Democracy - Jokowi

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Democracy - Jokowi

Mariske Myeke Tampi


A system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through

elected representatives.---

Sebuah sistem pemerintahan yang diselenggarakan oleh seluruh penduduk atau semua anggota yang memiliki

hak atas suatu negara (warga negara), biasanya melalui perwakilan yang dipilih.


Joseph Schumpeter:“Demokrasi merupakan suatu perencanaan institusional untuk

mencapai keputusan politik dimana individu-individu memperoleh kekuasaan untuk memutuskan cara perjuangan kompetitif atas suara rakyat.”


Affan Gaffar:“Demokrasi dalam dua bentuk yaitu demokrasi normatif dan

demokrasi empirik.” • Demokrasi normatif : demokrasi yang secara ideal hendak

dilakukan oleh sebuah negara.• Demokrasi empirik : demokrasi dalam perwujudannya pada

dunia politik praktis.

Have you read this?

Mengapa terpilihnya Jokowi disebut membawa harapan baru dalam



Mengapa terpilihnya Jokowi disebut membawa harapan baru dalam


“Jokowi - who has promised to focus on healthcare and education - has been catapulted to power by

his "man of the people" image, our correspondent says.”

Joko Widodo sworn in as Indonesian president,

Apa artinya "man of the people" image?

• Can Joko Widodo Accelerate the Democratization Process in Indonesia? Why do we still see many of the same names in the top of Indonesian politics? Basically because money-politics, status and nepotism are still the dominant factors in politics and society today. The current Indonesian political parties are not democratic institutions in itself but still hold on to this other cultural heritage.

However, Jokowi seems to be one of the few exceptions to this political tradition. He is not connected to any political party (although will need to be nominated by a political party, or collaboration of parties, in order to join the presidential bid) and does not come from the established political-corporate oligarchy (politics and business are highly intertwined in Indonesia) that was influential by the end of the Suharto era. In combination with his style of rule and personality, it makes him highly popular among Indonesians.


Apa artinya "man of the people" image?

• Joko Widodo Ranked at #37 in Fortune Magazine's 50 Greatest LeadersGlobal business magazine Fortune released the latest version of its world's 50 greatest leaders ranking. Fortune's annual ranking is based on a person's possession of rare leadership skills, admirability as well as having an influential role in society. The list was topped by Pope Francis who is considered to have attracted legions of non-Catholic admirers through the setting of a new direction. There was also one Indonesian leader included in the list. Governor of Jakarta Jokowi was ranked at number 37.

In 2005 the self-made furniture exporter was elected mayor of Solo, a 500,000-person city in Indonesia. "Jokowi," as he's known, cleaned up the city and rooted out corruption, thrilling an Indonesian public weary of the status quo. His ascent since then has been swift: In 2012 he became governor of Jakarta. Now he's the favorite for Indonesia's July 2014 presidential election.


Apa artinya "man of the people" image?

• Indonesian Leader in Global SpotlightOthers are looking for Mr. Joko to immediately play a visible role on the international stage, given that Indonesia is the world’s fourth-most populous country, its largest Muslim-majority state and a G-20 member. It also lies astride the world’s busiest shipping lane in the Strait of Malacca.

Indonesia also has domestic problems with a global impact, including climate change due to deforestation, terrorism and human trafficking. “He has an opportunity to shine,” said Alexander Feldman, president and chief executive of the U.S.-Asean Business Council. “The world is curious about Jokowi and what he is going to focus on. And I think that world leaders want to court him.”

Since its independence from Dutch colonial rule in the 1940s, Indonesia has maintained a feel-good foreign policy that Mr. Joko’s predecessor, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, described as “a million friends and zero enemies.”


Substansi Demokrasi 1. Apakah ada penghargaan terhadap setiap individu? (Prinsip

Egalitarian)2. Apakah kekuasaan ada di bawah kontrol efektif rakyat

melalui sistem yang terbuka?3. Apakah ada supremasi hukum?4. Apakah ada kebebasan berpendapat dan menyatakan pikiran

baik lisan maupun tulisan?5. Apakah ada partai politik yang tumbuh dari bawah (grass-

root) dan partisipatif?

Substansi Demokrasi 6. Apakah prinsip masyarakat sipil (civil society) berjalan?7. Apakah ada perlindungan konstitusional terhadap setiap

individu atau kelompok?8. Apakah relasi elite dan non-elite berlangsung secara

manusiawi?9. Apakah ada penghormatan terhadap martabat manusia?10. Apakah rekruitmen kekuasaan dilakukan melalui prosedur

yang terbuka dan adil?


secara umum








Demorasi langsung

(direct democracy)

Demokrasi tidak



Mengenai demokrasi langsung dan tidak langsung :Pelajari kasus tentang RUU Pilkada tentang pemilihan gubernur, bupati, wali kota yang dipilih oleh DPRD yang telah Disahkan oleh DPR RI.

Lembaga legislatif hanya berfungsi sebagai lembaga pengawas jalannya pemerintahanPemilihan pejabat eksekutif (presiden, wakil presiden, gubernur, bupati dan walikota) dilakukan oleh rakyat melalui pemilu
disebut juga demokrasi perwakilan dimana kedaulatan rakyat dilakukan melalui lembaga perwakilan

SumberKrisna, Aryaning Arya. 2006. Modul Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan. Tangerang:

accelerate-the-process-of-democratization-in-indonesia/item1684 (diakses 19 Oktober 2014) (diakses 19 Oktober 2014) (diakses 21 Oktober 2014) (diakses 17 Oktober 2014) (diakses 17 Oktober 2014)