinin dapat memproduksi kalus yang tidak terdiferensiasi (Gaba, 2005).

Anbazhagan (2010) melaporkan bahwa penambahan Kin pada propagasi tunas stevia

dapat menginisiasi tunas pada awal pertumbuhan saja dan hal ini telah didokumentasikan

studi yang lehih awal juga oleh Murashige (1974), Benne dan davies (1986) dan Rogers

(1998). Hasil penelitian yang berbeda dilaporkan oleh ibrahim (2008) bahwa eksplan


ujung tunas stevia yang ditanam pada medium dengan penambahan Kin secara tunggal

menghasilkan jumlah tunas yang banyak dibanding jumlah tunas pada penelitian ini,

meskipun respon jumlah tunas yang dihasilkan oleh ZPT BA tetap lebih tinggi dibanding

ZPT Kin. Perbedaan hasil penelitian tersebut dapat disebabkan oleh genotip eksplan yang

digunakan berbeda-beda. Faktor genotip sendiri merupakan faktor yang paling penting

dalam kulur jaringan (Gaba, 2005).

Gambar 2.1 Respon organogenesis berupa tunas (1) dan kalogenesis (2). Eksplan

berumur 10 minggu. Keterangan; A. 0,5 ppm BA + 2 ppm Kin, B. 0,5 ppm BA + 4 ppm

Kin. Garis putih menunjukkan skala 0,5 cm.

Gambar 2.2 Respon organogenesis berupa tunas pada eksplan yang ditanam pada medium 0,5

ppm BA. Eksplan berumur 10 minggu. Keterangan : Garis putih menunjukkan skala 0,5 cm.

2.2 Respon Bertunas

Jumlah tunas yang terbentuk merupakan tujuan utama dalam mikropropagasi

tanaman secara komersial. Multiplikasi tunas diinduksi dengan cara pengaplikasian

sitokinin eksogen kedalam medium pertumbuhan (Gaba, 2005). Hasil analisis anova-two

way menunjukkan bahwa penambahan kombinasi Kin dan BA dengan konsentrasi yang



berbeda berpengaruh terhadap jumlah tunas (P value < 0,05). Konsentrasi ZPT yang

menghasilkan jumlah tunas paling banyak adalah 1 ppm BA dengan jumlah tunas yang

dihasilkan sebanyak 36,05 tunas (Tabel 2.2; Gambar 2.3). Sedangkan jumlah tunas

terendah dihasilkan oleh kombinasi ZPT 1 ppm BA + 8 ppm Kin dan 1 ppm BA + 6 ppm

Kin dengan jumlah tunas 0,65. Berdasarkan data tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa BA

lebih efektif dalam multiplikasi tunas dibanding Kin. Alhady (2011) dan Anbazhagan

(2010) juga melaporkan bahwa BA lebih efektif untuk multiplikasi tunas stevia. Hal ini

juga terjadi pada spesies yang lain seperti pada Bauhinia veriegate (Ahmed, 2007),

Balanites aegyptiace (Mathur,1992), dan Periploca angustifolia (Abd-Alhady, 2010).

Jumlah tunas yang dihasilkan oleh Alhady (2011) pada perlakuan 2 ppm BA + o,5 ppm

Kin 36,9 tunas (hasil paling tinggi) sedangkan pada perlakuan 0,5 ppm BA + 0,5 ppm

Kin 18.1 tunas (hasil paling rendah). Anbazhagan (2010) menghasilkan jumlah tunas 9,20

pada perlakuan 2 ppm BA dan 4,40 pada 2 ppm Kin.

Tabel 2.2 Respon jumlah tunas yang dihasilkan oleh eksplan nodus steril dengan

perlakuan kombinasi ZPT yang berbeda

* Nilai yang diikuti oleh huruf yang sama pada kolom menunjukkan tidak adanya beda

nyata pada uji Tukey selang kepercayaan 95%.

Kombinasi ZPT Jumlah tunas

Kombinasi ZPT Jumlah tunas

BA (ppm)

Kin (ppm)

BA (ppm)

Kin (ppm)

0 0 1,9e 1,5 4 1,4e

0,5 0 4,95de 2 4 1e

1 0 36,05a 0 6 1,2e

1,5 0 17,2c 0,5 6 1,6e

2 0 26b 1 6 0,65e

0 2 1,9e 1,5 6 0,8e

0,5 2 8d 2 6 1,4e

1 2 3,55de 0 8 1,7e

1,5 2 7,35d 0,5 8 1,05e

2 2 1,05e 1 8 0,65e

0 4 1,55e 1,5 8 1,65e

0,5 4 1,8e 2 8 1,4e

1 4 0,85e


Gambar 2.3 Pengamatan jumlah tunas 10 minggu setelah inokulasi. Keterangan; (A)

eksplan yang ditanam pada media MS 0 atau kontrol. (B) eksplan yang ditanam pada

media 0,5 ppm BA. (C) eksplan yang ditanam pada media 1 ppm BA. Garis putih

menunjukkan skala 0,5 cm.

Fungsi dasar sitokinin adalah memacu sitokinesis atau pembelahan sel. Kajian

terhadap pembelahan sel yang diaktifkan oleh sitokinin di meristem apikal, Houssa, dkk

(1990) memperoleh hasil yang sebagian besar sejalan dengan kajian Fosket dkk (1981).

Mereka menemukan bahwa benziladenin sangat mempersingkat waktu berlangsungnya

fase S dalam daur sel (dari G2 ke mitosis, yaitu tahap sintesis DNA dan protein

pembelahan sel). Fosket, dkk (1981) menyimpulkan bahwa sitokinin mendorong

pembelahan sel dalam biakan jaringan dengan cara meningkatkan peralihan dari G2 ke

mitosis dan hal tersebut terjadi karena sitokinin menaikkan laju sintesis protein. Beberapa

protein tersebut berupa protein pembangun atau enzim dibutuhkan untuk mitosis. Protein

bisa ditingkatkan dengan cara memacu pembentukan mRNA yang menyandikan protein









Sitokinin dapat menginduksi pembentukan tunas dengan jalan terbentuknya sinyal

sitokinin kerena regulasi positif dari WIND1 yang muncul akbat adanya pelukaan.

WINDs merupakan faktor transkripsi dan mendukung dedifferensiasi (memiliki fungsi

yang sama dengan WUS). Setelah sinyal sitokinin muncul, WUS menghambat ekspresi

dari ARRs untuk mempertahankan populasi sel induk pada jaringan meristem tunas.

Setelah adanya regulasi positif dari sinyal sitokinin ke WUS, WUS meregulasi positif

CLV3. CLV3 berfungsi meregulasi proliferasi sel di SAM, adanya regulasi timbalbalik

antara CLV3 dan WUS untuk mempertahankan populasi sel induk dan ukuran jaringan

mengakibatkan differensiasi sel kemudian terbentuk penyusunan organ lateral (Ikeda,


4.3 Respon Perakaran

Pembentukan akar secara in vitro perlu dilakukan untuk mengubah tunas menjadi

menjadi plantlet utuh yang bisa dipindahkan ke greenhouse (Gaba,2005). Inisiasi

perakaran tanaman secara in vitro dapat dipacu dengan menambahkan ZPT golongan

auksin seperti Indole-3-Acetic Acid (IAA), Naphtalene Acetic Acid (NAA) dan Indole-

3-Butyric Acid (IBA) (Arlianti, 2013). Beberapa eksplan pada menelitian ini memberikan

respon pembentukan akar (Tabel 2.3).

Analisis data menggunakan Anova – two way menunjukkan bahwa interaksi BA dan

Kin berpengaruh terhadap jumlah akar (p value > 0,05). Jumlah akar paling tinggi

dihasilkan oleh perlakuan MS 0 atau tanpa tambahan ZPT. Perlakuan pemberian sitokinin

dalam konsentrasi tinggi dapat menghambat pembentukan akar. Perlakuan pelukaan saat

penanaman tunas dapat menginduksi sintesis auksin untuk pembentukan akar. Pada

beberapa kasus tertentu, akar bisa diinduksi dengan cara pemindahan tunas pada medium

tanpa ZPT sebanyak satu atau duakali untuk menurunkan konsentrasi sitokinin.

Pilihan metode yang lain adalah penambahan auksin dengan konsentrasi rendah untuk

menginduksi akar (Gaba, 2005). Arlianti (2013) melakukan percobaan induksi perakaran

Stevia, menghasikan konsentrasi ZPT terbaik untuk induksi akar adalah 0,2 ppm NAA

dengan jumlah akar 8 buah. Sedangakan Anbazhagan (2010) melaporkan ZPT 1 ppm

IAA menghasilkan akar 11 buah, Alhady (2011) dengan ZPT 2 ppm IBA menghasilkan

akar 8,4 buah dan Das (2011) dapat menghasilkan akar tanpa penambahan ZPT (MS 0)

dengan jumlah akar 15,58 buah.


Tabel 2.3 Respon pembentukan akar dengan perlakuan kombinasi ZPT BA dan Kin yang


Gambar 2.4 Akar yang terbentuk setelah diberi perlakuan kombinasi ZPT konsentrasi yang

berbeda selama 10 minggu. Keterangan; A: Akar yang terbentuk pada media MS 0, B: Akar

yang terbentuk pada media 0,5 ppm BA. Tanda panah menunjuk bagian akar. Garis putih

menunjukkan skala 0,5 cm.

A1 B

Kombinasi ZPT Jumlah


Kombinasi ZPT Jumlah

akar BA

(ppm) Kin

(ppm) BA

(ppm) Kin


0 0 2,6a 1,5 4 0,0b

0,5 0 0,15b 2 4 0,0b

1 0 0,0b 0 6 0,0b

1,5 0 0,0b 0,5 6 0,0b

2 0 0,0b 1 6 0,0b

0 2 0,05b 1,5 6 0,0b

0,5 2 0,0b 2 6 0,0b

1 2 0,0b 0 8 0,0b

1,5 2 0,0b 0,5 8 0,0b

2 2 0,0b 1 8 0,0b

0 4 0,0b 1,5 8 0,0b

0,5 4 0,0b 2 8 0,0b

1 4 0,0b * Nilai yang diikuti oleh huruf yang sama pada kolom menunjukkan

tidak adanya beda nyata pada uji Tukey selang kepercayaan 95%.


Auksin sendiri memiliki banyak peran dalam kultur jaringan, tergantung dari struktur kimia,

konsentrasi dan respon jaringan tanaman itu sendiri. Auksin menyebabkan pembentukan kalus

dan akar serta pertumbuhan ekstensi batang. Auksin secara umum memiliki fungsi menstimulasi

pemanjangan sel, pembelahan sel pada jaringan kambium dan bersama sitokinin menstimulasi

differensiasi xilem dan floem. Penambahan auksin eksogen yang cukup tinggi dapat

menginduksi somatik embrio genesis. Perbandingan rasio auksin lebih tinggi dibanding sitokinin

akan menginduksi pembentukan akar pada tunas, inisiasi kalus pada tanaman monokotil, dan

inisiasi embriogenesis somatik. Perbandingan rasio auksin dan sitokinin yang hampir seimbang

akan menginduksi terbentuknya akar tambahan dari kalus dan inisiasi kalus pada tanaman

dikotil. Perbandingan rasio auksin yang lebih rendah dibanding sitokinin akan menginduksi

tunas tambahan dan produsksi tunas aksiler. Untuk itu interaksi antara auksin dan sitokinin

sangat penting untuk mengontrol banyak proses pertumbuhan dan perkembangan secara in vitro

(Gaba, 2005).



Luaran wajib dari penelitian ini berupa jurnal ilmiah internasional terindeks scopus. Saat ini tim peneliti

sedang mempersiapkan manuskrip untuk di submit ke jurnal. Manuskrip tersebut rencananya akan

disubmit ke jurnal peerJ (terindeks scopus Q1) atau jurnal Heliyon (terindeks scopus Q2). Adapun draft

manuskrip jurnal tersebut terlampir.

BAB IV PERAN MITRA (UntukPenelitian Kerjasama Antar Perguruan Tinggi)

Mitra penelitian ini adalah Universitas PGRI Ronggolawe, Tuban, Jawa Timur. Mitra berperan dalam

membantu dalam proses drafting manuskrip jurnal ilmiah dan memberikan masukan terkait pilihan

jurnalnya. Selain itu, mitra juga berperan penting dalam memberikan jejering dalam mendapatkan

sumber atau material tanaman yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini (Stevia rebaudiana aksesi Mini).


Kendala utama dalam pelaksanaan penelitian ini adalah akses yang terbatas pada laboratorium yang

saat ini menjalankan protocol covid. Namun demikian, sebagian besar penelitian dapat diselesaikan

dengan baik.


Sebagian besar penelitian eksperimental di laboratorium telah selesai dilaksanakan. Beberapa rencana

aktivitas selanjutnya lebih pada persiapan manuskrip seperti Analisa hasil, editing gambar, dan

proofreading manuskrip.



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LAMPIRAN 1 Tabel Daftar Luaran

Program : Penelitian Kerjasama Antar Perguruan Tinggi

Nama Ketua Tim : Dr. Nurul Jadid, M.Sc

Judul : Teknik Mikropropagasi Tunas Mikro Stevia rebaudiana

(Bertoni) aksesi Mini secara in vitro sebagai Upaya

Pemuliaan dan Perbanyakan Bibit Unggul Tanaman Pemanis

Sehat Alternatif bagi Penderita Diabetes

1.Artikel Jurnal

No Judul Artikel Nama Jurnal Status Kemajuan*)

1 In Vitro Propagation of Stevia

rebaudiana (Bertoni) using Axenic

Auxillary Nodes

PeerJ draft

*) Status kemajuan: Persiapan, submitted, under review, accepted, published

In Vitro Propagation of Stevia rebaudiana (Bertoni) 1

using Axenic Auxillary Nodes 2



Nurul Jadid1*, Suci Anggraeni1, Wirdhatul Muslihatin1, Dini Ermavitalini1, Dwi Oktafitria2, 5

Supiana Dian Nurtjahyani2, Christin Risbandini1 6 7 1 Department of Biology, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia 8 2 Department of Biology Universits PGRI Ronggolawe, Tuban, Indonesia 9



Corresponding Author: 12

Nurul Jadid* 13

Kampus ITS Sukolilo, Surabaya, 60111 Indonesia 14

Email address: 15



























Abstract 42

Stevia cultivation (Stevia rebaudiana) has high economic potential because of its sweetness level 43

200-300 times, which is higher than sugar cane. However, the main obstacles in the stevia 44

cultivation is the low seed germination rate. Therefore, an efficient cultivation technique is 45

required. Micropropagation is an effective method of plant propagation, with the addition of plant 46

growth regulator (PGR) in accordance with the expected objectives. PGR is an organic compound 47

not a nutrient that affects plant growth and development. This research aims to analyse the effect 48

of different combination of Kinetin (Kin) and Benzyladenine (BA) on stevia micropropagation. Data 49

were analyzed by Anova at 95% confidence level followed by Tukey test. Different responses on 50

organogenesis (shoot and root formation) and callogenesis of stevia were observed. Intrestingly, 51

all treatment with Kin alone demonstrated callogenesis response. Treatment with the addition of 52

1 ppm BA resulted the best average of shoot number (36,05). While the treatment without PGR 53

resulted the best root formation (2,6). 54


Introduction 56

Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana) is a shrub in the Compositae family from Paraguay. Stevia 57

leaves produce a sweet taste caused by the presence of glycosides with a sweetness level of 200-58

300 times higher than sugar cane or sucrose (Geuns, 2003). Stevia leaf glycosides do not contain 59

calories and have a glycemite index of almost zero so it is suitable for diabetics and someone who 60

is losing weight (Jeppesen et al., 2002; Gregersen et al., 2004). Stevia sugar is widely used in the 61

food, soft drink, toothpaste, antibacterial and antioxidant industries. The sweet taste derived from 62

Steviosida is not digested in the body's metabolism so it is highly recommended for people with 63

diabetes, hypertension, obesity and fungal infections (Brandle et al., 1998; Megeji et al., 2005). 64

The use of stevia as a sweetener has developed in developed countries such as America and Japan. 65












In Japan, 5.6% of the sugar marketed is stevia sugar or what is known as sutebia (Rodiansah, 66

2007). 67

The number of industries that have applied stevia plants as sweeteners, makes stevia plant 68

cultivation have promising opportunities and has the potential to have quite high economic value. 69

However, stevia cultivation has a weakness in the propagation of stevia plants itself. This is due 70

to the percentage of seed germination of only 10%. Propagation of stevia by stem cuttings also 71

requires a lot of parent plants, so cultivation is largely less efficient. Due to the low rate of seed 72

germination and less efficient propagation through stem cuttings, a more effective propagation 73

method is needed. One method that can be applied for the propagation of stevia is through 74

micropropagation. 75

Micropropagation or also called plant tissue culture is the propagation of plants in sterile 76

conditions with take advantage of the totipotential properties of plant cells. The type and 77

concentration of growth regulators (ZPT) added to the culture media have an effect on the ability 78

of shoot regeneration. For shoot formation, the most commonly used ZPT is cytokinins such as 6-79

Benzyladenine (BA), kinetin, isopentenyl adenine (2-ip), zeatin and thidiazuron (TDZ) (Lestari, 80

2008). Apart from growth regulators, another important thing that influences the response of plant 81

explants is depending on the plant species, variety, accession or plant from which the explants 82

come from. Species, varieties, accessions and plant origins of the explants encode different genes, 83

so that when interacting with the environment, they will have different effects. The influence of 84

genes is closely related to the factors that influence explant growth, such as nutritional 85

requirements, growth regulators, and the culture environment (Hendaryono and Wijayani, 1994). 86

Ibrahim, et al (2008) and Anbazhagan, et al (2010) have succeeded in conducting 87

micropropagation experiments of stevia shoots with ZPT 6-Benzyladenine (BA) and Kinetin 88

(Kin). Based on this research, the utilization of 6-Benzyladenine (BA) and kinetin (Kin) produced 89

quite a lot of shoots, so it is necessary to experiment with the application of these hormones with 90

a lower limit concentration of BA 0 mg / L and an upper limit of 2 mg / L while the lower limit of 91

Kin 0 concentration. mg / L and an upper limit of 8 mg / L for Kin in the hope of producing more 92

shoots because the needs and types of ZPT used for each genotype are not the same (Lestari, 2008). 93

In Indonesia, there are several accessions, namely green accessions, jumbo accessions, 94

purple accessions, yellow accessions and mini accessions. In this study, mini accessions were used. 95

Therefore, this research was carried out by developing several previous studies in order to obtain 96

the optimum combination of ZPT for the micropropagation of miniature Stevia rebaudiana shoots. 97


Materials & Methods 99

Plant Material 100

Stevia acc. Mini was obtained from Malang's Sweetener and Fiber Crops Research Institute. The 101

explants used were in the form of nodes or segments of uniform size, located in the order of 1-4, 102

counted from the shoots and not yet flowering. 103

Preparation and Sterilization of Media 104

Preparation of the media begins with dissolving sucrose with a concentration of 30 g / L in distilled 105

water with a volume of half the volume of media to be made. After dissolving, MS instant was 106

added with a concentration of 4.43 g / L then dissolved in the sugar solution that had been made 107

previously until it was homogeneous. Once homogeneous, add distilled water to reach the volume 108

of media you want to make. The combination of the growth regulator Kinetin (concentration range 109

0 ppm to 8 ppm) and Benzyladenine (concentration range 0 ppm to 2 ppm) is added according to 110

the type of medium to be made. The pH of the media was measured and conditioned in the range 111

of 5.6-5.8 (1N NaOH or 1N HCl added to reach this pH) with a pH meter. To be added with a 112

concentration of 8.2 g / L after the pH has reached 5.6-5.8. In order to be dissolved on a magnetic 113

stirrer with a hot plate, after dissolving the media it is poured into a culture bottle of 25-30 ml. The 114

culture bottle containing the medium was covered with aluminum foil. Media is sterilized at a 115

temperature of 121˚C with a pressure of 1 atm for 20 minutes by autoclave. The media is allowed 116

to stand at room temperature for 2-3 days to see whether the media made is sterile or not. 117

Sterilization of Equipment and Materials 118

Sterilization of the equipment begins by sterilizing the culture bottles by immersing them in 0.3% 119

sodium hypolorite (NaOCl) for 24 hours, then washing them with soap and drying them in the sun. 120

Scalpels, spatulas and tweezers are sterilized by spraying with 70% alcohol. The materials that 121

need to be sterilized are tissue, distilled water and black cloth. Material sterilization is carried out 122

by heating the diauoclave at a temperature of 121˚C at a pressure of 1 atm for 20 minutes. 123

Sterilization of the Inoculation Room 124

Before doing explant inoculation, the inoculation room needs to be sterilized first. First, spray the 125

glass walls of Laminar Air Flow (LAF) with 70% alcohol and then wipe them with a tissue. Media, 126

sterile tissue, tweezers, scalpels, spatulas and LAF distilled water. The UV lamp is turned on for 127

5 minutes, then the blower is turned on and left for 3 minutes. LAF is ready to use. 128

Explant Sterilization 129

This research was conducted using explant nodes or segments in the order of 1-4 counted from the 130

shoots. Sterilization of nodes from parent plants to produce sterile plantlets that will be used for 131

shoot micropropagation. Stems containing 1-4 nodes of the parent plant are cut into pieces per 132

node. Sterilization begins by rinsing the explants under running water for 1 minute. Drain the node 133

so that no water drips. The nodes are soaked and shaken with 70% alcohol for 1 minute. 134

Sterilization was followed by soaking in 1.5% NaOCl for 5 minutes while shaking. The final step 135

is to rinse the expanant with sterile aquadest 4 times, each rinse for 4 minutes in LAF. 136


Explant Inoculation 138

Node explants from sterilized broodstock plants are cut at each end on sterile tissue. The explants 139

were inoculated into MS 0 media, with a total of 5 explants 140

every bottle. Before opening and closing the culture bottle, the lip of the bottle is heated through a 141

bunsen fire. The explant is inoculated with the bud facing upwards. After planting, the culture 142

bottles were closed using aluminum foil which was previously passed through the fire. After the 143

culture bottle is covered with aluminum foil, the tip of the bottle is heated in a bunsen area. 144

Growth of Inoculation Result Explants 145

Culture bottles containing media and explants were placed in a culture room with a temperature of 146

approximately 25˚C on culture racks lit with 40 watts per square meter of TL lamps, approximately 147

1000 lux with 16 hours of light and 8 hours of darkness. . Maintenance is carried out by checking 148

the contamination level of the observed material every 2x a week. 149

Observation Variables 150

The observation variables of this study are: 151

a. Percentage of explants sprouting, which is calculated by the formula: 152



b. Percentage of callous explants: 155

𝛴 𝐸𝑘𝑠𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑛 𝑦𝑎𝑛𝑔 𝑏𝑒𝑟𝑡𝑢𝑛𝑎𝑠

𝛴 𝐸𝑘𝑠𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑛 𝑦𝑎𝑛𝑔 𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑎 𝑝𝑎𝑑𝑎 𝑠𝑒𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑝 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑙𝑎𝑘𝑢𝑎𝑛 x 100%

𝛴 𝐸𝑘𝑠𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑛 𝑦𝑎𝑛𝑔 𝑏𝑒𝑟𝑘𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑠

𝛴 𝐸𝑘𝑠𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑛 𝑦𝑎𝑛𝑔 𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑎 𝑝𝑎𝑑𝑎 𝑠𝑒𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑝 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑙𝑎𝑘𝑢𝑎𝑛 x 100%


c. Number of shoots and roots. 157

Calculation of the number of shoots, roots and callus formed was carried out after 10 weeks from 158

planting time. 159

Research Design and Data Analysis 160

This research was conducted using a completely randomized design (CRD) with 5 repetitions. 161

Data analysis was performed using the Minitab 17 - Anova two way program. If there is a 162

significant difference, then proceed with the Tukey test with a confidence level of 95%. The data 163

analyzed included the percentage of sprouting parameters, 164

number of shoots, and number of roots. 165

Results and Discussion 166

Organogenesis and Callogenesis Responses 167

Plant growth regulators (PGRs) are organic molecules other than nutrients (elements that provide 168

energy or mineral nutrients), which affect plant growth and development. PGRs is active at 169

relatively low concentrations. Several types of PGRs have functions to accelerate, inhibit, and 170

cause mutations in physiological processes that occur in plants (Basra, 2000). In in vitro culture 171

the use of PGRs in low concentrations is required to induce cell proliferation and organogenesis 172

(Gaba, 2005). The use of growth regulators in tissue culture also depends on the goal or direction 173

of growth desired. Lestari (2008) revealed that the interaction between PGRs that occurs naturally 174

(endogenously) in explants (cells, tissue or plant organs) and exogenous PGRs also affects plant 175

growth and organogenesis. Benzyladenine (BA) and Kinetin (Kin) are PGRs cytokinins that 176

function as a stimulant for cell division and breakdown of apical donations by auxins (Salisbury 177

and Ross, 1995). This study used explants in the form of nodes from sterile stevia plantlets. This 178

sterile explant is generally known as a secondary explant. In this study, the interaction of BA and 179

Kin at different concentrations caused different responses to organogenesis and callogenesis 180

(Table 1). Chishimba (2000) reported that the addition of BA, Kin and PGRs other cytokinins to 181

the in vitro culture of shoot explants of Uapaca kirkiana shoots gave a different response. This 182

was also reported by Quadri (2012) who stated that the addition of BA, Kin and Thidiazuron to 183

the in vitro shoot proliferation of Hyoscyamus niger L. also gave a different response. 184

Data analysis using Anova - two way showed that the interaction between BA and Kin had 185

no effect on the percentage of explants sprouting (p value> 0.05). However, explants grown on 186

MS medium with different combination treatment of ZPT almost entirely responded to shoot 187

formation. The value of the percentage of shoot formation ranged from 45% -100%. The lowest 188

shoot formation response appeared in the medium with the addition of ZPT 1 ppm BA + 8 ppm 189

Kin. While the highest response to shoot formation appeared in the medium with the addition of 190

ZPT BA singly and in combination with low concentrations of Kin (0.5 ppm BA + 2 ppm Kin 191

(Figure 2.1) and 1.5 ppm BA + 2 ppm Kin). From these data it can be concluded that BAZ ZPT 192

provides an organogenetic response in the form of better shoot formation than Kin in this study. 193

The low percentage of sprouting due to the presence of Kin in inducing the growth of axillary 194

shoots is in accordance with the results of research by Thiyagarajan (2012), Razak (2014), Rafiq 195

(2007). 196

BA provides a better response to shoot formation because it has stronger activity (Zaer and 197

Mapes, 1982) and causes more significant elongation than kinetin (Salisbury and Ross, 1995). BA 198

has the same basic structure as kinetin but is more effective because BA has a benzyl group 199

(George, l984). Flick (1993) stated that in general, plants have a better response to BA than to 200

kinetin and 2-iP so that BA is more effective for in vitro shoot production. 201

In addition to the response of sprouted explants, this study also observed the response of callous 202

explants. Callus is an amorphous and unorganized mass of cells that is formed on the surface of 203

the injured tissue piece as a protective response to cover the injured tissue (Heryanto, 2014). In 204

this study, 100% callus was formed on media supplemented with Kin (Figure 2.1). The 205

morphology of the callus after 10 weeks of inoculation, the callus is compact and brownish while 206

on the top surface of the callus, the callus is friabele greenish in color (Ikeuchi, 2013). Gupta 207

(2010) reported that the addition of Kin with a concentration of 3 ppm, 4 ppm and 5 ppm gave a 208

response to callus formation. 209

Cell division that occurs due to cytokinins can produce undifferentiated callus (Gaba, 210

2005). Anbazhagan (2010) reported that addition of Kin to stevia shoot propagation can initiate 211

shoots at the beginning of growth only and this has documented earlier studies also by Murashige 212

(1974), Benne and Davies (1986) and Rogers (1998). Different research results were reported by 213

ibrahim (2008) that the shoot tip explants of stevia planted on the medium with the addition of Kin 214

alone produced a higher number of shoots compared to the number of shoots in this study, although 215

the response to the number of shoots produced by BA ZPT was still higher than ZPT. Kin. The 216

differences in the results of these studies could be caused by different explants' genotypes. The 217

genotype factor itself is the most important factor in tissue culture (Gaba, 2005). 218

Shoot Formation 219

The number of shoots formed is the main purpose in commercial micropropagation of plants. 220

Multiplication of shoots is induced by the application of exogenous cytokines to the growth 221

medium (Gaba, 2005). The results of the two-way anova-analysis showed that the addition of the 222

combination of Kin and BA with different concentrations had an effect on the number of shoots 223

(P value <0.05). The concentration of ZPT that produced the highest number of shoots was 1 ppm 224

BA with the number of shoots produced as many as 36.05 shoots (Table 2.2; Figure 2.3). While 225

the lowest number of shoots was produced by a combination of ZPT 1 ppm BA + 8 ppm Kin and 226

1 ppm BA + 6 ppm Kin with a number of shoots of 0.65. Based on these data, it can be concluded 227

that BA is more effective in shoot multiplication than Kin. Alhady (2011) and Anbazhagan (2010) 228

also reported that BA was more effective for stevia shoot multiplication. This also occurs in other 229

species such as Bauhinia veriegate (Ahmed, 2007), Balanites aegyptiace (Mathur, 1992), and 230

Periploca angustifolia (Abd-Alhady, 2010). The number of shoots produced by Alhady (2011) in 231

the treatment of 2 ppm BA + o, 5 ppm Kin 36.9 shoots (highest yield) while in treatment 0.5 ppm 232

BA + 0.5 ppm Kin 18.1 shoots (lowest yield) . Anbazhagan (2010) produced the number of shoots 233

9.20 at 2 ppm BA treatment and 4.40 at 2 ppm Kin. 234

The basic function of cytokinins is to stimulate cytokinesis or cell division. A study of 235

cytokinin-activated cell division in the apical meristem, Houssa et al. (1990) obtained results 236

largely consistent with the study of Fosket et al. (1981). They found that benzyladenine greatly 237

shortened the time that the S phase took place in the cell cycle (from G2 to mitosis, the DNA and 238

protein synthesis stage of cell division). Fosket, et al (1981) concluded that cytokinins promote 239

cell division in tissue cultures by increasing the transition from G2 to mitosis and this occurs 240

because cytokinins increase the rate of protein synthesis. Some of these proteins are in the form of 241

building proteins or enzymes needed for mitosis. Protein can be increased by stimulating the 242

formation of mRNA that encodes these proteins. 243

Cytokinins can induce shoot formation by generating cytokinin signals due to positive 244

regulation of WIND1 that occurs due to injury. WINDs are transcription factors and support 245

dedifferentiation (have the same function as WUS). After the cytokinin signal appeared, WUS 246

inhibited the expression of ARRs to maintain the stem cell population in the shoot meristem tissue. 247

After positive regulation of cytokinin signals to WUS, WUS positively regulates CLV3. CLV3 248

functions to regulate cell proliferation in SAM, the presence of reciprocal regulation between 249

CLV3 and WUS to maintain stem cell population and tissue size resulting in cell differentiation 250

and forming lateral organ arrangement (Ikeda, 2014). 251

Root Formation 252

In vitro root formation is necessary to convert shoots into whole plantlets that can be 253

transplanted into a greenhouse (Gaba, 2005). In vitro plant root initiation can be stimulated by 254

adding ZPT auxin groups such as Indole-3-Acetic Acid (IAA), Naphtalene Acetic Acid (NAA) 255

and Indole-3-Butyric Acid (IBA) (Arlianti, 2013). Several explants in this study responded to root 256

formation (Table 2.3). Data analysis using Anova - two way shows that the interaction between 257

BA and Kin affects the number of roots (p value> 0.05). The highest number of roots was produced 258

by MS 0 treatment or without the addition of ZPT. Treatment of cytokinins in high concentrations 259

can inhibit root formation. The wound treatment during shoot planting can induce auxin synthesis 260

for root formation. In certain cases, roots can be induced by transplanting the shoots to the medium 261

without ZPT once or twice to reduce the cytokinin concentration. 262

Another method option is the addition of auxin at low concentrations to induce roots (Gaba, 263

2005). Arlianti (2013) conducted an experiment on root induction of Stevia, which resulted in the 264

best ZPT concentration for root induction of 0.2 ppm NAA with 8 roots. While Anbazhagan (2010) 265

reported ZPT 1 ppm IAA produced 11 roots, Alhady (2011) with 2 ppm IBA ZPT produced 8.4 266

fruits and Das (2011) was able to produce roots without the addition of ZPT (MS 0) with 15 roots. 267

58 pieces. 268

Auxin itself has many roles in tissue culture, depending on the chemical structure, 269

concentration and response of the plant tissue itself. Auxins cause callus and root formation as 270

well as the growth of stem extensions. Auxins in general have the function of stimulating cell 271

elongation, cell division in the cambium tissue and together with cytokinins stimulating xylem and 272

phloem differentiation. The addition of high enough exogenous auxin can induce somatic embryo 273

genesis. A higher ratio of auxin to cytokinins will induce root formation in shoots, callus initiation 274

in monocot plants, and initiation of somatic embryogenesis. A nearly balanced ratio of auxin to 275

cytokinin will induce the formation of additional roots from callus and callus initiation in dicot 276

plants. A lower ratio of auxin to cytokinin will induce additional shoots and axillary shoot 277

production. For this reason, the interaction between auxin and cytokinins is very important to 278

control many growth and development processes in vitro (Gaba, 2005). 279

Conclusions 280

We report the use of secondary explants derived from axenic auxillary nodes of stevia accession 281

Mini. Different organogenesis and callogenesis responses resulted from the use of different 282

combination of cytokinins (Kin and BA) concentration. The percentage of shoot formation ranged 283

from 45-100%. The lowest shoot formation was obtained from the MS media with 1 ppm BA and 284

8 ppm Kin. Whereas, the highest percentage of shoot formation appeared in the MS with BA only 285

and in combination with low concentration of Kin. Meanwhile, callogenesis responses were mostly 286

obtained from the MS media containing Kin. Explant placed in the MS medium with 1 ppm BA 287

alone showed highest shoot proliferation (36,05 shoots). Overall, these results indicate that the 288

comprehensive selection of PGRs types and concentration contribute to better organogenesis 289

responses. Also, these findings might be used for accelerating breeding and genetic improvement 290

of stevia cultivars. 291

Acknowledgements 292

The authors would like to thank all members of the laboratory of plant bioscience and technology 293

for all technical supports. We also acknowledge Indonesian Sweetener and Fiber Crops Research 294

Institute for providing plant materials. 295

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Tabel 2.1 Organogenesis and callogenesis responses of stevia in MS containing different 376

concentration of PGRs 377

PGRs Combination Explants


shoot (%)


(%) BA




0 0 100 0

0,5 0 100 0

1 0 100 0

1,5 0 100 0

2 0 100 0

0 2 90 100

0,5 2 100 100

1 2 90 100

1,5 2 100 100

2 2 65 100

0 4 85 100

0,5 4 90 100

1 4 60 100

1,5 4 65 100

2 4 60 100

0 6 75 100

0,5 6 75 100

1 6 50 100

1,5 6 60 100

2 6 85 100

0 8 95 100

0,5 8 75 100

1 8 45 100

1,5 8 75 100

2 8 85 100


Tabel 2.2 The response to the number of shoots produced by sterile node explants was 379

treated with different combinations of PGRs 380








































Kombinasi ZPT Jumlah tunas

Kombinasi ZPT Jumlah tunas

BA (ppm)

Kin (ppm)

BA (ppm)

Kin (ppm)

0 0 1,9e 1,5 4 1,4e

0,5 0 4,95de 2 4 1e

1 0 36,05a 0 6 1,2e

1,5 0 17,2c 0,5 6 1,6e

2 0 26b 1 6 0,65e

0 2 1,9e 1,5 6 0,8e

0,5 2 8d 2 6 1,4e

1 2 3,55de 0 8 1,7e

1,5 2 7,35d 0,5 8 1,05e

2 2 1,05e 1 8 0,65e

0 4 1,55e 1,5 8 1,65e

0,5 4 1,8e 2 8 1,4e

1 4 0,85e

Table 2.3 Response to root formation with different combinations of ZPT BA and Kin treatment 420








































Kombinasi ZPT Jumlah


Kombinasi ZPT Jumlah

akar BA

(ppm) Kin

(ppm) BA

(ppm) Kin


0 0 2,6a 1,5 4 0,0b

0,5 0 0,15b 2 4 0,0b

1 0 0,0b 0 6 0,0b

1,5 0 0,0b 0,5 6 0,0b

2 0 0,0b 1 6 0,0b

0 2 0,05b 1,5 6 0,0b

0,5 2 0,0b 2 6 0,0b

1 2 0,0b 0 8 0,0b

1,5 2 0,0b 0,5 8 0,0b

2 2 0,0b 1 8 0,0b

0 4 0,0b 1,5 8 0,0b

0,5 4 0,0b 2 8 0,0b

1 4 0,0b * Nilai yang diikuti oleh huruf yang sama pada kolom menunjukkan

tidak adanya beda nyata pada uji Tukey selang kepercayaan 95%.











Figure 2.1 Organogenesis responses are in the form of shoots (1) and callogenesis (2). 470

The explant is 10 weeks old. Information; A. 0.5 ppm BA + 2 ppm Kin, B. 0.5 ppm BA 471

+ 4 ppm Kin. The white line shows the 0.5 cm scale. 472

























A1 B1





















Figure 2.2 Organogenetic response in the form of shoots on explants planted on 0.5 ppm BA 517

medium. The explant is 10 weeks old. Note: The white line indicates the 0.5 cm scale. 518




















































Figure 2.3 Observation of the number of shoots 10 weeks after inoculation. Information; (A) 570

explants grown on MS 0 medium or control. (B) explants grown on 0.5 ppm BA media. (C) 571

explants grown on 1 ppm BA medium. The white line shows the 0.5 cm scale. 572
































Figure 4.4 Roots formed after being treated with a combination of ZPT with different 598

concentrations for 10 weeks. Information; A: Roots formed on MS media 0, B: Roots formed on 599

0.5 ppm BA media. The arrows point to the roots. The white line shows the 0.5 cm scale. 600


A1 B