Instalasi Network Monitoring System (Nagios) Ubuntu 12.04

Post on 05-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Instalasi Network Monitoring System (Nagios) Ubuntu 12.04

Instalasi dan konfigurasi Nagios3 Pada Ubuntu 12.04

1. Pertama masuk pada terminal di ubuntu untuk mulai instalasi nagios3


2. cek apakah packet yang dibutuhkan sudah ada atau perlu diinstalkan kembali

root@febiramadhan-Aspire-4741:/home/febiramadhan# dpkg -l |grep apache2

root@febiramadhan-Aspire-4741:/home/febiramadhan# dpkg -l |grep nagios3

3. Jika belum anda perlu setting “/etc/apt/source.list” dan masukan alamat repository

root@febiramadhan-Aspire-4741:/home/febiramadhan# nano /etc/apt/sources.list

4. lalu save dan mulai ketikan “apt-get install nagios3” dan “apt-get install apache2”

root@febiramadhan-Aspire-4741:/home/febiramadhan# apt-get install apache2

root@febiramadhan-Aspire-4741:/home/febiramadhan# apt-get install nagios3

5. lalu mulai konfigurasi dan masuk pada file “/etc/nagios3/conf.d/localhost_nagios2.cfg”

# A simple configuration file for monitoring the local host

# This can serve as an example for configuring other servers;

# Custom services specific to this host are added here, but services

# defined in nagios2-common_services.cfg may also apply.

define host{

use generic-host ; Name of host template to use

host_name nugroho

alias LMD



define host{

use generic-host ; Name of host template to use

host_name firman

alias LMD



define host{

use generic-host ; Name of host template to use

host_name indri

alias LMD



# Define a service to check the disk space of the root partition

# on the local machine. Warning if <20% free, critical if

# <10% free space on partition.

define service{

use generic-service ; Name of service template to use

host_name nugroho

service_description Disk Space

check_command check_all_disks!20%!10%


define service{

use generic-service ; Name of service template to use

host_name firman

service_description Disk Space

check_command check_all_disks!20%!10%


define service{

use generic-service ; Name of service template to use

host_name indri

service_description Disk Space

check_command check_all_disks!20%!10%


# Define a service to check the number of currently logged in

# users on the local machine. Warning if >20 users, critical

# if >50 users.

define service{

use generic-service ; Name of service template to use

host_name nugroho

service_description Current Users

check_command check_users!20!50


define service{

use generic-service ; Name of service template to use

host_name firman

service_description Current Users

check_command check_users!20!50


define service{

use generic-service ; Name of service template to use

host_name indri

service_description Current Users

check_command check_users!20!50


# Define a service to check the number of currently running procs

# on the local machine. Warning if >250 processes, critical if

# >400 processes.

define service{

use generic-service ; Name of service template to use

host_name nugroho

service_description Total Processes

check_command check_procs!250!400


define service{

use generic-service ; Name of service template to use

host_name firman

service_description Total Processes

check_command check_procs!250!400


define service{

use generic-service ; Name of service template to use

host_name indri

service_description Total Processes

check_command check_procs!250!400


# Define a service to check the load on the local machine.

define service{

use generic-service ; Name of service template to use

host_name nugroho

service_description Current Load

check_command check_load!5.0!4.0!3.0!10.0!6.0!4.0


define service{

use generic-service ; Name of service template to use

host_name firman

service_description Current Load

check_command check_load!5.0!4.0!3.0!10.0!6.0!4.0


define service{

use generic-service ; Name of service template to use

host_name indri

service_description Current Load

check_command check_load!5.0!4.0!3.0!10.0!6.0!4.0


6. Lalu masuk pada “/etc/nagios3/conf.d/hostgroup_nagios2.cfg” dan masukan sintaks

tambahan pada file dan mengelompokan sesuai yang kita inginkan.

# Some generic hostgroup definitions

# A simple wildcard hostgroup

define hostgroup {

hostgroup_name all

alias All Servers

members nugroho,firman,indri


# A list of your Debian GNU/Linux servers

define hostgroup {

hostgroup_name debian-servers

alias Debian GNU/Linux Servers

members nugroho,firman,indri


# A list of your web servers

define hostgroup {

hostgroup_name http-servers

alias HTTP servers

members nugroho,firman,indri


# A list of your ssh-accessible servers

define hostgroup {

hostgroup_name ssh-servers

alias SSH servers

members nugroho,firman,indri


# A list of your ping servers

define hostgroup {

hostgroup_name ping-servers

alias Ping Servers

members nugroho,firman,indri


7. Lalu masuk file “/etc/nagios3/conf.d/services_nagios2.cfg” untuk memasukan settingan

dan perintah pengecekan monitoring yang akan dilakukan.

# check that web services are running

define service {

hostgroup_name http-servers

service_description HTTP

check_command check_http

use generic-service

notification_interval 0 ; set >0 if you want to be renotified


# check that ssh services are running

define service {

hostgroup_name ssh-servers

service_description SSH

check_command check_ssh

use generic-service

notification_interval 0 ; set >0 if you want to be renotified


define service {

hostgroup_name ping-servers

service_description PING

check_command check_ping

use generic-service

notification_interval 0 ; set >0 if you want to be renotified


8. Lalu restart paket nagios

root@febiramadhan-Aspire-4741:/home/febiramadhan# invoke-rc.d nagios3 restart

9. Dan terkahir jangan lupa masukan perintah memasukan password dan ussername nya

root@febiramadhan-Aspire-4741:/home/febiramadhan# htpasswd –c /etc/nagios3/htpaswd.users


10. Konfigurasi selesai, kita langsung bisa membuktikan bahwa host atau ketiga user dalam

ketiga IP tersebut dapat kita monitoring

Nugroho :

Firman :

Indri :

11. Buka web browser

12. masuk ke halaman “http:/localhost/nagios3” dan masuk sesuai username dan password

yang telah di setting.

13. Lalu pilih “map” di pojok kiri untuk melihat hasil user yang telah kita monitoring.

14. Dan kita lihat semua status host yang telah kita monitoring