kuliah tamu - teknologi di dunia

Post on 09-Jan-2017

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Transcript of kuliah tamu - teknologi di dunia

Technology In the world – viqi firdaus

pingky titus 4103151046Adelia indah 4103151051Harcahyanto utas 4103151060

“sebelum men-develop teknologi, sebuah perusahaan harus tau kondisi dan trend kedepan untuk dapat menentukan persaingan dan prepare ke depan”

Technology in the World1. Applied AI (Activation Intellegent) and Advanced Machine Learning : Google Assistance2. Intellegent Apps : Messanger3. Intellegent Things :Robot, Drone, Vehicle Autonomus 4. Virtual and Augmented Reallity5. Digital Twins : menggabungkan sesuatu yang tidak nyata menjadi nyata, 3D modeling6. Blockchain : uang virtual7. Conversational Systems 8. Mesh App and Service Architecture : mesosphere dari Pens cloud computing9. Digital Technology Platform10. Adaptive Security

Mobile Technology- liem edi wahono

pingky titus 4103151046Adelia indah 4103151051Harcahyanto utas 4103151060

Evolusi1. Java ME (Mikro Edition) Platform2. Palm OS3. Symbian OS4. Windows System OS5. Blackberry OS6. Iphone OS7. Google Android Platform

Mobile apps types1. Responsive website : bisa di akses dimana saja2. Native Apps : kalkulator, music player3. Hybrid Apps (WEB) : facebook, skype & situs komersil4. Hybrid Apps (Mixed) :youtube, JOOX

Mobile apps categories1. Communications2. Games3. Multimedia4. Productivity5. Travel6. Utilities7. Education

cross platform app development1. Deliver Multi-platform Application2. Deliver Native Android, Iphone, And Windows Apps3. Html54. Xamarin

Tool for multi-platform apps development1. CORDOVA – Apache2. PhoneGab – Adobe3. PhoneGab Build – Adobe