Post on 07-Feb-2018

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lewat jaringan ADSL-Speedyserta Menggabungkan Jaringan Jarak

Jauh Menjadi Jaringan Lokal

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Hak copy ada di tangan pembaca tulisan ini :TULISAN INI BEBAS UNTUK DICOPY, DIPERBANYAK BAHKAN


Pernyataan untuk Tidak berTanggung Jawab :

Jujur saja, saya menulis tulisan ini dengan sangat tergesa-gesa dan cepat dengan

tanpa harus berfikir panjang terhadap tatabahasa atau lainnya. Sehingga dapat

dipastikan bahwa tulisan dalam buku ini tidak sempurna dan barangkali penuh

dengan berbagai macam ketidak tepatan disana-sini, Dan jika para pembaca sekalian

terpaku dengan isi bacaan dalam buku ini dengan tanpa berfikir panjang dalam

membaca dan menggunakan buku ini --- dengan tanpa diikuti dengan kehati-hatian

--- kemudian jika timbul masalah, pusing dan bingung --- saya hanya mengatakan

salah sendiri kenapa baca buku ini ---, dan jangan menyalahkan saya. Saya hanya

ingin berbagi tetapi tidak ingin ikut-ikutan pusing dan bertanggung jawab terhadap

kepusingan dalam membaca dan mencoba isi buku ini.

Permohonan :

Oleh karena itu, jika ada saran-saran terhadap buku ini, supaya buku ini lebih jelas,

lebih bermanfaat, mudah difahami dan benar, silahkan jangan ragu-ragu untuk

memberitahukan kepada kami berkaitan dengan koreksi yang harus kami lakukan,

lewat email mufid@yahoo.com

Koreksi terakhir dari tulisan ini kami taruh website kami di http://www.mufid.web.id/CatatanBuatServer.pdf



lewat jaringan ADSL

Daftar IsiPendahuluan 1

Susunan kabel yang digunakan untuk jaringan internet 2

Jaringan Lokal 3

Menginstall modem ADSL ke Bridge 5

Mulai mengolah Server 7

Melakukan dial ke speedy 9

Install Server DHCP 16

Server DNS 31

Masquerading 47

Menginstall Server FTP 50

Install Apache2 64

Install PHP 64

Menginstall paket php5-mysql 75



lewat jaringan ADSLPendahuluan

Bersama ini saya tuliskan langkah demi langkah menginstall server yang digunakan

untuk server proxy, server web, maupun server database mysql. Serta dibahas pula

masalah penggabungan jaringan dari berbagai lokasi seolah-olah menjadi jaringan


Dengan menginstall web server, maka server dapat digunakan untuk menyebarkan

informasi langsung ke internet. Sehinga orang-orang yang terhubung dengan internet

dapat langsung mengambil data yang dipasang di server. Sedangkan dengan proxy

server memudahkan pengontrolkan orang-orang atau se RW atau sekeluarga dalam

menggunakan jaringan internet. Dengan memanfaatkan server proxy maka akses

internet dapat dilakukan dengan adil, menyenangkan serta tidak ada kata mengeluh.

Sedangkan dengan server database akan menjamin keamanan data agar data-data

penting yang diperlukan untuk disebarkan ke internet ditampilkan dan digunakan atas

sepengetahuan pemiliknya. Adapun jika server database ini berada di luar kantor,

maka yang sangat mungkin terjadi atau bahkan pasti bisa terjadi bahwa data-data

penting dapat dicuri atau dimanfaatkan oleh orang-orang yang tidak dikenal atau

tidak berhak .

Server yang akan dibangun dan dibahas dalam buku ini yaitu server yang :

1. Terkoneksi ke internet dengan menggunakan ADSL seperti Speedy

2. Tekoneksi ke internet dengan ip publik. Oleh karena itu pastikan bahwa

koneksi ke internet yang dilakukan dengan mendapatkan ip publik. Untuk

jelasnya apa ip publik dapat di browsing lewat google.

3. Komputer yang digunakan sebagai server ini paling tidak memilki memory

1Giga dan harddisk 10 Gb dengan processor minimal pentium IV.

4. Server yang diinstal Linux Ubuntu dengan 32Bit atau 64Bit. Jika ingin


menggunakan Linux 64Bit pastikan bahwa komputer yang akan digunakan

sebagai server dapat digunakan untuk operasi 64Bit dan memory server paling

tidak 4Giga, jika tidak saya sarankan menggunakan Linux 32 Bit saja

5. Komputer yang digunakan sebagai server ini paling tidak memiliki 2 buah

LanCard. Dapat juga menggunakan 1 LanCard, teteapi sangat tidak disarankan

karena rentan dengan gangguan koneksi, kecuali adminnya memilik

pemahaman terhadap sekuri dengan baik.

Susunan kabel yang digunakan untuk jaringan internet

Sebelum server dinstall pastikan dulu sambungan pada kabel adalah sebagai berikut

Kabel untuk jaringan ini dikenal sebagai kabel RJ45, sedangkan kepalanya juga

kepala RJ45 (maaf kalo tidak salah ya, kalo keliru maafkan saya). Kemudian

disarankan jika mau menyambung kabel RJ45 ini, gunakan tang untuk kabel jaringan

RJ45 yang bagus. Untuk sambungan dengan 50 titik, saya sarankan gunakan tang

RJ45 yang bagus. Jika menggunakan tang yang murahan, umurnya kebanyakan


pendek. Jika tang yang murah dipakai 10 kali saja umumnya sudah bermasalah dan

sambungan menjadi tidak teliti.

Jaringan lokal

Kemudian pastikan bahwa jaringan lokal telah terkoneksi dengan baik. Artinya

bahwa semua komputer telah terhubung ke switch dengan urutan kabel yang benar,

serta tidak ada loop back. Definisi loop back adalah satu kabel masu ke lubang switch

yang sama.

Jika jaringan lokal bermasalah, misalnya urutan warna kabel tidak benar, kemudian

ada sambungan yang konslet akan sangat mengganggu kecepatan dan bahkan

keumungkinan besar jaringan tidak jalan. Yang jelas jika sambungan tidak baik, tidak

rapi dan kabel tidak disusun dengan urutan yang benar seperti diatas, saya ucapkan

goodluck. Dan pastikan bahwa kabel terpasang dengan rapi, jangan sampai kleweran

kemana2 dengan tidak rapi.

Untuk memulai mencoba terhadap apa yang ditulisan pada buku ini, pastikan bahwa

hal-hal yang diperlukan untuk membuat server ada, yaitu


1. Komputer sesuai dengan spesifikasi diatas

2. Modem ADSL

3. CD Linux Debian, untuk kasus ini digunakan CD Ubuntu 11.04.

Langkah berikutnya adalah

1. Sambungkan kabel power modem ADSL ke adaptornya dan ke listrik sehingga

modem ADSLnya nyala

2. Sambungkan kabel telpon ke modem ADSL

3. Sambungkan kabel LAN dari Komputer ke modem ADSL

Sambungkan seluruh kabel-kabel sesuai dengan semestinya, jika sudah benar maka

lampu-lampu pada nyata yaitu lampu Power, lampu LAN dan lampu ADSL menyala.

Jika sudah benar maka teruskan memulai dengan menginstall server dan ikuti apa

yang ditulis dalam buku ini. Jika ada masalah dapat mengirimkan email ke saya

mufid@yahoo.com atau telpon ke hp saya 0818234289 dan serta jangan lupa bahwa

nama lengkap saya mufid djoko purwanto.

Untuk memulai menginstall server, yang perlu dilakukan pertama kali adalah

menginstall Linux Ubuntu terlebih dahulu. LinuxUbuntu bisa dibeli atau di download

dari internet. Cara mendownload dan menginsall ubuntu secara personal tidak

dibahas pada buku ini. Untuk menginstall Linux Ubuntu yang paling penting yang


harus dilakukan adalah memasukkan CD Linux Ubuntu installer ke CD Drive,

kemudian restart komputer, serta pastikan bahwa booting pertama kali lewat CD

Drive. Kemudian jawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang ada. Dan jangan lupa terhadap

user id dan password yang dibuat. Jika ada pertanyaan yang berkaitan dengan ip

address dan Netmasknya ketikkan dan netmask ip

addressnya yang dapat dituliskan mulai dari hingga

Jika tidak bisa menginstall Linux Ubuntu, jangan diteruskan mencoba seluruh isi

buku ini. Tetapi jangan menyerah, coba tanyakan sama orang yang pernah mencoba

menginstall, baik install Windows atau Linux. Karena menginstall Linux Ubuntu ini

sangat mudah sekali.

Jika installasi telah berhasil dan berhasil login ke Linux, maka ikuti perintah-perintah berikut ini.

Tekan tombol AlT-CTRL-F1 secara bersama2 hingga keluar sebagai gambar

dibawah. Dan tampilan Linux seperti inilah yang akan digunakan untuk menginstall

seluruh tahapan server yang akan dibangun ini.

Menginstall modem ADSL ke Bridge

Setelah sambungan benar maka yang dilakukan adalah mengeset modem ADSL yang

telah disambungkan ke telkom untuk diset bridge. Adapun langkahnya adalah sebagai


1. Browsing modem ADSL sesuai petunjuk yang ada di buku manual modem

2. Modem di Set dengan Bridge

3. kemudian set VPI =0 dan VCI=35


4. Setelah itu modem diset sebagai bridge

5. Kemudian service namenya adalah PPPoE, jika tidak diisikan tidak masalah, karena service name akan diisikan dari komputer


6. Kemudian disimpan.

Apapun modemnya tidak masalah, yang penting adalah modem diset menjadi Bridge,

VPI = 0 dan VCI =35, serta service namenya adalah PPPoE. Jika telah diset

demikian dial ke internet akan dilakukan lewat komputer, buka lewat ADSL modem.

Mulai mengolah Server

Setelah modem ADSL di set, langkah berikutnya adalah mengolah server. Untuk

mengolah server ini jika dilakukan dengan pelan-pelan dan hati-hati, mudah-

mudahan tidak akan mengalami masalah. Kerena menginstall seperti ini sebenarnya

DAPAT dilakukan oleh orang awam sekalipun. Cuma jika belum pernah, menginsall

server serta terbiasa cerobah, menginstall server sering sekali akan terkendala dengan

banyak masalah. Maka sarannya adalah, jika akan menginstall dan mengolah server,

lalukan dengan penuh kehati-hatian. Karena ketidak hati-hatian akan menyebabkan

frustasi dan terkadang menyebabkan biasa mahal serta membuang-buang waktu.

Berikutnya sebagaimana telah disebutkan, bahwa dari server komputer tekanlah ALT-


CTRL-F1, maka akan muncul sebagaimana gambar dibawah.

Kemudian loginlah dengan mengetikkan user id dan password yang telah dibuat

waktu installasi, jika lupa user id dan passwordnya ulangi proses installasinya.


Kemudian setelah proses login benar akan keluar tampilan sebagai berikut

Melakukan dial ke speedy

kemudian setelah prompt/tanda $ ketikkan pppoeconf

mufid@server:~$ pppoeconf Please become root before running pppoeconf! Press return to continue...

tentu akan muncul seperti tersebut diatas. Sekedar informasi bahwa semua proses

installasi server akan dilakukan melalui user root, yaitu merupakan super user yang

dapat melakukan berbagai hal dengan Linux, kecuali antara lain menghasilkan duit

secara langsung.

Kemudian loginlah dengan menggunakan perintah sudo su, dan ketikkan

passwordnya seperti yang waktu dibuat waktu installasi,

mufid@server:~$ sudo su [sudo] password for mufid:

Kemudian jalankan perintah pppoeconf untuk melakukan dial ADSL ke telkom

speedy (atau bisa ke provider lain yang tersambung dengan menggunakan ADSL)

sebagai berikut

root@server:/home/mufid# pppoeconf

setelah itu dalam layar akan keluar tampilan yang mirip gambar berikut ini


Jawablah Yes. Sekedar catatan, yakinkan bahwa untuk menjadikan sebagai webserver

dan proxy sever pada tampilan ini paling tidak ada tulisan eth0 dan eth1.

Kemudian setelah itu akan muncul informasi berkaitan dengan koneksi ke internet

sebagai berikut

Kemudian akan muncul pertanyaan yang memberitahu bahwa file ./etc/ppp/peers/dsl-

provider akan ditimpa dengan data baru


Kemudian jawablab Yes untuk semua pertanyaan Yes dan No. Kemudian jika mucul

pertanyaan user id ketikkan userID yang diperoleh dari speedy berikut passwordnya .

Untuk pertanyaan diataspun jawablah Yes, Kemudian ketikkan user id telkom speedy


Pastikan bahwa user idnya telah diperoleh dari provider ADSL, seperti speedy.

Kemudian setelah diketikan dengan benar ikutilah dengan menekan tombol ENTER.

Setelah itu akan muncul pertanyaan yang berkaitan dengan passwordnya. Sekedar

catatan, seperti di telkom speedy, bahwa password diberikan dengan menggunakan

bungkus sampul surat tersendiri. Oleh karena itu yakinlah bahwa passwordnya

diperoleh dari bungkus surat yang diberikan oleh telkom speedy.


kemudian jawablah Yes untuk tampilan-tampilan dan pertanyaan berikut nya


untuk mengaktifkan koneksi ke telkom speedy dengan mengetikkan pon dsl-provider,

sedang untuk memutuskan koneksi ketikkan poff dsl-provider


untuk mengecek jaringan dengan mengetikkan ifconfig ppp0, jika keluar tampilan

sebagai gambar dibawah ini maka jaringan telah terkonek dengan betul ke provider,

dan siap digunakan untuk online ke internet

Plugin rp-pppoe.so loaded.

# ifconfig ppp0ppp0 Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocol inet addr: P-t-P: Mask: UP POINTOPOINT RUNNING NOARP MULTICAST MTU:1492 Metric:1 RX packets:64 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:85 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:3 RX bytes:69978 (69.9 KB) TX bytes:6946 (6.9 KB)

Jika tidak muncul tampilan diatas jangan panik, editlah file /etc/ppp/peers/dsl-

proviver dengan mengetikkan sebagai berikut

root@server:/home/mufid# nano /etc/ppp/peers/dsl-provider

Kemudian tambahkan pada baris pertamanya setelah tanpa # dengan tulisan sebagai


pty "/usr/sbin/pppoe -I eth1 -T 80 -m 1412 -S PPPoE"

sehingga yang nampak sebagai berikut


setelah itu ikut dengan menekan CTRL-X secara bersamaan, dan simpan file tersebut dengan menjawab Y.


kemudian jalankan kembali perintah pon dslprovider

root@server:/home/mufid# pon dsl-provider Plugin rp-pppoe.so loaded.

Dan periksa apakah sambungan nya ke internet sudah ada dengan menggunakan

perintah ifconfig ppp0. Kemudian jika muncul sebagaimana gambar dibawah, maka

sambungan ke internet sudah benar.

root@server:/home/mufid# ifconfig ppp0ppp0 Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocol inet addr: P-t-P: Mask: UP POINTOPOINT RUNNING NOARP MULTICAST MTU:1492 Metric:1 RX packets:4 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:4 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:3 RX bytes:52 (52.0 B) TX bytes:64 (64.0 B)


Untuk meyakinkan sambungan internet dapat dilakukan, beberapa perintah berikut

dapat dicoba, misalnya dengan menggunakan perintah nslookup untuk memeriksa

sambungan ke www.google.co.id

root@server:/home/mufid# nslookup www.google.co.idserver:

Address: answer:

www.google.co.id canonical name = www-cctld.l.google.com.Name: www-cctld.l.google.com

Address: www-cctld.l.google.com

Address: www-cctld.l.google.com


Jika muncul sebagaimana tampilan diatas, maka sambungan ke internet telah berhasil

dilakukan. Selain itu dapat pula dilakukan pemeriksaan apakah jaringannya sudah

banar dengan cara menggunakan perintah ping sebagaimana nampak pada gambar


root@server:/home/mufid# ping www.google.co.idPING www-cctld.l.google.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.

64 bytes from sin04s02-in-f23.1e100.net ( icmp_req=1 ttl=54 time=39.8 ms64 bytes from sin04s02-in-f23.1e100.net ( icmp_req=2 ttl=54 time=63.3 ms64 bytes from sin04s02-in-f23.1e100.net ( icmp_req=3 ttl=54 time=41.1 ms64 bytes from sin04s02-in-f23.1e100.net ( icmp_req=4 ttl=54 time=39.8 ms64 bytes from sin04s02-in-f23.1e100.net ( icmp_req=5 ttl=54 time=39.2 ms64 bytes from sin04s02-in-f23.1e100.net ( icmp_req=6 ttl=54 time=41.1 ms

Untuk mengakhir tekan CTR+C secara bersamaan

untuk kembali dan mencoba browser internet seperti monzila firefox tekanlah secara

bersamaan CTRL+ALT+F7, dan cobalah browser internet monzilla untuk melakukan

browsing ke internet.

Kemudian mulailah dengan menginstall paket-paket yang digunakan untuk

menginstall paket-paket yang digunakan untuk membangun server ini. Untuk

pertama kali pasanglah paket aptitude, jika sudah ada, ok abaikan saja. Adapun

caranya untuk menginstall paket ini yaitu dengan menggunakan perintah sebagai


berikut : apt-get install aptitude.

root@server:/home/mufid# apt-get install aptitude Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree

Reading state information... Done The following extra packages will be installed:

libboost-iostreams1.42.0 libcwidget3 Suggested packages:

aptitude-doc-en aptitude-doc tasksel debtags libcwidget-dev The following NEW packages will be installed: aptitude libboost-iostreams1.42.0 libcwidget3

0 upgraded, 3 newly installed, 0 to remove and 104 not upgraded. Need to get 2,812 kB of archives.

After this operation, 8,573 kB of additional disk space will be used. Do you want to continue [Y/n]? Y

Get:1 http://id.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty/main libboost-iostreams1.42.0 i386 1.42.0-4ubuntu2 [55.5 kB]

Get:2 http://id.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty/main libcwidget3 i386 0.5.16-3ubuntu2 [424 kB] Get:3 http://id.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty/main aptitude i386 0.6.3-3.2ubuntu1 [2,332 kB]

Fetched 2,812 kB in 56s (50.1 kB/s) Selecting previously deselected package libboost-iostreams1.42.0.

(Reading database ... 129488 files and directories currently installed.) Unpacking libboost-iostreams1.42.0 (from .../libboost-iostreams1.42.0_1.42.0-4ubuntu2_i386.deb) ...

Selecting previously deselected package libcwidget3. Unpacking libcwidget3 (from .../libcwidget3_0.5.16-3ubuntu2_i386.deb) ...

Selecting previously deselected package aptitude. Unpacking aptitude (from .../aptitude_0.6.3-3.2ubuntu1_i386.deb) ...

Processing triggers for man-db ... Setting up libboost-iostreams1.42.0 (1.42.0-4ubuntu2) ...

Setting up libcwidget3 (0.5.16-3ubuntu2) ... Setting up aptitude (0.6.3-3.2ubuntu1) ...

update-alternatives: using /usr/bin/aptitude-curses to provide /usr/bin/aptitude (aptitude) in auto mode. Processing triggers for libc-bin ...

ldconfig deferred processing now taking place

Dengan menggunakan aptitude dapat digunakan untuk memeriksa dan menginstall

paket-paket program yang ada pada Linux.

Install Server DHCP

Berikutnya dicoba menginstal dhcp server. Paket dhcp server adalah paket server

yang berfungsi untuk memberikan ip address kepada komputer-komputer kliennya

sebagaimana gambar berikut. Kemudian untuk melihat paket dhcp yang disediakan

oleh Linux dapat digunakan perintah aptitiude search dhcp


Sebelum menginstall dhcp server, tentukan terlebih dahulu bahwa ip adress komputer

server yang digunakan adalah misalnya dengan netmask, maka

langkah yang harus dilakukan adalah dengan mengetikkan sebaris perintah sebagai


root@server:/home/mufid# ip addr add dev eth1

Atau dengan mengedit file berikut ini root@server:/home/mufid# nano

/etc/network/internface sebagaimana tabel dibawah

root@server:/home/mufid# nano /etc/network/internfaces

Agar supaya selalu memiliki ip address, ketika komputer di restart

ulang, dan sebelumnya file /etc/rc.local perlu diedit sebagai berikut

root@server:/home/mufid# nano /etc/rc.local

Adapun contoh isi dari file /etc/rc.local adalah sebagai berikut,


#!/bin/sh -e#

# rc.local#

# This script is executed at the end of each multiuser runlevel.# Make sure that the script will "exit 0" on success or any other

# value on error.#

# In order to enable or disable this script just change the execution# bits.

## By default this script does nothing.ip addr add dev eth0ip addr add dev eth0

ip addr add dev eth0ip addr add dev eth0

iptables-restore /root/iptables.rules_rw

Jika jaringan local dengan menggunakan eth0 maka yang ditulis adalah ip addr add dev eth0. Adapun jika jaringan local menggunakan eth1 maka yang

ditulis adalah ip addr add 10,10.1.1/24 dev eth1.

Jika ethernet card 0 (eth0) disambungkan ke modem ADSL, maka yang harus

dituliskan adalah ip addr add 10,10.1.1/24 dev eth1, karena eth1 disambungkan ke

jaringan lokal, sebaliknya jika jaringan eth1 disambungkan ke modem ADSL maka

jaringan localnya dengan menggunakan eth0.

Sekedar catatan, bahwa satu Card ethernet dapat memilkik lebih dari 1 ip address.

Sebagaimana dicontoh pada gambar dibawah ini. Jika bingung, jangan ragu2

meminta bantuan, atau silahkan telpon kami ke mufid djoko purwanto hp

0818234289, tetapi kalo tidak saya angkat jangan marah barangkali saya sedang

sholat di masjid atau sedang saya silent untuk istirahat sejenak.

root@server:/home/mufid# aptitude search dhcp p autodns-dhcp - Automatic DNS updates for DHCP v dhcp-client - p dhcp-helper - A DHCP relay agent p dhcp-probe - network DHCP or BootP server discover


p dhcp3-client - ISC DHCP server (transitional package) p dhcp3-common - ISC DHCP common files (transitional packag p dhcp3-dev - ISC DHCP development files (transitional p p dhcp3-relay - ISC DHCP relay (transitional package) p dhcp3-server - ISC DHCP server (transitional package) v dhcp3-server-ldap - p dhcpcd - DHCP client for automatically configuring p dhcpcd-dbus - DBus bindings for dhcpcd p dhcpcd-gtk - GTK+ frontend for dhcpcd and wpa_supplican p dhcpcd5 - RFC2131 compliant DHCP client with IPv4LL v dhcpd - p dhcpdump - Parse DHCP packets from tcpdump p dhcping - DHCP Daemon Ping Program p ebox-dhcp - Zentyal - DHCP Service p gadmin-dhcpd - GTK+ configuration tool for dhcpd3-server p gadmin-dhcpd-dbg - GTK+ configuration tool for dhcpd3-server p gosa-plugin-dhcp - dhcp plugin for GOsa² p gosa-plugin-dhcp-schema - LDAP schema for GOsa² dhcp plugin i isc-dhcp-client - ISC DHCP client p isc-dhcp-client-dbg - ISC DHCP client (debugging symbols) i isc-dhcp-common - common files used by all the isc-dhcp* pac p isc-dhcp-dev - API for accessing and modifying the DHCP s p isc-dhcp-relay - ISC DHCP relay daemon p isc-dhcp-relay-dbg - DHCP relay daemon (debugging symbols) p isc-dhcp-server - ISC DHCP server for automatic ip address a p isc-dhcp-server-dbg - ISC DHCP server for automatic ip address a p isc-dhcp-server-ldap - DHCP server able to use LDAP as backend p libnet-dhcp-perl - Interface for handling DHCP packets p libtext-dhcpleases-perl - Perl module to parse DHCP leases file from p opendrim-lmp-dhcp - OpenDRIM DHCP provider p python-pydhcplib - Python DHCP client/server library v python2.6-pydhcplib - p udhcpc - Provides the busybox DHCP client implement p udhcpd - Provides the busybox DHCP server implement p uec-provisioning-dhcpd - the UEC Provisioning DHCP server p wide-dhcpv6-client - DHCPv6 client for automatic IPv6 hosts con p wide-dhcpv6-relay - DHCPv6 relay for automatic IPv6 hosts conf p wide-dhcpv6-server - DHCPv6 server for automatic IPv6 hosts con root@server:/home/mufid#

Kemudian pilihlah paket isc-dhcp-server, dengan cara mengetikkan perintah sebagai

berikut aptitude install isc-dhcp-server atau apt-get install isc-dhcp-server

root@server:/home/mufid# apt-get install isc-dhcp-server Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done The following extra packages will be installed: isc-dhcp-client isc-dhcp-common Suggested packages:


resolvconf isc-dhcp-server-ldap The following NEW packages will be installed: isc-dhcp-server The following packages will be upgraded: isc-dhcp-client isc-dhcp-common 2 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 262 not upgraded. Need to get 985 kB of archives. After this operation, 1,004 kB of additional disk space will be used. Do you want to continue [Y/n]? Y Get:1 http://id.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty-updates/main isc-dhcp-client i386 4.1.1-P1-15ubuntu9.3 [265 kB] Get:2 http://id.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty-updates/main isc-dhcp-common i386 4.1.1-P1-15ubuntu9.3 [319 kB] Get:3 http://id.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty-updates/main isc-dhcp-server i386 4.1.1-P1-15ubuntu9.3 [401 kB] Fetched 985 kB in 14s (69.3 kB/s) Preconfiguring packages ... (Reading database ... 129615 files and directories currently installed.) Preparing to replace isc-dhcp-client 4.1.1-P1-15ubuntu9 (using .../isc-dhcp-client_4.1.1-P1-15ubuntu9.3_i386.deb) ... Unpacking replacement isc-dhcp-client ... Preparing to replace isc-dhcp-common 4.1.1-P1-15ubuntu9 (using .../isc-dhcp-common_4.1.1-P1-15ubuntu9.3_i386.deb) ... Unpacking replacement isc-dhcp-common ... Selecting previously deselected package isc-dhcp-server. Unpacking isc-dhcp-server (from .../isc-dhcp-server_4.1.1-P1-15ubuntu9.3_i386.deb) ... Processing triggers for man-db ... Processing triggers for ureadahead ... ureadahead will be reprofiled on next reboot Setting up isc-dhcp-common (4.1.1-P1-15ubuntu9.3) ... Setting up isc-dhcp-client (4.1.1-P1-15ubuntu9.3) ... Setting up isc-dhcp-server (4.1.1-P1-15ubuntu9.3) ... Generating /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server... * Starting ISC DHCP server dhcpd * check syslog for diagnostics. [fail] invoke-rc.d: initscript isc-dhcp-server, action "start" failed. root@server:/home/mufid#

Tentu jika konfigurasinya belum di apa-apakan maka akan timbul masalah, untuk membetulkan

editlah file yang berada pada /etc/dhcp/dhcp.conf dengan menggetikan perintah berikut nano


root@server:/home/mufid# nano /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf

Dan editlah sesuai dengan tulisan dibawah ini, dengan asumsi bahwa server

menggunakan ip address dan cliennya menggunakan ip address antara hingga; dan netmasknya dibuat Penentuan ip

address ini dapat ditentukan sesuai dengan keinginan, Jika masih tidak jelas, untuk


jelasnya dapat menghubungi kami lewat email mufid@yahoo.com. Dengan

menggunakan DHCP dapat ditentukan ip address untuk masing-masing komputer

dengan paksa dengan menggunakan rujukan mac address yang ada pada masing-

masing komputer. Sebagai contohnya adalah sebagai berikut :

host firman_1 {fixed-address;#hardware ethernet 00:18:37:09:3c:45;hardware ethernet 00:18:37:09:3c:45;}

bahwa komputer firman memiliki mac address 00:18:37:09:3c:45; dan dikasih ip address

Adapun defaultnya digunakan aturan sebagai berikut

subnet netmask { range dynamic-bootp; option broadcast-address; option routers; option domain-name-servers;}

dimana routernya adalah yaitu ip address dari server yang sedang diinstall ini, sedang

DNS servernya juga menggunakan ip address juga. File ini hanyalah merupakan contoh,

adapun persisnya harus dituentukan sendiri2. Jika ada masalah hubungi kami mufid djoko

purwawnto lewat hp 0818234289 (maaf kalo nama saya, saya sebut berkali2, karena sekedar untuk

meyakinkan bahwa saya ingin membantu, insya Allah.

# Sample configuration file for ISC dhcpd for Debian## Attention: If /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf exists, that will be used as# configuration file instead of this file.## $Id: dhcpd.conf,v 2002/05/21 00:07:44 peloy Exp $#

# The ddns-updates-style parameter controls whether or not the server will# attempt to do a DNS update when a lease is confirmed. We default to the# behavior of the version 2 packages ('none', since DHCP v2 didn't# have support for DDNS.)ddns-update-style none;

# option definitions common to all supported networks...option domain-name "example.org";option domain-name-servers ns1.example.org, ns2.example.org;


default-lease-time 600;max-lease-time 7200;

# If this DHCP server is the official DHCP server for the local# network, the authoritative directive should be uncommented.#authoritative;

# Use this to send dhcp log messages to a different log file (you also# have to hack syslog.conf to complete the redirection).log-facility local7;

# No service will be given on this subnet, but declaring it helps the # DHCP server to understand the network topology.

#subnet netmask {#}

# This is a very basic subnet declaration.

#subnet netmask {# range;# option routers rtr-239-0-1.example.org, rtr-239-0-2.example.org;#}

# This declaration allows BOOTP clients to get dynamic addresses,# which we don't really recommend.

subnet netmask { range dynamic-bootp; option broadcast-address; option routers; option domain-name-servers;}

#subnet netmask {# range dynamic-bootp;# option broadcast-address;# option routers;# option domain-name-servers;#}

# A slightly different configuration for an internal subnet.#subnet netmask {# range;# option domain-name-servers ns1.internal.example.org;# option domain-name "internal.example.org";# option routers;# option broadcast-address;# default-lease-time 600;# max-lease-time 7200;#}


# Hosts which require special configuration options can be listed in# host statements. If no address is specified, the address will be# allocated dynamically (if possible), but the host-specific information# will still come from the host declaration.

#host passacaglia {# hardware ethernet 0:0:c0:5d:bd:95;# filename "vmunix.passacaglia";# server-name "toccata.fugue.com";#}

# Fixed ip addresses can also be specified for hosts. These addresses# should not also be listed as being available for dynamic assignment.# Hosts for which fixed ip addresses have been specified can boot using# BOOTP or DHCP. Hosts for which no fixed address is specified can only# be booted with DHCP, unless there is an address range on the subnet# to which a BOOTP client is connected which has the dynamic-bootp flag# set.#host fantasia {# hardware ethernet 08:00:07:26:c0:a5;# fixed-address fantasia.fugue.com;#}

host firman_1 {fixed-address;#hardware ethernet 00:18:37:09:3c:45;hardware ethernet 00:18:37:09:3c:45;}host alex1 {fixed-address;hardware ethernet c4:17:fe:4b:00:47;}

host bu_endang {fixed-address;hardware ethernet 00:26:22:8a:3a:b7;}

host Ketua_RW {fixed-address;hardware ethernet 00:26:5e:34:2c:71; }

host emachine_LAN {fixed-address;hardware ethernet 00:1e:ec:d7:f0:a8;}

host kobin1_wifi{fixed-address;hardware ethernet 00:25:56:26:3d:8e;}


host umi_bb {fixed-address;hardware ethernet 14:74:11:ce:59:49;}

host alex {fixed-address;hardware ethernet 1c:4b:d6:88:08:6c;}

host sopyan {fixed-address;hardware ethernet 00:1e:68:97:2f:23;}

host dlink {fixed-address;hardware ethernet 00:0f:3d:57:d9:1f;}host compaq {fixed-address;hardware ethernet 00:02:a5:9a:e5:55;}

host saiman {fixed-address;hardware ethernet 00:30:18:a0:50:f6; }

host oding {fixed-address;#hardware ethernet 00:15:58:03:86:fd;#hardware ethernet 00:24:54:db:0a:3f;hardware ethernet 00:13:8f:83:5c:f4;}

host posrw {fixed-address;hardware ethernet 00:1c:c0:0d:85:8b;}

host anne {fixed-address;hardware ethernet 00:0b:6a:47:5d:1b;}

host lan_thoshiba {fixed-address;hardware ethernet 00:00:39:1e:3c:ee;}

host wifi_fujitsu {fixed-address;hardware ethernet 00:12:f0:0b:fd:9b;



host ican {fixed-address;hardware ethernet 00:24:e8:b8:11:f9;#00:22:15:b8:b2:67;}

host ketty {fixed-address;hardware ethernet 00:25:56:a0:37:0a;#00:22:15:b8:b2:67;}

host kobin {fixed-address;hardware ethernet 00:21:cc:3c:6e:6e;}

host emachines_wifi{fixed-address;hardware ethernet 00:23:4d:c0:af:5c;}

host kobin_1 {fixed-address;hardware ethernet 00:1d:72:0e:63:42;}

host yudi {fixed-address;hardware ethernet 00:0b:6a:e2:11:99;}

host aditya {fixed-address; hardware ethernet 00:1f:29:b2:b5:8c;} host ari {fixed-address;hardware ethernet 00:25:11:14:0a:89; }

host ari_notebook {fixed-address;hardware ethernet c4:17:fe:79:42:19;}

host wifi_thosiba {fixed-address;hardware ethernet 00:02:2d:80:4c:fe;



host ftmd-itb {fixed-address;hardware ethernet 00:0b:cd:e9:f9:27;}

host kahfi { fixed-address;hardware ethernet 00:02:8a:9f:9d:f3;}

host umi_kabel {fixed-address;hardware ethernet 00:0b:cd:e9:f9:27;}

host slamet {fixed-address;hardware ethernet 00:11:95:26:b9:51;}

host yesti {fixed-address;hardware ethernet 00:a0:d1:56:b7:74;}

host yesti_wifi {fixed-address;hardware ethernet 00:18:de:47:2b:88;} host susilowati {fixed-address;hardware ethernet 00:07:95:f5:b9:51;}

#host ace {#//fixed-address;#//hardware ethernet c8:0a:a9:14:25:72;#//}

host ace1 {fixed-address;hardware ethernet 00:24:81:37:69:ad;}

host firman {fixed-address;hardware ethernet 00:e0:1c:3c:90:6c;}

host sofyan {fixed-address;


hardware ethernet 00:1d:60:07:53:5b;}

host lili {fixed-address;hardware ethernet 00:26:6c:32:94:1c;}

host ape_ape {fixed-address;#hardware ethernet 00:1f:e2:0a:71:9a;hardware ethernet 00:1d:7d:9a:0a:2f;}

host yudi {fixed-address;hardware ethernet 00:20:35:e7:39:41;}

host uje {fixed-address;hardware ethernet 00:1f:d0:5e:3C:5F;}

host tazkia {fixed-address;hardware ethernet 00:12:f0:0b:fd:9b;}

host yanapol {fixed-address;hardware ethernet 00:c0:26:72:dd:6f;}

host yana {fixed-address;hardware ethernet 00:0d:87:b0:85:24;}

host rt_uu {fixed-address;hardware ethernet 00:c0:26:6f:59:8f; }

host pak_uu {fixed-address;hardware ethernet 20:7c:8f:02:e1:79;}

host UU_wirelessPC{fixed-address;hardware ethernet 00:13:f7:ed:44:c5;}


host abah_denden {fixed-address;hardware ethernet 90:fb:a6:6b:a7:3e;}

# RW09host ivan_cetakan {fixed-address;hardware ethernet 00:0e:e8:d6:bc:d7;}

Kemudian untuk mengaktifkan file dhcpserver lakukan perintah berikut ini :

root@server:/home/mufid# /etc/init.d/isc-dhcp-server start * Starting ISC DHCP server dhcpd [ OK ]

Jika masih ada kesalahan coba betulkan file /etc/dhcp/dhcp.conf

Jika sudah jalan, keluar pesan * Starting ISC DHCP server dhcpd [ OK ], Kemudian tunggulah kira-kira 1-5 menit kemudian jalankan perintah berikut ini, ip neigh list

root@server:/home/mufid# ip neigh list10.10.1.41 dev eth0 lladdr 00:18:de:47:2b:88 STALE10.10.1.111 dev eth0 lladdr 00:24:e8:b8:11:f9 STALE10.10.1.140 dev eth0 lladdr 00:16:ec:25:f9:37 REACHABLE10.10.1.119 dev eth0 lladdr 14:da:e9:8f:39:92 REACHABLE10.10.1.8 dev eth0 lladdr 00:02:a5:9a:e5:55 REACHABLE10.10.4.8 dev eth0 lladdr 14:74:11:ce:59:49 REACHABLE10.10.1.118 dev eth0 lladdr 00:0c:76:4d:f8:30 REACHABLE10.10.1.145 dev eth0 lladdr 00:0e:e8:d6:bc:d7 STALE10.10.1.13 dev eth0 lladdr b0:48:7a:85:13:35 STALE10.10.1.16 dev eth0 lladdr 00:1c:c0:0d:85:8b REACHABLE10.10.1.35 dev eth0 lladdr 00:15:58:8b:36:70 REACHABLE10.10.1.171 dev eth0 lladdr 90:fb:a6:6b:a7:3e REACHABLE10.10.1.22 dev eth0 lladdr 00:11:95:26:b9:51 STALE

Jika jaringannya betul dan telah terkoneksi dengan jaringan local maka akan nampak

tampilan sebagaimana nampak diatas.

Kemudian periksa pada masing masing komputer yang ada pada jaringan di kantor

apakah di ping ke (ip address server) dapat dijalankan. Yaitu dari komputer

yang bersistem operasi Windows, ,misalnya, pilih menu pada kolom Searh program

and files ketikkan ping -t


ping -t

Pada saat ini komputer sudah dapat tersambung ke server, tetapi belum dapat

melakukan koneksi ke internet. Untuk dapat melakukan koneksi ke internet

diperlukan perilaku server yang dapat melakukan lompatan data dari jaringan lokal

ke jaringan internet, begitu pula sebaliknya, yaitu yang dikenal dengan istilah


Server DNS

Dengan mengaktifkan server sebagai DNS server, maka server ini akan memiliki

keuntungan dalam menyimpan dan menginformasikan domain yang ada di internet

kepada komputer-komputer yang ada pada jaringan lokal. Selain itu, dengan DNS

server akan dapat dibuat domain seperti www.bblm.go.id.

Untuk menginstall dns server maka perlu diinstall bind, untuk itu perisa dahulu paket

bind yang ada pada Linux dengan mengecek sebagai berikut :

root@server:/home/mufid/Documents/Dataserver/www/Quran_ver_3# aptitude search bind v abrowser-bindwood - p authbind - Allows non-root programs to bind() to low ports p bibindex - Fast lookup in BibTeX bibliography data bases p bind9 - Internet Domain Name server p bind9-doc - Documentation for BIND i bind9-host - Version of 'host' bundled with BIND 9.X p bind9utils - Utilities for BIND p bindfs - mirrors or overlays a local directory with altered permissions p bindgraph - DNS statistics RRDtool frontend for BIND9 p bindwood - transitional dummy package v firefox-bindwood - p gadmin-bind - GTK+ configuration tool for bind9 p gadmin-bind-dbg - GTK+ configuration tool for bind9 (debug)


p gforge-dns-bind9 - collaborative development tool - DNS management (using Bind9) p kdebindings-dbg - debugging symbols for the KDE bindings module p libbeansbinding-java - Beans Binding API p libbeansbinding-java-doc - Beans Binding API p libbind-confparser-perl - Parser class for BIND configuration files p libbind-dev - Static Libraries and Headers used by BIND p libbind4 - DNS resolver and message parsing library p libbind4-dev - DNS resolver and message parsing static library and headers i libbind9-60 - BIND9 Shared Library used by BIND p libbindex-java - The BIndex program p libindi-dev - Development headers for INDI Library p libindi0 - Instrument Neutral Distributed Interface for astronomical devices p libindicate-dev - library for raising indicators via DBus - development files p libindicate-doc - library for raising indicators via DBus - documentation p libindicate-gtk-dev - library for raising indicators via DBus - GTK bindings developmen p libindicate-gtk0.1-cil - CLI bindings for libindicate-gtk2 p libindicate-gtk0.1-cil-dev - CLI bindings for libindicate-gtk4 - development files i libindicate-gtk2 - library for raising indicators via DBus - GTK bindings p libindicate-qt-dev - Qt bindings for libindicate p libindicate-qt1 - Qt bindings for libindicate p libindicate0.1-cil - CLI bindings for libindicate5 p libindicate0.1-cil-dev - CLI bindings for libindicate5 - development files i libindicate5 - library for raising indicators via DBus p libindicator-dev - panel indicator applet - library development files p libindicator-tools - Tools for libindicator i libindicator3 - panel indicator applet - shared library p libindicator3-3 - panel indicator applet - shared library p libindicator3-dev - panel indicator applet - library development files p libindicator3-tools - Tools for libindicator


p libindirect-perl - lexically warn about using the indirect object syntax p libjboss-xml-binding-java - JBoss XML Binding p libjgoodies-binding-java - Swing Data Binding Framework p libkeybinder-dev - registers global key bindings for applications - development head p libkeybinder0 - registers global key bindings for applications p libluabind-dbg - luabind c++ binding for lua: unstripped binaries p libluabind-dev - luabind c++ binding for lua: static library and headers p libluabind-doc - luabind c++ binding for lua: documentation files p libluabind-examples - luabind c++ binding for lua: example files p libluabind0.9.1 - luabind c++ binding for lua: runtime library p libqtscript4-qtbindings - Qt Script bindings for Qt 4 - metapackage p nfqueue-bindings-perl - Perl bindings for nfqueue p nfqueue-bindings-python - Python bindings for nfqueue p privbind - Allow unprivileged apps to bind to a privileged port p python-keybinder - registers global key bindings for applications - Python bindings v python2.6-keybinder - v python2.7-keybinder - p r-cran-abind - GNU R abind multi-dimensional array combination function p rpcbind - converts RPC program numbers into universal addresses p smbind - PHP-based tool for managing DNS zones for BIND p vala-dbus-binding-tool - Vala binding-generator for xml introspection files p vbindiff - visual binary diff, visually compare binary files p winbind - Samba nameservice integration server p winbind4 - service to resolve user and group information from Windows NT ser p xbindkeys - Associate a combination of keys or mouse buttons with a shell com


p xbindkeys-config - an easy to use gtk program for configuring Xbindkeys p xul-ext-bindwood - Firefox bookmark syncing with desktop couchdb root@server:/home/mufid/Documents/Dataserver/www/Quran_ver_3#

Setelah tahu paket servernya untuk DNS server maka, install dengan menggunakan

perintah sebagai berikut aptitude install bind9

root@server:/home/mufid/Documents/Dataserver/www/Quran_ver_3# aptitude install bind9 The following NEW packages will be installed: bind9 bind9utils{a} The following packages will be upgraded: libbind9-60 libdns69 libisc62 libisccc60 libisccfg62 liblwres60 6 packages upgraded, 2 newly installed, 0 to remove and 256 not upgraded. Need to get 1,308 kB of archives. After unpacking 1,376 kB will be used. The following packages have unmet dependencies: bind9-host: Depends: libbind9-60 (= 1:9.7.3.dfsg-1ubuntu2) but 1:9.7.3.dfsg-1ubuntu2.3 is to be installed. Depends: libdns69 (= 1:9.7.3.dfsg-1ubuntu2) but 1:9.7.3.dfsg-1ubuntu2.3 is to be installed. Depends: libisc62 (= 1:9.7.3.dfsg-1ubuntu2) but 1:9.7.3.dfsg-1ubuntu2.3 is to be installed. Depends: libisccfg62 (= 1:9.7.3.dfsg-1ubuntu2) but 1:9.7.3.dfsg-1ubuntu2.3 is to be installed. Depends: liblwres60 (= 1:9.7.3.dfsg-1ubuntu2) but 1:9.7.3.dfsg-1ubuntu2.3 is to be installed. dnsutils: Depends: libbind9-60 (= 1:9.7.3.dfsg-1ubuntu2) but 1:9.7.3.dfsg-1ubuntu2.3 is to be installed. Depends: libdns69 (= 1:9.7.3.dfsg-1ubuntu2) but 1:9.7.3.dfsg-1ubuntu2.3 is to be installed. Depends: libisc62 (= 1:9.7.3.dfsg-1ubuntu2) but 1:9.7.3.dfsg-1ubuntu2.3 is to be installed. Depends: libisccfg62 (= 1:9.7.3.dfsg-1ubuntu2) but 1:9.7.3.dfsg-1ubuntu2.3 is to be installed. Depends: liblwres60 (= 1:9.7.3.dfsg-1ubuntu2) but 1:9.7.3.dfsg-1ubuntu2.3 is to be installed. The following actions will resolve these dependencies: Remove the following packages:


1) avahi-daemon 2) avahi-utils 3) bind9-host 4) dnsutils 5) gnome-nettool 6) libnss-mdns 7) telepathy-salut 8) ubuntu-desktop 9) ubuntu-standard Leave the following dependencies unresolved: 10) banshee recommends avahi-daemon 11) cups recommends avahi-daemon 12) empathy recommends telepathy-salut 13) hplip recommends avahi-daemon 14) libmono-zeroconf1.0-cil recommends avahi-daemon 15) system-config-printer-common recommends avahi-utils Accept this solution? [Y/n/q/?] Y The following NEW packages will be installed: bind9 bind9utils{a} The following packages will be REMOVED: avahi-daemon{a} avahi-utils{a} bind9-host{a} dnsutils{a} gnome-nettool{a} libnss-mdns{a} telepathy-salut{a} ubuntu-desktop{a} ubuntu-standard{a} The following packages will be upgraded: libbind9-60 libdns69 libisc62 libisccc60 libisccfg62 liblwres60 6 packages upgraded, 2 newly installed, 9 to remove and 253 not upgraded. Need to get 1,308 kB of archives. After unpacking 1,434 kB will be freed. Do you want to continue? [Y/n/?] Y Get:1 http://id.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty-updates/main libisc62 i386 1:9.7.3.dfsg-1ubuntu2.3 [143 kB] Get:2 http://id.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty-updates/main libdns69 i386 1:9.7.3.dfsg-1ubuntu2.3 [634 kB] Get:3 http://id.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty-updates/main libisccc60 i386 1:9.7.3.dfsg-1ubuntu2.3 [17.5 kB] Get:4 http://id.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty-updates/main libisccfg62 i386 1:9.7.3.dfsg-1ubuntu2.3 [36.4 kB] Get:5 http://id.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty-updates/main libbind9-60 i386 1:9.7.3.dfsg-1ubuntu2.3 [24.8 kB] Get:6 http://id.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty-updates/main liblwres60 i386 1:9.7.3.dfsg-1ubuntu2.3 [35.7 kB] Get:7 http://id.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty-updates/main bind9utils i386 1:9.7.3.dfsg-1ubuntu2.3 [101 kB] Get:8 http://id.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty-updates/main bind9 i386


1:9.7.3.dfsg-1ubuntu2.3 [315 kB] Fetched 1,308 kB in 36s (35.7 kB/s) Preconfiguring packages ... (Reading database ... 140617 files and directories currently installed.) Removing telepathy-salut ... Removing libnss-mdns ... Checking NSS setup... Removing avahi-utils ... Removing avahi-daemon ... avahi-daemon stop/waiting Removing ubuntu-standard ... Removing ubuntu-desktop ... Removing gnome-nettool ... Removing dnsutils ... Removing bind9-host ... Processing triggers for man-db ... Processing triggers for libc-bin ... ldconfig deferred processing now taking place Processing triggers for ureadahead ... Processing triggers for bamfdaemon ... Rebuilding /usr/share/applications/bamf.index... Processing triggers for desktop-file-utils ... Processing triggers for python-gmenu ... Rebuilding /usr/share/applications/desktop.en_US.utf8.cache... Processing triggers for hicolor-icon-theme ... Processing triggers for python-support ... (Reading database ... 140440 files and directories currently installed.) Preparing to replace libisc62 1:9.7.3.dfsg-1ubuntu2 (using .../libisc62_1%3a9.7.3.dfsg-1ubuntu2.3_i386.deb) ... Unpacking replacement libisc62 ... Preparing to replace libdns69 1:9.7.3.dfsg-1ubuntu2 (using .../libdns69_1%3a9.7.3.dfsg-1ubuntu2.3_i386.deb) ... Unpacking replacement libdns69 ... Preparing to replace libisccc60 1:9.7.3.dfsg-1ubuntu2 (using .../libisccc60_1%3a9.7.3.dfsg-1ubuntu2.3_i386.deb) ... Unpacking replacement libisccc60 ... Preparing to replace libisccfg62 1:9.7.3.dfsg-1ubuntu2 (using .../libisccfg62_1%3a9.7.3.dfsg-1ubuntu2.3_i386.deb) ... Unpacking replacement libisccfg62 ... Preparing to replace libbind9-60 1:9.7.3.dfsg-1ubuntu2 (using .../libbind9-60_1%3a9.7.3.dfsg-1ubuntu2.3_i386.deb) ... Unpacking replacement libbind9-60 ... Preparing to replace liblwres60 1:9.7.3.dfsg-1ubuntu2 (using


.../liblwres60_1%3a9.7.3.dfsg-1ubuntu2.3_i386.deb) ... Unpacking replacement liblwres60 ... Selecting previously deselected package bind9utils. Unpacking bind9utils (from .../bind9utils_1%3a9.7.3.dfsg-1ubuntu2.3_i386.deb) ... Selecting previously deselected package bind9. Unpacking bind9 (from .../bind9_1%3a9.7.3.dfsg-1ubuntu2.3_i386.deb) ... Processing triggers for man-db ... Processing triggers for ufw ... Processing triggers for ureadahead ... Setting up libisc62 (1:9.7.3.dfsg-1ubuntu2.3) ... Setting up libdns69 (1:9.7.3.dfsg-1ubuntu2.3) ... Setting up libisccc60 (1:9.7.3.dfsg-1ubuntu2.3) ... Setting up libisccfg62 (1:9.7.3.dfsg-1ubuntu2.3) ... Setting up libbind9-60 (1:9.7.3.dfsg-1ubuntu2.3) ... Setting up liblwres60 (1:9.7.3.dfsg-1ubuntu2.3) ... Setting up bind9utils (1:9.7.3.dfsg-1ubuntu2.3) ... Setting up bind9 (1:9.7.3.dfsg-1ubuntu2.3) ... Adding group `bind' (GID 126) ... Done. Adding system user `bind' (UID 117) ... Adding new user `bind' (UID 117) with group `bind' ... Not creating home directory `/var/cache/bind'. wrote key file "/etc/bind/rndc.key" # * Starting domain name service... bind9 [ OK ] Processing triggers for libc-bin ... ldconfig deferred processing now taking place Current status: 253 updates [-9].


Setelah di install, kemudian edit file-file berikut ini /etc/bind/named.conf.option

sebagai contohnya adalah sebagai berikut

root@server:/etc/bind# nano /etc/bind/named.conf.default-zones

Kemudian isi file /etc/bind/named.conf.default-zones dengan tulisan dengan contoh dibawah. Sebagai contoh ketika ada baris file "/etc/bind/db.mufid"; artinya ada file dengan nama db.mufid.


// prime the server with knowledge of the root serverszone "." { type hint; file "/etc/bind/db.root";};// be authoritative for the localhost forward and reverse zones, and for// broadcast zones as per RFC 1912zone "localhost" { type master; file "/etc/bind/db.local";};zone "127.in-addr.arpa" { type master; file "/etc/bind/db.127";};zone "0.in-addr.arpa" { type master; file "/etc/bind/db.0";};zone "255.in-addr.arpa" { type master; file "/etc/bind/db.255";};zone "bahasaquran.com" { type master; file "/etc/bind/db.bahasaquran";};zone "mufid.web.id" { type master; file "/etc/bind/db.mufid";};zone "rw" { type master; file "/etc/bind/db.rw";};

Contoh dari file db.mufid adalah sebagai berikut

;; BIND data file for local loopback interface;$TTL 604800@ IN SOA admin ns2.mufid.web.id. ( 2 ; Serial 604800 ; Refresh 86400 ; Retry 2419200 ; Expire 604800 ) ; Negative Cache TTL;mufid.web.id. 604800 IN NS ns1.mufid.web.id.ns1.mufid.web.id. 604800 IN A 604800 IN NS ns2.mufid.web.id.ns2 604800 IN A


quran IN A IN A IN A IN A

Kemudian atur nama-nama domain sesuai nama-nama yang diinginkan. Adapun perlu

dicatat, bahwa domain mufid.web.id harus didaftarkan di www.pandi.or.id dan di

daftarkan lewat register.pandi.or.id

Caranya adalah login ke https://register.pandi.or.id/Index/index/lang/id, cuma ingat

bahwa sering kali pengelolalan domain domainnya sering berubah2, oleh karena itu

browsing dulu ke http://www.pandi.or.id kemudian baru register ke

https://register.pandi.or.id/Index/index/lang/id. Adapun tampilannnya sebagaimana

nampak pada gambar dibawah

Jika belum punya account bisa daftar. Adapun jika sudah punya account dapat

langsung mengisi isian untuk pendaftaran domain. Jika ada masalah bisa langsung

chatting lewat yahoo messager atau lewat telpon, orang-orang pandi akan membantu

dengan senang hati. Kemudian isikan sesuai petunjuk didalamnya. Dan maaf untuk

yang ini saya tidak akan bahas panjang lebar.


Selain itu dapat pula dengan menggunakan jasa dari tempat lain untuk penamaan ini,

misalnya lewat www.qwords.com misalnya. Kemudian login lewat Cpanel

sebagaimana tampilan berikut ini.

Begitu pula dapat pula menginstall mail servernya dengan menggunakan tampilan sebagai berikut


Untuk mengeset domain ini sama sekali tidak susah, asal sudah mengetahui makna

dari IP Address, serta mengarahkan IP address untuk komputer tertentu.


Agar jaringan local dapat melakukan koneksi internet, maka diperlukan proses yang

dinamakan masquerading, yaitu menjadikan sebagai jembatan untuk melakukan

koneksi dari jaringan lokal ke jarigan luar. Adapun prosesnya adalah edit file

/etc/default/ufw sebagai berikut, Caranya adalah ketikkan nano /etc/default/ufw

# /etc/default/ufw## Set to yes to apply rules to support IPv6 (no means only IPv6 on loopback# accepted). You will need to 'disable' and then 'enable' the firewall for# the changes to take affect.IPV6=no# Set the default input policy to ACCEPT, ACCEPT_NO_TRACK, DROP, or REJECT.# ACCEPT enables connection tracking for NEW inbound packets on the INPUT# chain, whereas ACCEPT_NO_TRACK does not use connection tracking. Please note# that if you change this you will most likely want to adjust your rules.DEFAULT_INPUT_POLICY="DROP"# Set the default output policy to ACCEPT, ACCEPT_NO_TRACK, DROP, or REJECT.# ACCEPT enables connection tracking for NEW outbound packets on the OUTPUT# chain, whereas ACCEPT_NO_TRACK does not use connection tracking. Please note


# that if you change this you will most likely want to adjust your rules.DEFAULT_OUTPUT_POLICY="ACCEPT"# Set the default forward policy to ACCEPT, DROP or REJECT. Please note that# if you change this you will most likely want to adjust your rulesDEFAULT_FORWARD_POLICY="DROP"# Set the default application policy to ACCEPT, DROP, REJECT or SKIP. Please# note that setting this to ACCEPT may be a security risk. See 'man ufw' for# detailsDEFAULT_APPLICATION_POLICY="SKIP"# By default, ufw only touches its own chains. Set this to 'yes' to have ufw# manage the built-in chains too. Warning: setting this to 'yes' will break# non-ufw managed firewall rulesMANAGE_BUILTINS=no## IPT backend## only enable if using iptables backendIPT_SYSCTL=/etc/ufw/sysctl.conf# extra connection tracking modules to loadIPT_MODULES="nf_conntrack_ftp nf_nat_ftp nf_conntrack_irc nf_nat_irc"

Kemudian edit file /etc/default/sysctl,conf, yang berisi baris sebagai berikut


degan cara menghilangkan tanda #, sebagaimana nampak pada tabel dibawah ini

root@server:/home/mufid# cat /etc/ufw/sysctl.conf## Configuration file for setting network variables. Please note these settings# override /etc/sysctl.conf and /etc/sysctl.d. If you prefer to use# /etc/sysctl.conf, please adjust IPT_SYSCTL in /etc/default/ufw. See# Documentation/networking/ip-sysctl.txt in the kernel source code for more# information.## Uncomment this to allow this host to route packets between interfacesnet/ipv4/ip_forward=1#net/ipv6/conf/default/forwarding=1#net/ipv6/conf/all/forwarding=1# Disable ICMP redirects. ICMP redirects are rarely used but can be used in# MITM (man-in-the-middle) attacks. Disabling ICMP may disrupt legitimate# traffic to those sites.net/ipv4/conf/all/accept_redirects=0net/ipv4/conf/default/accept_redirects=0net/ipv6/conf/all/accept_redirects=0net/ipv6/conf/default/accept_redirects=0# Ignore bogus ICMP errorsnet/ipv4/icmp_echo_ignore_broadcasts=1net/ipv4/icmp_ignore_bogus_error_responses=1net/ipv4/icmp_echo_ignore_all=0# Don't log Martian Packets (impossible addresses)# packets


net/ipv4/conf/all/log_martians=0net/ipv4/conf/default/log_martians=0#net/ipv4/tcp_fin_timeout=30#net/ipv4/tcp_keepalive_intvl=1800# Uncomment this to turn off ipv6 autoconfiguration#net/ipv6/conf/default/autoconf=1#net/ipv6/conf/all/autoconf=1# Uncomment this to enable ipv6 privacy addressing#net/ipv6/conf/default/use_tempaddr=2#net/ipv6/conf/all/use_tempaddr=2

Atau pada komputer server di tempat saya nampak sebagai mana data berikut ini

## Configuration file for setting network variables. Please note these settings# override /etc/sysctl.conf and /etc/sysctl.d. If you prefer to use# /etc/sysctl.conf, please adjust IPT_SYSCTL in /etc/default/ufw. See# Documentation/networking/ip-sysctl.txt in the kernel source code for more# information.## Uncomment this to allow this host to route packets between interfaces#net/ipv4/ip_forward=1#net/ipv6/conf/default/forwarding=1#net/ipv6/conf/all/forwarding=1# Disable ICMP redirects. ICMP redirects are rarely used but can be used in# MITM (man-in-the-middle) attacks. Disabling ICMP may disrupt legitimate# traffic to those sites.net/ipv4/conf/all/accept_redirects=0net/ipv4/conf/default/accept_redirects=0net/ipv6/conf/all/accept_redirects=0net/ipv6/conf/default/accept_redirects=0# Ignore bogus ICMP errorsnet/ipv4/icmp_echo_ignore_broadcasts=1net/ipv4/icmp_ignore_bogus_error_responses=1net/ipv4/icmp_echo_ignore_all=0# Don't log Martian Packets (impossible addresses)# packetsnet/ipv4/conf/all/log_martians=0net/ipv4/conf/default/log_martians=0#net/ipv4/tcp_fin_timeout=30#net/ipv4/tcp_keepalive_intvl=1800# Uncomment this to turn off ipv6 autoconfiguration#net/ipv6/conf/default/autoconf=1#net/ipv6/conf/all/autoconf=1# Uncomment this to enable ipv6 privacy addressing#net/ipv6/conf/default/use_tempaddr=2#net/ipv6/conf/all/use_tempaddr=2

Kemudian editlah file yang berada pada /etc/ufw/before.rules dengan dibuat

aturannya sebagai berikut


root@server:/home/mufid# cat /etc/ufw/before.rules## rules.before## Rules that should be run before the ufw command line added rules. Custom# rules should be added to one of these chains:# ufw-before-input# ufw-before-output# ufw-before-forward#*nat:POSTROUTING ACCEPT [0:0]


# Don't delete these required lines, otherwise there will be errors*filter:ufw-before-input - [0:0]:ufw-before-output - [0:0]:ufw-before-forward - [0:0]:ufw-not-local - [0:0]# End required lines

# allow all on loopback-A ufw-before-input -i lo -j ACCEPT-A ufw-before-output -o lo -j ACCEPT

# quickly process packets for which we already have a connection-A ufw-before-input -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT-A ufw-before-output -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT

# drop INVALID packets (logs these in loglevel medium and higher)-A ufw-before-input -m state --state INVALID -j ufw-logging-deny-A ufw-before-input -m state --state INVALID -j DROP

# ok icmp codes-A ufw-before-input -p icmp --icmp-type destination-unreachable -j ACCEPT-A ufw-before-input -p icmp --icmp-type source-quench -j ACCEPT-A ufw-before-input -p icmp --icmp-type time-exceeded -j ACCEPT-A ufw-before-input -p icmp --icmp-type parameter-problem -j ACCEPT-A ufw-before-input -p icmp --icmp-type echo-request -j ACCEPT

# allow dhcp client to work-A ufw-before-input -p udp --sport 67 --dport 68 -j ACCEPT

## ufw-not-local#-A ufw-before-input -j ufw-not-local



-A ufw-not-local -m addrtype --dst-type LOCAL -j RETURN

# if MULTICAST, RETURN-A ufw-not-local -m addrtype --dst-type MULTICAST -j RETURN

# if BROADCAST, RETURN-A ufw-not-local -m addrtype --dst-type BROADCAST -j RETURN

# all other non-local packets are dropped-A ufw-not-local -m limit --limit 3/min --limit-burst 10 -j ufw-logging-deny-A ufw-not-local -j DROP

# allow MULTICAST mDNS for service discovery (be sure the MULTICAST line above# is uncommented)-A ufw-before-input -p udp -d --dport 5353 -j ACCEPT

# don't delete the 'COMMIT' line or these rules won't be processedCOMMIT

Langkah berikutnya adalah buat file dengan nama test untuk mengaktifkan firewall

serta untuk membatasi agar para pemakai internet dari jaringan luar harus

menggunakan proxy. Adapun caranya adalah buat file yang diberi nama test

diletakkan pada direktori root yang isinya adalah sebagai berikut :

#!/bin/sh#ip address yang digunakan sebagai server untuk dipakai di jaringan lokalSQUID_SERVER=""# Nama Card yang terhubung ke modem (baris dibawah ini tergantung pemasangan kabelnya lho, apa ppp0,ppp1)INTERNET="pppo0”# Nama Card yang terhubung ke jaringan lokal (baris dibawah ini tergantung pemasangan kabelnya lho, apa eth0/eth1)LAN_IN="eth1"# Squid portSQUID_PORT="8080"# DO NOT MODIFY BELOW# Clean old firewalliptables -Fiptables -Xiptables -t nat -Fiptables -t nat -Xiptables -t mangle -Fiptables -t mangle -X# Load IPTABLES modules for NAT and IP conntrack supportmodprobe ip_conntrackmodprobe ip_conntrack_ftp# For win xp ftp client#modprobe ip_nat_ftpecho 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward# Setting default filter policyiptables -P INPUT DROPiptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT


# Unlimited access to loop backiptables -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPTiptables -A OUTPUT -o lo -j ACCEPT# Allow UDP, DNS and Passive FTPiptables -A INPUT -i $INTERNET -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT# set this system as a router for Rest of LANiptables --table nat --append POSTROUTING --out-interface $INTERNET -j MASQUERADEiptables --append FORWARD --in-interface $LAN_IN -j ACCEPT# unlimited access to LANiptables -A INPUT -i $LAN_IN -j ACCEPTiptables -A OUTPUT -o $LAN_IN -j ACCEPT# DNAT port 80 request comming from LAN systems to squid 3128 ($SQUID_PORT) aka transparent proxyiptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i $LAN_IN -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to $SQUID_SERVER:$SQUID_PORT# if it is same systemiptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i $INTERNET -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port $SQUID_PORT# DROP everything and Log itiptables -A INPUT -j LOGiptables -A INPUT -j DROP

Adapun caranya membuat file tersebut adalah sebagai berikut

root@server:/home/mufid# nano /root/test

Perlu extra hati-hati dalam menuliskan apakah pakai eth0, eth1 dan apakah ppp0,

ppp1 dan seterusnya. Adapun untuk pastinya ketikan perintah ifconfig, dan

perhatikan yang diberi tebalkan dan dimiringkan dari hasil dari menjalankan perintah

ifconfig ini.

root@server:/home/mufid# ifconfig eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:0a:e4:4a:45:96 inet addr: Bcast: Mask: inet6 addr: fe80::20a:e4ff:fe4a:4596/64 Scope:Link UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:7173555 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:10977015 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:1263767109 (1.2 GB) TX bytes:1954403033 (1.9 GB) Interrupt:11 Base address:0x3000

eth1 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:19:e0:18:3f:08 inet6 addr: fe80::219:e0ff:fe18:3f08/64 Scope:Link UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:1 RX packets:9332078 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:7545253 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 RX bytes:1401032072 (1.4 GB) TX bytes:1772753139 (1.7 GB) Interrupt:10 Base address:0x3c00

lo Link encap:Local Loopback inet addr: Mask:


inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host UP LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:16436 Metric:1 RX packets:1728967 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:1728967 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 RX bytes:8301620295 (8.3 GB) TX bytes:8301620295 (8.3 GB)

ppp0 Link encap:Point-to-Point Protocol inet addr: P-t-P: Mask: UP POINTOPOINT RUNNING NOARP MULTICAST MTU:1492 Metric:1 RX packets:2389691 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 TX packets:1953508 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 collisions:0 txqueuelen:3 RX bytes:2417589509 (2.4 GB) TX bytes:370002204 (370.0 MB)

Kemudian tulislah sebagaimana data diatas, setelah itu tekan CTRL-X diikuti dengan

menjawab dengan jawaban Y.

Agar file test tersebut sebagai file menjadi file perintah (executable file), maka

lakukanlah perintah berikut ini

root@server:/home/mufid# chmod +x /root/test

Kemudian jalankan perintah test tersebut dengan mengetikkan perintah /root/test

root@server:/home/mufid# /root/test

Kemudian coba aktifkan dan non aktikan firewallnya

root@server:/home/mufid# ufw enable Firewall is active and enabled on system startup root@server:/home/mufid# ufw disable Firewall stopped and disabled on system startup root@server:/home/mufid#

kemudian dicoba dari jaringan lokal, yaitu jaringan windows yang ada di jaringan

lokal, untuk diperiksa apakah koneksi keluar internet bisa jalan :

ping www.google.co.id -t

Jika sudah Ok, maka langkah berikutnya adalah menginstall paket-paket lainnya.


root@server:/home/mufid# aptitude search ftp p atftp - advanced TFTP client p atftpd - advanced TFTP server p bareftp - FTP client for GNOME p cl-ftp - Common Lisp FTP library p curlftpfs - filesystem to access FTP hosts based on FU i ftp - The FTP client p ftp-proxy - application level proxy for the FTP protoc p ftp-proxy-doc - documentation for ftp-proxy v ftp-server - p ftp-ssl - The FTP client with SSL or TLS encryption p ftp-upload - put files with FTP from a script p ftp.app - File transfer protocol application for GNU p ftpcopy - FTP clients collection p ftpd - File Transfer Protocol (FTP) server p ftpd-ssl - FTP server with SSL encryption support p ftpgrab - file mirroring utility p ftphs-doc - transitional dummy package p ftplib-dev - Library of callable ftp routines (developm p ftplib3 - Library of callable ftp routines p ftpmirror - Mirroring directory hierarchy using FTP pr p ftpwatch - Notifies you of changes on remote ftp serv p gadmin-proftpd - GTK+ configuration tool for proftpd p gadmin-proftpd-dbg - GTK+ configuration tool for proftpd v gforge-ftp - p gforge-ftp-proftpd - collaborative development tool - FTP manag p gftp - X/GTK+ and console FTP client p gftp-common - shared files for other gFTP packages p gftp-gtk - X/GTK+ FTP client p gftp-text - colored FTP client using GLib p globus-ftp-client-dbg - Globus Toolkit - GridFTP Client Library De p globus-ftp-control-dbg - Globus Toolkit - GridFTP Control Library D p globus-gridftp-server-control-d - Globus Toolkit - Globus GridFTP server Lib p globus-gridftp-server-dbg - Globus Toolkit - Globus GridFTP server Deb p globus-gridftp-server-progs - Globus Toolkit - Globus GridFTP server Pro p gosa-plugin-pureftpd - pureftpd plugin for GOsa² p gosa-plugin-pureftpd-schema - LDAP schema for GOsa² pureftpd plugin p inetutils-ftp - File Transfer Protocol client p inetutils-ftpd - File Transfer Protocol server p jftp - Java GUI client for FTP, SMB, SFTP and NFS p jmeter-ftp - Load testing and performance measurement a p kftpgrabber - ftp client for KDE p kio-ftps - an ftps KIO slave for KDE 4 p krb5-ftpd - Secure FTP server supporting MIT Kerberos i lftp - Sophisticated command-line FTP/HTTP client p libghc6-ftphs-dev - FTP Client and server Library for Haskell, p libghc6-ftphs-doc - FTP Client and server Library for Haskell, p libgiftproto-dev - interface library for giFT and protocol pl p libgiftproto0 - interface library for giFT and protocol pl p libglobus-ftp-client-dev - Globus Toolkit - GridFTP Client Library De p libglobus-ftp-client-doc - Globus Toolkit - GridFTP Client Library Do p libglobus-ftp-client2 - Globus Toolkit - GridFTP Client Library p libglobus-ftp-control-dev - Globus Toolkit - GridFTP Control Library D p libglobus-ftp-control-doc - Globus Toolkit - GridFTP Control Library D


p libglobus-ftp-control1 - Globus Toolkit - GridFTP Control Library p libglobus-gridftp-server-contro - Globus Toolkit - Globus GridFTP server Lib p libglobus-gridftp-server-contro - Globus Toolkit - Globus GridFTP server Lib p libglobus-gridftp-server-dev - Globus Toolkit - Globus GridFTP server Dev p libglobus-gridftp-server0 - Globus Toolkit - Globus GridFTP server p libnet-sftp-foreign-perl - client for the Secure File Transfer Protoc v libnet-sftp-ruby - p libnet-sftp-ruby1.8 - pure ruby module that emulates an sftp cli p libnet-sftp2-ruby - Ruby implementation of the SFTP protocol p libnet-sftp2-ruby1.8 - Ruby implementation of the SFTP protocol p libnet-sftp2-ruby1.9.1 - Ruby implementation of the SFTP protocol p libnet-tftp-perl - Perl module for accessing TFTP servers p libnet-tftp-ruby - This is a pure Ruby implementation of TFTP p libnet-tftp-ruby1.8 - This is a pure Ruby implementation of TFTP p libnet-tftpd-perl - Perl extension for Trivial File Transfer P v libobexftp-dev - p libobexftp-perl - perl binding to the object exchange file t p libobexftp-ruby - ruby binding to the object exchange file t p libobexftp0 - object exchange file transfer library p libobexftp0-dev - object exchange file transfer library - de p muddleftpd - A flexible and efficient FTP daemon p mysqmail-pure-ftpd-logger - real-time logging system in MySQL - Pure-F p ncftp - A user-friendly and well-featured FTP clie p obexftp - file transfer utility for devices that use p octave-ftp - Octave binding for ftplib, and MATLAB comp p php-net-ftp - provides an OO interface to the PHP FTP fu p plasma-widget-drop2ftp - plasmoid for copy files with every protoco v proftpd - v proftpd-abi-1.3.3d - p proftpd-basic - Versatile, virtual-hosting FTP daemon - bi p proftpd-dev - Versatile, virtual-hosting FTP daemon - de p proftpd-doc - Versatile, virtual-hosting FTP daemon - do p proftpd-mod-ldap - Versatile, virtual-hosting FTP daemon - LD p proftpd-mod-mysql - Versatile, virtual-hosting FTP daemon - My p proftpd-mod-odbc - Versatile, virtual-hosting FTP daemon - OD p proftpd-mod-pgsql - Versatile, virtual-hosting FTP daemon - Po p proftpd-mod-sqlite - Versatile, virtual-hosting FTP daemon - SQ p pure-ftpd - Secure and efficient FTP server p pure-ftpd-common - Pure-FTPd FTP server (Common Files) p pure-ftpd-ldap - Secure and efficient FTP server with LDAP p pure-ftpd-mysql - Secure and efficient FTP server with MySQL p pure-ftpd-postgresql - Secure and efficient FTP server with Postg p pyftpd - ftp daemon with advanced features p python-ftputil - High-level FTP client library (virtual fil p python-obexftp - Python binding to the object exchange file p python-tftpy - A Pure-Python library for TFTP v python2.6-ftputil - v python2.7-ftputil - v python2.7-obexftp - p tftp - Trivial file transfer protocol client p tftp-hpa - HPA's tftp client p tftpd - Trivial file transfer protocol server p tftpd-hpa - HPA's tftp server p tnftp - The enhanced ftp client


p twoftpd - a simple secure efficient FTP server (prog p twoftpd-run - a simple secure efficient FTP server p uec-provisioning-tftpd - the UEC Provisioning TFTP server p vsftpd - lightweight, efficient FTP server written p wu-ftpd - powerful and widely used FTP server p wzdftpd - modular, small and efficient ftp server - p wzdftpd-back-mysql - modular, small and efficient ftp server - p wzdftpd-back-pgsql - modular, small and efficient ftp server - p wzdftpd-dev - modular, small and efficient ftp server - p wzdftpd-mod-avahi - modular, small and efficient ftp server - p wzdftpd-mod-perl - modular, small and efficient ftp server - p wzdftpd-mod-tcl - modular, small and efficient ftp server - p zftp - CERNLIB data analysis suite - file transfe

Menginstall Server FTP

FTP merupakan fasilitas untuk melakukan transfer dari file server ke file klien atau

sebaliknya. Untuk menginstall server ftp dapat dilakukan perintah sebagai berikut

apt-get install vsftpd

root@server:/home/mufid# apt-get install vsftpd Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done The following NEW packages will be installed: vsftpd 0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 262 not upgraded. Need to get 108 kB of archives. After this operation, 442 kB of additional disk space will be used. Get:1 http://id.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty-updates/main vsftpd i386 2.3.2-3ubuntu4.1 [108 kB] Fetched 108 kB in 2s (51.9 kB/s) Preconfiguring packages ... Selecting previously deselected package vsftpd. (Reading database ... 129631 files and directories currently installed.) Unpacking vsftpd (from .../vsftpd_2.3.2-3ubuntu4.1_i386.deb) ... Processing triggers for man-db ... Processing triggers for ureadahead ... Setting up vsftpd (2.3.2-3ubuntu4.1) ... Adding user ftp to group ftp vsftpd start/running, process 3199 root@server:/home/mufid#

Setelah selesai diinstall dapat dicoba dilakukan ftp dari komputer client.

Jika tidak ada masalah maka ftp ke akan jalan dan terhubung ke server

untuk siap melakukan transfer file.


Menginstall Proxy Squid

Server proxy yang sangat terkenal adalah Squid. Selain gratis, proxy dengan Squid

ini sangat luar biasa dan mampu digunakan untuk menangani koneksi-koneksi sibuk

yang terhubung dengan berbagai sambungan internet. Selain itu dengan

menggunakan proxy squid dapat melakukan pembatasan kecepatan dan pengaturan

pemakaian internet.

Untuk menginstall squid, periksa dahulu paket squid yang disediakan dengan

menggunakan Linux ubuntu ini dengan mengetikkan perintah aptitude search squid.

root@server:/home/mufid# aptitude search squid p biosquid - utilities for biological sequence analysis p biosquid-dev - headers and static library for biological p ebox-squid - Zentyal - HTTP proxy (Cache and Content Fi p gadmin-squid - GTK+ configuration tool for squid p gadmin-squid-dbg - GTK+ configuration tool for squid (debug) p gosa-plugin-squid - squid plugin for GOsa² p squid - Internet object cache (WWW proxy cache) p squid-cgi - A full featured web proxy cache (HTTP prox p squid-common - Internet object cache (WWW proxy cache) - p squid-deb-proxy - Squid proxy configuration optimized for de p squid-deb-proxy-client - Automatic proxy discovery for apt based on p squid-langpack - Localized error pages for Squid p squid-prefetch - Simple page-prefetch for Squid web proxy p squid3 - A full featured web proxy cache (HTTP prox v squid3-cgi - v squid3-client - p squid3-common - A full featured web proxy cache (HTTP prox p squid3-dbg - A full featured web proxy cache (HTTP prox p squidclient - A full featured web proxy cache (HTTP prox p squidguard - filter and redirector plugin for Squid p squidguard-doc - filter and redirector plugin for Squid - D p squidtaild - Squid log monitoring program p squidview - monitors and analyses squid access.log fil root@server:/home/mufid#

Setelah itu coba install server squid dengan menggunakan perintah sebagai berikut

apt-get install squid.


root@server:/home/mufid# apt-get install squid Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done The following extra packages will be installed: squid-common squid-langpack Suggested packages: squidclient squid-cgi logcheck-database resolvconf winbind The following NEW packages will be installed: squid squid-common squid-langpack 0 upgraded, 3 newly installed, 0 to remove and 262 not upgraded. Need to get 1,174 kB of archives. After this operation, 8,688 kB of additional disk space will be used. Do you want to continue [Y/n]? Y Get:1 http://id.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty/main squid-langpack all 20110214-1 [235 kB] Get:2 http://id.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty/main squid-common all 2.7.STABLE9-2.1ubuntu6 [267 kB] Get:3 http://id.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty/main squid i386 2.7.STABLE9-2.1ubuntu6 [672 kB] Fetched 1,174 kB in 12s (94.7 kB/s) Preconfiguring packages ... Selecting previously deselected package squid-langpack. (Reading database ... 129683 files and directories currently installed.) Unpacking squid-langpack (from .../squid-langpack_20110214-1_all.deb) ... Selecting previously deselected package squid-common. Unpacking squid-common (from .../squid-common_2.7.STABLE9-2.1ubuntu6_all.deb) ... Selecting previously deselected package squid. Unpacking squid (from .../squid_2.7.STABLE9-2.1ubuntu6_i386.deb) ... Processing triggers for ureadahead ... Processing triggers for ufw ... Processing triggers for man-db ... Setting up squid-langpack (20110214-1) ... Setting up squid-common (2.7.STABLE9-2.1ubuntu6) ... Setting up squid (2.7.STABLE9-2.1ubuntu6) ... Creating squid spool directory structure 2011/12/24 14:33:40| Creating Swap Directories squid start/running, process 3403

Untuk menginstall server proxy dengan menggunakan squid ini yang perlu

diperhatikan adalah baris-baris yang memiliki tulisan berikut ini

edit file squid.conf

Pertamakali yang perlu dilakukan adalah membuat file squid agar komentar-

komentarnya hilang. Adapun caranya adalah sebagai berikut



root@ server :/home/mufid# cat /etc/squid/squid.conf |sed '/ *#/d; /^ *$/d' http_port 8080 transparent cacge_peer proxy.melsa.net.id parent 8080 3130 cache_peer proxy3.melsa.net.id sibling 8080 3130 cache_peer proxy4.melsa.net.id sibling 8080 3130 cache_peer proxy5.melsa.net.id sibling 8080 3130hierarchy_stoplist cgi-bin ?acl QUERY urlpath_regex cgi-bin \?no_cache deny QUERYcache_access_log /var/log/squid/access.log hosts_file /etc/hostsauth_param basic children 5auth_param basic realm Squid proxy-caching web serverauth_param basic credentialsttl 2 hoursauth_param basic casesensitive offrefresh_pattern ^ftp: 1440 20% 10080refresh_pattern ^gopher: 1440 0% 1440refresh_pattern . 0 20% 4320acl blocksites dstdomain microsoft.comhttp_access deny blocksitesacl macf2 arp 00:90:f5:37:e8:f7http_access deny macf2acl all src peringatan_larang src http_access deny peringatan_larang

acl all_larang src manager proto cache_objectacl localhost src

acl to_localhost dst SSL_ports port 443 563

acl Safe_ports port 1920acl CONNECT method CONNECT

include /root/squidlocalconfhttp_access allow localhost

http_access allow localhosthttp_access deny managerhttp_access deny !Safe_portshttp_access deny CONNECT !SSL_portshttp_access deny to_localhosthttp_access deny peringatan_larang

http_access deny all_laranghttp_reply_access allow allicp_access allow allvisible_hostname berita.rw coredump_dir /var/spool/squid

kemudian setelah itu pastikan bahwa squidnya telah jalan. Adapun untuk

menjalankan squid tersebut adalah sebagai berikut:


root@server:/home/mufid# /etc/init.d/squid restartRather than invoking init scripts through /etc/init.d, use the service(8)utility, e.g. service squid restartSince the script you are attempting to invoke has been converted to anUpstart job, you may also use the stop(8) and then start(8) utilities,e.g. stop squid ; start squid. The restart(8) utility is also available.squid stop/waitingsquid start/running, process 28497

Kemudian periksa apakah squid dengan port 8080 telah dapat dipakai, adapun

caranya memeriksa adalah sebagai berikut, ketikkan telnet localhost 8080

root@server:/home/mufid# telnet localhost 8080Trying to localhost.Escape character is '^]'.

Untuk mengakhir pemeriksaan squid ini, ketikkan secara bersama-sama tombol

CTRLdan ].

Jika sudah jalan, kemudian coba komputer yang ada pada jaringan local. Jika seluruh

prosedur diatas jalan dengan benar, maka komputer local dapat digunakan untuk

melakukan browsing.

Menginstall mysql-serverMysql merupakan paket database server yang digunakan untuk operasi web yang sangat populer. Untuk menginstall database server mysql ini dapat dilakukan dengna melakukan pemeriksaan dahulu apakah mysqlnya bisa aktif dipakai, adapun caranya menggunakan perintah berikut ini. aptitude search mysql

root@server:~# aptitude search mysql p aolserver4-nsmysql - AOLserver 4 module: module for accessing MySQL databases p asterisk-mysql - MySQL support for the Asterisk PBX (cdr mainly) p automysqlbackup - a daily, weekly and monthly backup for your MySQL database p bacula-common-mysql - network backup, recovery and verification - MySQL common files p bacula-director-mysql - network backup, recovery and verification - MySQL storage for Dir p bacula-sd-mysql - network backup, recovery and verification - MySQL SD tools p cl-sql-mysql - CLSQL database backend, MySQL p courier-authlib-mysql - MySQL support for the Courier authentication library p cvm-mysql - Credential Validation Modules (MySQL)


p dbf2mysql - xBase <--> MySQL p dbmail-mysql - MySQL module for dbmail p dpm-mysql - Disk Pool Manager (DPM) server with MySQL database backend p dpm-mysql-copyd - DPM copy server with MySQL database backend p dpm-mysql-nameserver - DPM nameserver server with MySQL database backend p dpm-mysql-srmv1 - DPM SRM version 1 server with MySQL database backend p dpm-mysql-srmv2 - DPM SRM version 2 server with MySQL database backend p dpm-mysql-srmv22 - DPM SRM version 2.2 server with MySQL database backend p dpsyco-mysql - Automate administration of access to mysql p drizzle-plugin-mysql-protocol - MySQL Protocol for Drizzle p drizzle-plugin-mysql-unix-socket-protocol - MySQL Unix Domain Socket Protocol for Drizzle p dsyslog-module-mysql - advanced modular syslog daemon - MySQL support p freeradius-mysql - MySQL module for FreeRADIUS server p gambas2-gb-db-mysql - The MySQL driver for the Gambas database component p gmysqlcc - graphical client for managing MySQL databases p gnash-ext-mysql - GNU Shockwave Flash (SWF) player - MySQL extension p gnokii-smsd-mysql - SMSD plugin for MySQL storage backend p gsql-mysql-engine - MySQL engine for GSQL p handlersocket-mysql-5.1 - HandlerSocket plugin for MySQL 5.1 p haskell-hsql-mysql-doc - transitional dummy package p lfc-mysql - LCG File Catalog (LFC) server with MySQL database backend p libapache2-mod-auth-mysql - Apache 2 module for MySQL authentication p libapache2-mod-log-sql-mysql - Use SQL to store/write your apache queries logs - MySQL interface p libaprutil1-dbd-mysql - The Apache Portable Runtime Utility Library - MySQL Driver p libcherokee-mod-mysql - Cherokee web server - MySQL user validator plugin p libclass-dbi-mysql-perl - extensions to Class::DBI for MySQL p libcrypt-mysql-perl - Perl module to emulate the MySQL PASSWORD() function. p libdataobjects-mysql-ruby - MySQL adapter for libdataobjects-ruby1.8 p libdataobjects-mysql-ruby1.8 - MySQL adapter for libdataobjects-ruby1.8 p libdataobjects-mysql-ruby1.9.1 - MySQL adapter for libdataobjects-ruby1.9.1 p libdatetime-format-mysql-perl - Parse and format MySQL dates and times p libdbd-mysql - MySQL database server driver for libdbi p libdbd-mysql-perl - Perl5 database interface to the MySQL database p libdbd-mysql-ruby - Ruby/DBI MySQL driver p libdbd-mysql-ruby1.8 - Ruby/DBI MySQL driver for Ruby 1.8 p libdbd-mysql-ruby1.9.1 - Ruby/DBI MySQL driver for Ruby 1.9.1 p libdspam7-drv-mysql - DSPAM is a scalable and statistical anti-spam filter p libgda-4.0-mysql - MySQL provider for libgda database abstraction library p libghc6-hsql-mysql-dev - MySQL driver of the HSQL library for GHC6 v libghc6-hsql-mysql-dev-1.7.1-0516a - p libghc6-hsql-mysql-doc - API documentation of the hsql-mysql library for Haskell p libghc6-hsql-mysql-prof - MySQL driver of the HSQL library for GHC6; profiling libraries v libghc6-hsql-mysql-prof-1.7.1-0516a - p libkaya-mysql-dev - MySQL binding for kaya p liblua5.1-sql-mysql-2 - luasql library for the Lua language version 5.1 p liblua5.1-sql-mysql-dev - luasql development files for the Lua language version 5.1 v liblua5.1-sql-mysql2 - p libmysql++-dev - MySQL C++ library bindings (development) p libmysql++-doc - MySQL C++ library bindings (documentation)


p libmysql++3 - MySQL C++ library bindings (runtime) p libmysql-cil-dev - MySQL database connector for CLI p libmysql-java - Java database (JDBC) driver for MySQL p libmysql-ocaml - OCaml bindings for MySql p libmysql-ocaml-dev - OCaml bindings for MySql v libmysql-ocaml-dev-u0s33 - v libmysql-ocaml-u0s33 - p libmysql-ruby - MySQL module for Ruby p libmysql-ruby1.8 - MySQL module for Ruby 1.8 p libmysql-ruby1.9.1 - MySQL module for Ruby 1.9.1 p libmysql6.0-cil - MySQL database connector for CLI p libmysql6.1-cil - MySQL database connector for CLI p libmysqlclient-dev - MySQL database development files v libmysqlclient15-dev - p libmysqlclient16 - MySQL database client library p libmysqlclient16-dev - MySQL database development files - empty transitional package p libmysqlcppconn-dev - MySQL Connector for C++ (development files) p libmysqlcppconn4 - MySQL Connector for C++ (library) p libmysqld-dev - MySQL embedded database development files p libmysqld-pic - MySQL database development files p libnss-mysql - NSS module for MySQL p libnss-mysql-bg - NSS module for using MySQL as a naming service p libpam-mysql - PAM module allowing authentication from a MySQL server p libpocomysql9 - The C++ Portable Components MySQL library p libpocomysql9-dbg - The C++ Portable Components MySQL library, debug version p libqt3-mt-mysql - MySQL database driver for Qt3 (Threaded) p libqt4-sql-mysql - Qt 4 MySQL database driver p librdf-storage-mysql - RDF library, MySQL backend p libreoffice-mysql-connector - MySQL Connector extension for LibreOffice p libsoci-mysql-gcc - C++ Database Access Library (MySQL backend) p libtime-piece-mysql-perl - Time::Piece::MySQL - Adds MySQL-specific methods to Time::Piece p lighttpd-mod-mysql-vhost - MySQL-based virtual host configuration for lighttpd p mnogosearch-mysql - full-featured web search engine (MySQL) p monodoc-mysql-manual - compiled XML documentation for the MySql.Data library p monodoc-mysql6.0-manual - compiled XML documentation for the MySql.Data library p mysql-admin - GUI tool for intuitive MySQL administration p mysql-client - MySQL database client (metapackage depending on the latest versio v mysql-client-4.1 - p mysql-client-5.1 - MySQL database client binaries p mysql-client-core-5.1 - MySQL database core client binaries p mysql-cluster-client - MySQL database client (metapackage depending on the latest versio p mysql-cluster-client-5.1 - MySQL database client binaries p mysql-cluster-server - MySQL database server (metapackage depending on the latest versio p mysql-cluster-server-5.1 - MySQL database server binaries p mysql-common - MySQL database common files, e.g. /etc/mysql/my.cnf v mysql-common-4.1 -


p mysql-gui-tools-common - Architecture independent files for MySQL GUI Tools p mysql-mmm-agent - Multi-Master Replication Manager for MySQL - agent daemon p mysql-mmm-common - Multi-Master Replication Manager for MySQL - common files p mysql-mmm-monitor - Multi-Master Replication Manager for MySQL - monitoring daemon p mysql-mmm-tools - Multi-Master Replication Manager for MySQL - tools p mysql-navigator - GUI client program for MySQL database server p mysql-proxy - high availability, load balancing and query modification for mysq p mysql-query-browser - Official GUI tool to query MySQL database p mysql-server - MySQL database server (metapackage depending on the latest versio v mysql-server-5.0 - p mysql-server-5.1 - MySQL database server binaries and system database setup v mysql-server-core - v mysql-server-core-5.0 - p mysql-server-core-5.1 - MySQL database server binaries p mysql-source-5.1 - MySQL source p mysql-testsuite - MySQL testsuite p mysqltcl - Interface to the MySQL database for the Tcl language p mysqltuner - high-performance MySQL tuning script v ndoutils-mysql - p ndoutils-nagios3-mysql - This provides the NDOUtils for Nagios with MySQL support p nuauth-log-mysql - The authenticating firewall [MySQL log module] p opendnssec-enforcer-mysql - tool to prepares DNSSEC keys (mysql backend) p openoffice.org-mysql-connector - MySQL Connector extension for LibreOffice p parser3-mysql - MySQL driver for Parser 3 p pdns-backend-mysql - generic MySQL backend for PowerDNS p pennmush-mysql - text-based multi-user virtual world server with MySQL support p perdition-mysql - Library to allow perdition to access MySQL based popmaps p php-mdb2-driver-mysql - PHP PEAR module to provide a MySQL driver for MDB2 p php5-mysql - MySQL module for php5 p pike7.6-mysql - MySQL module for Pike p pike7.8-mysql - MySQL module for Pike p postfix-cluebringer-mysql - metapackage for mysql support in postfix-cluebringer p postfix-mysql - MySQL map support for Postfix p proftpd-mod-mysql - Versatile, virtual-hosting FTP daemon - MySQL module p pure-ftpd-mysql - Secure and efficient FTP server with MySQL user authentication p python-mysqldb - A Python interface to MySQL p python-mysqldb-dbg - A Python interface to MySQL (debug extension) v python2.6-mysqldb - v python2.7-mysqldb - p r-cran-rmysql - GNU R package providing a DBI-compliant interface to MySQL p ratbox-services-mysql - IRC services for use with ircd-ratbox with the mysql backend p redmine-mysql - metapackage providing MySQL dependencies for Redmine p roundcube-mysql - metapackage providing MySQL dependencies for


RoundCube p rsyslog-mysql - MySQL output plugin for rsyslog p rt3.8-db-mysql - MySQL database backend for request-tracker3.8 p sbnc-mysql - an IRC proxy for multiple users (MySQL extension) p scilab-scimysql - A Scilab interface to MySQL p ser-mysql-module - MySQL database connectivity module for SER p snort-mysql - flexible Network Intrusion Detection System [MySQL] p spl-mysql - SPL Programming Language -- MySQL adapter p sqlrelay-mysql - SQL Relay MySQL connection daemon p tntdb-mysql1 - MySQL backend for tntdb database access library p ulogd-mysql - MySQL extension to ulogd v virtual-mysql-client - v virtual-mysql-server - p voms-mysql-plugin - VOMS server plugin for MySQL p wzdftpd-back-mysql - modular, small and efficient ftp server - MySQL backend p yate-mysql - MySQL support module for yate p zabbix-proxy-mysql - network monitoring solution - proxy (using MySQL) p zabbix-server-mysql - network monitoring solution - server (using MySQL) root@server:~#

Kemudian install mysql dengan mengetikkan perintah sebagai berikut : apt-get

install mysql-server

root@server:~# apt-get install mysql-server Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done The following extra packages will be installed: libdbd-mysql-perl libdbi-perl libhtml-template-perl libmysqlclient16 libnet-daemon-perl libplrpc-perl mysql-client-5.1 mysql-client-core-5.1 mysql-common mysql-server-5.1 mysql-server-core-5.1 Suggested packages: libipc-sharedcache-perl tinyca mailx The following NEW packages will be installed: libdbd-mysql-perl libdbi-perl libhtml-template-perl libmysqlclient16 libnet-daemon-perl libplrpc-perl mysql-client-5.1 mysql-client-core-5.1 mysql-common mysql-server mysql-server-5.1 mysql-server-core-5.1 0 upgraded, 12 newly installed, 0 to remove and 262 not upgraded. Need to get 22.6 MB of archives. After this operation, 54.5 MB of additional disk space will be used. Do you want to continue [Y/n]? Y Get:1 http://id.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty/main mysql-common all 5.1.54-1ubuntu4 [12.2 kB]


Get:2 http://id.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty/main libnet-daemon-perl all 0.43-1 [46.9 kB] Get:3 http://id.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty/main libplrpc-perl all 0.2020-2 [36.0 kB] Get:4 http://id.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty/main libdbi-perl i386 1.612-1 [845 kB] Get:5 http://id.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty/main libmysqlclient16 i386 5.1.54-1ubuntu4 [1,808 kB] Get:6 http://id.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty/main libdbd-mysql-perl i386 4.016-1 [138 kB] Get:7 http://id.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty/main mysql-client-core-5.1 i386 5.1.54-1ubuntu4 [90.8 kB] Get:8 http://id.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty/main mysql-client-5.1 i386 5.1.54-1ubuntu4 [8,642 kB] Get:9 http://id.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty/main mysql-server-core-5.1 i386 5.1.54-1ubuntu4 [4,627 kB] 63% [9 mysql-server-core-5.1 2,744 kB/4,627 kB 59%] 41.5 kB/s 3min 18sh63% [9 mysql-server-core-5.1 2,767 kB/4,627 kB 59%] 41.5 kB/s 3min 17sg63% [9 mysql-server-core-5.1 2,770 kB/4,627 kB 59%] 41.5 kB/s 3min 17sg63% [9 mysql-server-core-5.1 2,770 kB/4,627 kB 59%] 41.5 kB/s 3min 17sg63% [9 mysql-server-core-5.1 2,811 kB/4,627 kB 60%] 41.5 kB/s 3min 16sg64% [9 mysql-server-core-5.1 2,834 kB/4,627 kB 61%] 41.5 kB/s 3min 16sg64% [9 mysql-server-core-5.1 2,844 kB/4,627 kB 61%] 41.5 kB/s 3min 15sg64% [9 mysql-server-core-5.1 2,860 kB/4,627 kB 61%] 41.5 kB/s 3min 15sg64% [9 mysql-server-core-5.1 2,870 kB/4,627 kB 62%] 41.5 kB/s 3min 15sg64% [9 mysql-server-core-5.1 2,883 kB/4,627 kB 62%] 41.5 kB/s 3min 14sgGet:10 http://id.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty/main mysql-server-5.1 i386 5.1.54-1ubuntu4 [6,258 kB] Get:11 http://id.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty/main libhtml-template-perl all 2.9-2 [67.1 kB] Get:12 http://id.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty/main mysql-server all 5.1.54-1ubuntu4 [6,828 B] Fetched 22.6 MB in 9min 4s (41.4 kB/s) Preconfiguring packages ... Selecting previously deselected package mysql-common. (Reading database ... 131425 files and directories currently installed.) Unpacking mysql-common (from .../mysql-common_5.1.54-1ubuntu4_all.deb) ... Selecting previously deselected package libnet-daemon-perl. Unpacking libnet-daemon-perl (from .../libnet-daemon-perl_0.43-1_all.deb) ... Selecting previously deselected package libplrpc-perl. Unpacking libplrpc-perl (from .../libplrpc-perl_0.2020-2_all.deb) ... Selecting previously deselected package libdbi-perl. Unpacking libdbi-perl (from .../libdbi-perl_1.612-1_i386.deb) ...


Selecting previously deselected package libmysqlclient16. Unpacking libmysqlclient16 (from .../libmysqlclient16_5.1.54-1ubuntu4_i386.deb) ... Selecting previously deselected package libdbd-mysql-perl. Unpacking libdbd-mysql-perl (from .../libdbd-mysql-perl_4.016-1_i386.deb) ... Selecting previously deselected package mysql-client-core-5.1. Unpacking mysql-client-core-5.1 (from .../mysql-client-core-5.1_5.1.54-1ubuntu4_i386.deb) ... Selecting previously deselected package mysql-client-5.1. Unpacking mysql-client-5.1 (from .../mysql-client-5.1_5.1.54-1ubuntu4_i386.deb) ... Selecting previously deselected package mysql-server-core-5.1. Unpacking mysql-server-core-5.1 (from .../mysql-server-core-5.1_5.1.54-1ubuntu4_i386.deb) ... Processing triggers for man-db ... Setting up mysql-common (5.1.54-1ubuntu4) ... Selecting previously deselected package mysql-server-5.1. (Reading database ... 131800 files and directories currently installed.) Unpacking mysql-server-5.1 (from .../mysql-server-5.1_5.1.54-1ubuntu4_i386.deb) ... Selecting previously deselected package libhtml-template-perl. Unpacking libhtml-template-perl (from .../libhtml-template-perl_2.9-2_all.deb) ... Selecting previously deselected package mysql-server. Unpacking mysql-server (from .../mysql-server_5.1.54-1ubuntu4_all.deb) ... Processing triggers for ureadahead ... Processing triggers for man-db ... Setting up libnet-daemon-perl (0.43-1) ... Setting up libplrpc-perl (0.2020-2) ... Setting up libdbi-perl (1.612-1) ... Setting up libmysqlclient16 (5.1.54-1ubuntu4) ... Setting up libdbd-mysql-perl (4.016-1) ... Setting up mysql-client-core-5.1 (5.1.54-1ubuntu4) ... Setting up mysql-client-5.1 (5.1.54-1ubuntu4) ... Setting up mysql-server-core-5.1 (5.1.54-1ubuntu4) ... Setting up mysql-server-5.1 (5.1.54-1ubuntu4) ... mysql start/running, process 7045 Setting up libhtml-template-perl (2.9-2) ... Setting up mysql-server (5.1.54-1ubuntu4) ... Processing triggers for libc-bin ... ldconfig deferred processing now taking place


Menginstall web server dengan menggunakan Apache


Untuk menginstall webserver dengan menggunakan apache dapat dilakukan dengan

menggunakan perintah sebagai berikut aptitude search apache yaitu memeriksa paket

apache yang disediakan.

root@server:~# aptitude search apache p apache2 - Apache HTTP server metapackage

v apache2-dev - p apache2-doc - Apache HTTP server documentation

v apache2-mpm - p apache2-mpm-event - Apache HTTP server - event driven model

p apache2-mpm-itk - multiuser MPM for Apache 2.2 i A apache2-mpm-prefork - Apache HTTP server - traditional non-threa

p apache2-mpm-worker - Apache HTTP server - high speed threaded m p apache2-prefork-dev - Apache development headers - non-threaded p apache2-suexec - Standard suexec program for Apache 2 mod_s

p apache2-suexec-custom - Configurable suexec program for Apache 2 m p apache2-threaded-dev - Apache development headers - threaded MPM

i A apache2-utils - utility programs for webservers i A apache2.2-bin - Apache HTTP server common binary files i A apache2.2-common - Apache HTTP server common files

p apachetop - Realtime Apache monitoring tool p gforge-web-apache - transition package to gforge-web-apache2 p gforge-web-apache2 - collaborative development tool - web part

p gforge-web-apache2-vhosts - collaborative development tool - web vhost p libapache-admin-config-perl - a Perl module to read/write Apache like co

p libapache-asp-perl - perl Apache::ASP - Active server Pages for p libapache-authenhook-perl - Perl API for Apache 2.1 authentication

p libapache-authznetldap-perl - Apache-Perl module that enables to authori p libapache-configfile-perl - Parse an Apache style httpd.conf configura p libapache-db-perl - run the interactive Perl debugger under mo p libapache-dbi-perl - interface connecting apache server to data

p libapache-dbilogger-perl - Tracks what's being transferred in a DBI d p libapache-gallery-perl - Apache module to create galleries on-the-f p libapache-htgroup-perl - interface to Apache authentication group f p libapache-htpasswd-perl - Manage Unix crypt-style password file p libapache-mime4j-java - MIME and RFC822 parser for Java

p libapache-mime4j-java-doc - MIME and RFC822 parser for Java - document p libapache-mod-auth-kerb - apache module for Kerberos authentication

p libapache-mod-jk-doc - Documentation of libapache2-mod-jk package p libapache-mod-security - Tighten web applications security for Apac

p libapache-ruby1.8 - Ruby libraries for mod_ruby


p libapache-session-perl - modules for keeping persistent user data a p libapache-session-wrapper-perl - simple wrapper around Apache::Session p libapache-sessionx-perl - extended persistence framework for session

p libapache-singleton-perl - Singleton class for mod_perl p libapache2-authcassimple-perl - Apache2 module to authentificate trough a

p libapache2-authenntlm-perl - Perform Microsoft NTLM and Basic User Auth p libapache2-mod-apparmor - changehat AppArmor library as an Apache mo

p libapache2-mod-apreq2 - generic Apache request library - Apache mo p libapache2-mod-auth-cas - CAS authentication module for Apache2

p libapache2-mod-auth-kerb - apache2 module for Kerberos authentication p libapache2-mod-auth-mysql - Apache 2 module for MySQL authentication p libapache2-mod-auth-openid - OpenID authentication module for Apache2 p libapache2-mod-auth-pam - module for Apache2 which authenticate usin p libapache2-mod-auth-pgsql - Module for Apache2 which provides pgsql au p libapache2-mod-auth-plain - Module for Apache2 which provides plaintex

p libapache2-mod-auth-radius - Apache 2.x module for RADIUS authenticatio p libapache2-mod-auth-sys-group - Module for Apache2 which checks user again

p libapache2-mod-authn-sasl - SASL authentication backend provider for A p libapache2-mod-authnz-external - authenticate Apache against external authe

p libapache2-mod-authz-unixgroup - access control based on on unix group memb p libapache2-mod-axis2c - Apache web services engine - apache module

p libapache2-mod-bw - bandwidth limiting module for apache2 p libapache2-mod-chroot - run Apache in a secure chroot environment

p libapache2-mod-defensible - module for Apache2 which provides DNSBL us p libapache2-mod-dnssd - Zeroconf support for Apache 2 via avahi

p libapache2-mod-encoding - Apache2 module for non-ascii filename inte p libapache2-mod-evasive - evasive module to minimize HTTP DoS or bru p libapache2-mod-fastcgi - Apache 2 FastCGI module for long-running C p libapache2-mod-fcgid - an alternative module compat with mod_fast p libapache2-mod-fcgid-dbg - debugging symbols for mod_fcgid

p libapache2-mod-geoip - GeoIP support for apache2 p libapache2-mod-gnutls - Apache module for SSL and TLS encryption w

p libapache2-mod-jk - Apache 2 connector for the Tomcat Java ser p libapache2-mod-layout - Apache web page content wrapper

p libapache2-mod-ldap-userdir - Apache module that provides UserDir lookup p libapache2-mod-lisp - An Apache2 module that interfaces with Lis p libapache2-mod-log-sql - Use SQL to store/write your apache queries

p libapache2-mod-log-sql-dbi - Use SQL to store/write your apache queries p libapache2-mod-log-sql-mysql - Use SQL to store/write your apache queries p libapache2-mod-log-sql-ssl - Use SQL to store/write your apache queries p libapache2-mod-macro - Create macros inside apache2 config files

p libapache2-mod-mime-xattr - Apache2 module to get MIME info from files p libapache2-mod-mono - Apache module for running ASP.NET applicat


p libapache2-mod-musicindex - Browse, stream, download and search throug p libapache2-mod-neko - Apache module for running server-side Neko p libapache2-mod-ocamlnet - OCaml application-level Internet libraries p libapache2-mod-passenger - Rails and Rack support for Apache2 p libapache2-mod-perl2 - Integration of perl with the Apache2 web s

p libapache2-mod-perl2-dev - Integration of perl with the Apache2 web s p libapache2-mod-perl2-doc - Integration of perl with the Apache2 web s

i A libapache2-mod-php5 - server-side, HTML-embedded scripting langu p libapache2-mod-php5filter - server-side, HTML-embedded scripting langu p libapache2-mod-proxy-html - Apache2 filter module for HTML links rewri

p libapache2-mod-python - Python-embedding module for Apache 2 p libapache2-mod-python-doc - Python-embedding module for Apache 2 - doc

v libapache2-mod-python2.7 - p libapache2-mod-qos - quality of service module for the apache2

p libapache2-mod-random - Create random ads, quotes and redirects p libapache2-mod-removeip - Module to remove IP from apache2's logs p libapache2-mod-rivet - server-side Tcl programming system combini p libapache2-mod-rivet-doc - Documentation for Rivet, a server-side Tcl p libapache2-mod-rpaf - module for Apache2 which takes the last IP

p libapache2-mod-ruby - Embedding Ruby in the Apache2 web server p libapache2-mod-scgi - Apache module implementing the SCGI protoc

v libapache2-mod-security2 - p libapache2-mod-shib2 - Federated web single sign-on system (Apach

p libapache2-mod-spamhaus - Apache DNSBL module that blocks listed IP p libapache2-mod-speedycgi - apache2 module to speed up perl scripts by p libapache2-mod-suphp - Apache2 module to run php scripts with the

p libapache2-mod-upload-progress - upload progress support for the Apache web p libapache2-mod-vhost-hash-alias - Fast and efficient way to manage virtual h p libapache2-mod-vhost-ldap - Apache 2 module for Virtual Hosting from L p libapache2-mod-wsgi - Python WSGI adapter module for Apache

p libapache2-mod-wsgi-py3 - Python 3 WSGI adapter module for Apache p libapache2-mod-xsendfile - Serve large static files efficiently from

p libapache2-modxslt - XSLT processing module for Apache 2.x base p libapache2-redirtoservname - Apache 2 module to redirect users to the c p libapache2-reload-perl - module for reloading Perl modules when cha p libapache2-request-perl - generic Apache request library - Perl modu

p libapache2-svn - Subversion server modules for Apache p libapache2-webauth - Apache 2 modules for webAuth authenticatio p libapache2-webkdc - Apache 2 modules for a webAuth authenticat p libcatalyst-engine-apache-perl - Catalyst engine for Apache 1.x and 2.x

p libconfig-apacheformat-perl - use Apache format config files p libmasonx-request-withapacheses - Session handler in the Mason Request objec

p mahara-apache2 - Electronic portfolio, weblog, and resume b


p mono-apache-server - ASP.NET backend for mod_mono2 Apache modul p mono-apache-server1 - ASP.NET 1.1 backend for mod_mono Apache mo p mono-apache-server2 - ASP.NET 2.0 backend for mod_mono2 Apache m

p python-apache-openid - OpenID consumer module for Apache p rt3.8-apache2 - Apache 2 specific files for request-tracke p torrus-apache - Transitional Package for migration to torr

p torrus-apache2 - Universal front-end for Round-Robin Databa

Install Apache2 Kemudian install webserver dengan menggunakan perintah sebagai berikut apt-get install apache2

root@server:~# apt-get install apache2 Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done The following NEW packages will be installed: apache2 0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 262 not upgraded. Need to get 1,486 B of archives. After this operation, 36.9 kB of additional disk space will be used. Get:1 http://id.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty-updates/main apache2 i386 2.2.17-1ubuntu1.4 [1,486 B] Fetched 1,486 B in 2s (668 B/s) Selecting previously deselected package apache2. (Reading database ... 132540 files and directories currently installed.) Unpacking apache2 (from .../apache2_2.2.17-1ubuntu1.4_i386.deb) ... Setting up apache2 (2.2.17-1ubuntu1.4) ...

Install PHP

PHP merupakan paket program yang sangat terkenal sekali untuk dipakai di web

server. Pertama yang perlu dilakukan adalah memeriksa paket php yang tersedia

dengan mengunakan perintah aptitude search php.

root@server:~# aptitude search php p cakephp - MVC rapid application development framework for PHP p cakephp-instaweb - Development webserver for CakePHP


applications p cakephp-scripts - MVC rapid application development framework for PHP (scripts) p dh-make-php - Creates Debian source packages for PHP PEAR and PECL extensions p gosa-plugin-phpgw - phpgw plugin for GOsa² p gosa-plugin-phpgw-schema - LDAP schema for GOsa² phpgw plugin p gosa-plugin-phpscheduleit - phpscheduleit plugin for GOsa² p gosa-plugin-phpscheduleit-schema - LDAP schema for GOsa² phpscheduleit plugin p gphpedit - development environment for PHP/HTML/CSS p htcheck-php - Simple php interface to database generated by ht://Check p icinga-phpapi - host and network monitoring system - PHP API p kdevelop-php - PHP plugin for KDevelop p kdevelop-php-docs - PHP documentation plugin for KDevelop p libapache2-mod-php5 - server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (Apache 2 module) p libapache2-mod-php5filter - server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (apache 2 filter mo p libapache2-mod-suphp - Apache2 module to run php scripts with the owner permissions p libarc-php - Flexible RDF system for semantic web and PHP practitioners p libawl-php - Andrew's web Libraries - PHP Utility Libraries p libexpect-php5 - expect module for PHP 5 p libgv-php5 - Php5 bindings for graphviz p libhdate-php - A library that help use hebrew dates (php bindings) p libhtml-wikiconverter-phpwiki-perl - HTML to wiki markup converter - PhpWiki dialect p libmarkdown-php - PHP library for rendering Markdown data p libnusoap-php - SOAP toolkit for PHP p liboauth-php - PHP library implementing the OAuth secure authentication protocol p libphp-adodb - The ADOdb database abstraction layer for PHP


p libphp-cloudfusion - A php toolkit for popular cloud computing services p libphp-diogenes - library for web site creation p libphp-jabber - Object-oriented PHP interface for the Jabber/XMPP protocol p libphp-jpgraph - Object oriented graph library for php5 p libphp-jpgraph-examples - Object oriented graph library for php5 (examples) p libphp-magpierss - provides an XML-based RSS parser in PHP p libphp-pclzip - zip archive manager class for PHP p libphp-phplayersmenu - hierarchical menu system class for PHP p libphp-phpmailer - full featured email transfer class for PHP p libphp-phpsniff - a HTTP_USER_AGENT Client Sniffer for PHP p libphp-serialization-perl - Perl module to manipulate serialized PHP data structures p libphp-simplepie - RSS and Atom feed parsing in PHP p libphp-snoopy - Snoopy is a PHP class that simulates a web browser p libphp-swiftmailer - component-based library for sending e-mails p libpuzzle-php - quick similar image finder - PHP bindings p libsparkline-php - A sparkline graphing library for php p libssh2-php - PHP Bindings for libssh2 p libxmpp-php - PHP library allowing communication with XMPP servers p libzend-framework-php - a simple, straightforward, open-source software framework for PHP p libzend-framework-zendx-php - a simple, straightforward, open-source software framework for PHP p mlmmj-php-web - web interface for mlmmj, written in php p mlmmj-php-web-admin - administrative web interface for mlmmj, written in php p php-apc - APC (Alternative PHP Cache) module for PHP 5 p php-auth - PHP PEAR modules for creating an authentication system p php-auth-http - HTTP authentication


p php-auth-sasl - Abstraction of various SASL mechanism responses p php-benchmark - Framework to benchmark PHP scripts or function calls p php-cache - framework for caching of arbitrary data p php-cache-lite - Fast and lite data cache system p php-codesniffer - tokenises PHP code and detects violations of a defined set of cod p php-compat - Provides missing functionality for older versions of PHP p php-config - Your configuration's swiss-army knife p php-crypt-cbc - A class to emulate Perl's Crypt::CBC module p php-crypt-gpg - PHP PEAR module for encrypting and decrypting with GnuPG p php-date - PHP PEAR module for date and time manipulation p php-db - PHP PEAR Database Abstraction Layer p php-doc - Documentation for PHP5 p php-elisp - Emacs support for php files p php-event-dispatcher - Dispatch notifications using PHP callbacks p php-file - PHP Pear modules for common file and directory routines p php-fpdf - PHP class to generate PDF files p php-geshi - Generic Syntax Highlighter p php-getid3 - PHP script to extract informations from multimedia files p php-gettext - read gettext MO files directly, without requiring anything other p php-html-common - A base class for other HTML classes p php-html-safe - strip down all potentially dangerous content within HTML p php-html-template-it - PEAR HTML Isotemplate API p php-htmlpurifier - Standards-compliant HTML filter p php-http - PHP PEAR module for HTTP related stuff p php-http-request - provides an easy way to perform HTTP requests p php-http-upload - Easy and secure management of files submitted via HTML Forms p php-http-webdav-server - webDAV server base class p php-image-barcode - Barcode generation p php-image-text - a PEAR module to do advanced text


maipulations in images p php-imlib - PHP Imlib2 Extension p php-kolab-filter - Postfix filters for the Kolab server p php-kolab-freebusy - provide Kolab free/busy information p php-log - log module for PEAR p php-mail - PHP PEAR module for sending email p php-mail-mime - PHP PEAR module for creating MIME messages p php-mail-mimedecode - PHP PEAR module to decode MIME messages p php-mdb2 - PHP PEAR module to provide a common API for supported RDBMS p php-mdb2-driver-mysql - PHP PEAR module to provide a MySQL driver for MDB2 p php-mdb2-driver-pgsql - PHP PEAR module to provide a PostgreSQL driver for MDB2 p php-mdb2-driver-sqlite - PHP PEAR module to provide a SQLite driver for MDB2 p php-mime-type - Utility class for dealing with MIME types p php-net-checkip - check the syntax of IPv4 addresses p php-net-dime - class that implements DIME encoding p php-net-dnsbl - Checks if a given host or URL is listed on a DNSBL or SURBL p php-net-ftp - provides an OO interface to the PHP FTP functions p php-net-imap - Provides an implementation of the IMAP protocol p php-net-ipv4 - IPv4 network calculations and validation p php-net-ldap - a OO interface for searching and manipulating LDAP-entries p php-net-ldap2 - PHP PEAR module for searching and manipulating LDAP-entries p php-net-lmtp - PHP PEAR module implementing LMTP protocol p php-net-ping - a PEAR class wrapper around the ping shell utility p php-net-portscan - Portscanner utilities p php-net-sieve - net_sieve module for PEAR p php-net-smartirc - provides an OO interface to the PHP IRC functions p php-net-smtp - PHP PEAR module implementing


SMTP protocol p php-net-socket - PHP PEAR Network Socket Interface module p php-net-url - easy parsing of Urls p php-net-whois - PHP PEAR module for querying whois services p php-numbers-words - a PEAR module providing methods for spelling numerals in words p php-openid - PHP OpenID library p php-pager - Pages an array of data, creating links to previous and next pages p php-pear - PEAR - PHP Extension and Application Repository v php-radius - p php-radius-legacy - Radius protocol implementation in PHP p php-services-json - PHP implementaion of json_encode/decode p php-services-weather - acts as an interface to various online weather-services p php-simpletest - Unit testing and web testing framework for PHP p php-soap - a SOAP Client/server class for PHP p php-text-captcha - a PEAR module for generating CAPTCHAs p php-text-figlet - a PEAR module for rendering text using FIGlet fonts p php-text-password - a PEAR module for creating passwords with PHP p php-text-wiki - transforms Wiki and BBCode markup into XHTML, LaTeX or plain text p php-textile - PHP parser for the Textile markup p php-versioncontrol-svn - Wrapper interface for the Subversion command-line client p php-wikidiff2 - external diff engine for mediawiki p php-xajax - A library to develop Ajax applications p php-xml-htmlsax3 - SAX parser for HTML and other badly formed XML documents p php-xml-parser - PHP PEAR module for parsing XML p php-xml-rpc - PHP implementation of the XML-RPC protocol p php-xml-rpc2 - XML-RPC client/server library p php-xml-rss - php based parser for RSS news feeds


p php-xml-serializer - swiss-army knife for reading and writing XML files v php-xml-util - p php-zeroc-ice - Ice for PHP extension p php5 - server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (metapackage) p php5-adodb - Extension optimising the ADOdb database abstraction library p php5-auth-pam - A PHP5 extension for PAM authentication p php5-cgi - server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (CGI binary) p php5-cli - command-line interpreter for the php5 scripting language p php5-common - Common files for packages built from the php5 source p php5-curl - CURL module for php5 p php5-dbg - Debug symbols for PHP5 p php5-dev - Files for PHP5 module development p php5-enchant - Enchant module for php5 p php5-exactimage - fast image manipulation library (PHP bindings) p php5-ffmpeg - audio and video support via ffmpeg for php5 p php5-fpm - server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (FPM-CGI binary) p php5-gd - GD module for php5 p php5-geoip - GeoIP module for php5 p php5-gmp - GMP module for php5 p php5-gpib - libgpib PHP5 bindings p php5-idn - PHP API for the IDNA library p php5-imagick - ImageMagick module for php5 p php5-imap - IMAP module for php5 p php5-interbase - interbase/firebird module for php5 p php5-intl - internationalisation module for php5 v php5-json - p php5-lasso - Library for Liberty Alliance and SAML protocols - PHP 5 bindings p php5-ldap - LDAP module for php5 p php5-librdf - PHP5 language bindings for the Redland RDF library p php5-mapscript - php5-cgi module for Mapserver p php5-mcrypt - MCrypt module for php5


p php5-memcache - memcache extension module for PHP5 p php5-memcached - memcached extension module for PHP5 v php5-mhash - p php5-ming - Ming module for php5 v php5-mssql - p php5-mysql - MySQL module for php5 p php5-odbc - ODBC module for php5 p php5-pgsql - PostgreSQL module for php5 p php5-ps - ps module for PHP 5 p php5-pspell - pspell module for php5 p php5-radius - PECL radius module for PHP 5 p php5-recode - recode module for php5 p php5-remctl - PECL module for Kerberos-authenticated command execution p php5-sasl - Cyrus SASL extension for PHP 5 p php5-snmp - SNMP module for php5 p php5-sqlite - SQLite module for php5 p php5-sqlrelay - SQL Relay PHP API p php5-suhosin - advanced protection module for php5 p php5-svn - PHP Bindings for the Subversion Revision control system p php5-sybase - Sybase / MS SQL server module for php5 p php5-tidy - tidy module for php5 p php5-tokyo-tyrant - PHP interface to Tokyo Cabinet's network interface, Tokyo Tyrant p php5-uuid - OSSP uuid module for php5 p php5-xcache - Fast, stable PHP opcode cacher p php5-xdebug - Xdebug Module for PHP 5 p php5-xmlrpc - XML-RPC module for php5 p php5-xsl - XSL module for php5 v phpapi-20090626+lfs - p phpbb3 - full-featured, skinnable non-threaded web forum p phpbb3-l10n - additional language files for phpBB p phpgacl - PHP Generic Access Control Lists p phpldapadmin - web based interface for administering LDAP servers p phpmyadmin - MySQL web administration tool p phppgadmin - web-based administration tool for PostgreSQL


p phpreports - XML-based report generator for PHP p phpsysinfo - PHP based host information p phpunit - Unit testing suite for PHP5 p phpunit-doc - Manual for phpunit p phpwebcounter - simple and light web hit counter p phpwebcounter-extra - extra graphical numbers to PHP web Counter p sbnc-php-dev - an IRC proxy for multiple users (PHP classes) p simplesamlphp - Authentication and federation application supporting several prot p slbackup-php - web-based administration tool for slbackup p suphp-common - Common files for mod suphp p uphpmvault - upload recovery images to HP MediaVault2 via Ethernet p zabbix-frontend-php - network monitoring solution - PHP front-end root@server:~#

Kemudian baru install paket php5 dengan mengunakan perintah sebagai berikut :

apt-get install php5.

root@server:~# apt-get install php5 Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done The following extra packages will be installed: apache2-mpm-prefork apache2-utils apache2.2-bin apache2.2-common libapache2-mod-php5 libapr1 libaprutil1 libaprutil1-dbd-sqlite3 libaprutil1-ldap php5-cli php5-common Suggested packages: apache2-doc apache2-suexec apache2-suexec-custom php-pear php5-suhosin The following NEW packages will be installed: apache2-mpm-prefork apache2-utils apache2.2-bin apache2.2-common libapache2-mod-php5 libapr1 libaprutil1 libaprutil1-dbd-sqlite3 libaprutil1-ldap php5 php5-cli php5-common 0 upgraded, 12 newly installed, 0 to remove and 262 not upgraded. Need to get 9,445 kB of archives. After this operation, 27.3 MB of additional disk space will be used.


Do you want to continue [Y/n]? Y Get:1 http://id.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty-updates/main libapr1 i386 1.4.2-7ubuntu2.1 [79.7 kB] Get:2 http://id.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty/main libaprutil1 i386 1.3.9+dfsg-5ubuntu3 [68.1 kB] Get:3 http://id.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty/main libaprutil1-dbd-sqlite3 i386 1.3.9+dfsg-5ubuntu3 [11.1 kB] Get:4 http://id.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty/main libaprutil1-ldap i386 1.3.9+dfsg-5ubuntu3 [9,148 B] Get:5 http://id.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty-updates/main apache2.2-bin i386 2.2.17-1ubuntu1.4 [2,640 kB] Get:6 http://id.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty-updates/main apache2-utils i386 2.2.17-1ubuntu1.4 [83.2 kB] Get:7 http://id.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty-updates/main apache2.2-common i386 2.2.17-1ubuntu1.4 [220 kB] Get:8 http://id.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty-updates/main apache2-mpm-prefork i386 2.2.17-1ubuntu1.4 [2,372 B] Get:9 http://id.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty-updates/main php5-common i386 5.3.5-1ubuntu7.4 [418 kB] Get:10 http://id.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty-updates/main libapache2-mod-php5 i386 5.3.5-1ubuntu7.4 [2,966 kB] Get:11 http://id.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty-updates/main php5 all 5.3.5-1ubuntu7.4 [1,108 B] Get:12 http://id.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty-updates/main php5-cli i386 5.3.5-1ubuntu7.4 [2,946 kB] Fetched 9,445 kB in 3min 53s (40.5 kB/s) Selecting previously deselected package libapr1. (Reading database ... 131890 files and directories currently installed.) Unpacking libapr1 (from .../libapr1_1.4.2-7ubuntu2.1_i386.deb) ... Selecting previously deselected package libaprutil1. Unpacking libaprutil1 (from .../libaprutil1_1.3.9+dfsg-5ubuntu3_i386.deb) ... Selecting previously deselected package libaprutil1-dbd-sqlite3. Unpacking libaprutil1-dbd-sqlite3 (from .../libaprutil1-dbd-sqlite3_1.3.9+dfsg-5ubuntu3_i386.deb) ... Selecting previously deselected package libaprutil1-ldap. Unpacking libaprutil1-ldap (from .../libaprutil1-ldap_1.3.9+dfsg-5ubuntu3_i386.deb) ... Selecting previously deselected package apache2.2-bin. Unpacking apache2.2-bin (from .../apache2.2-bin_2.2.17-1ubuntu1.4_i386.deb) ... Selecting previously deselected package apache2-utils. Unpacking apache2-utils (from .../apache2-utils_2.2.17-1ubuntu1.4_i386.deb) ... Selecting previously deselected package apache2.2-common. Unpacking apache2.2-common (from .../apache2.2-common_2.2.17-


1ubuntu1.4_i386.deb) ... Selecting previously deselected package apache2-mpm-prefork. Unpacking apache2-mpm-prefork (from .../apache2-mpm-prefork_2.2.17-1ubuntu1.4_i386.deb) ... Selecting previously deselected package php5-common. Unpacking php5-common (from .../php5-common_5.3.5-1ubuntu7.4_i386.deb) ... Selecting previously deselected package libapache2-mod-php5. Unpacking libapache2-mod-php5 (from .../libapache2-mod-php5_5.3.5-1ubuntu7.4_i386.deb) ... Selecting previously deselected package php5. Unpacking php5 (from .../php5_5.3.5-1ubuntu7.4_all.deb) ... Selecting previously deselected package php5-cli. Unpacking php5-cli (from .../php5-cli_5.3.5-1ubuntu7.4_i386.deb) ... Processing triggers for man-db ... Processing triggers for ufw ... Processing triggers for ureadahead ... Setting up libapr1 (1.4.2-7ubuntu2.1) ... Setting up libaprutil1 (1.3.9+dfsg-5ubuntu3) ... Setting up libaprutil1-dbd-sqlite3 (1.3.9+dfsg-5ubuntu3) ... Setting up libaprutil1-ldap (1.3.9+dfsg-5ubuntu3) ... Setting up apache2.2-bin (2.2.17-1ubuntu1.4) ... Setting up apache2-utils (2.2.17-1ubuntu1.4) ... Setting up apache2.2-common (2.2.17-1ubuntu1.4) ... Enabling site default. Enabling module alias. Enabling module autoindex. Enabling module dir. Enabling module env. Enabling module mime. Enabling module negotiation. Enabling module setenvif. Enabling module status. Enabling module auth_basic. Enabling module deflate. Enabling module authz_default. Enabling module authz_user. Enabling module authz_groupfile. Enabling module authn_file. Enabling module authz_host. Enabling module reqtimeout. Setting up apache2-mpm-prefork (2.2.17-1ubuntu1.4) ... * Starting web server apache2 apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name,


using for serverName [ OK ] Setting up php5-common (5.3.5-1ubuntu7.4) ... Setting up libapache2-mod-php5 (5.3.5-1ubuntu7.4) ... Creating config file /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini with new version * Reloading web server config apache2 apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for serverName [ OK ] Setting up php5 (5.3.5-1ubuntu7.4) ... Setting up php5-cli (5.3.5-1ubuntu7.4) ... Creating config file /etc/php5/cli/php.ini with new version update-alternatives: using /usr/bin/php5 to provide /usr/bin/php (php) in auto mode. Processing triggers for libc-bin ... ldconfig deferred processing now taking place root@server:~#

Menginstall paket php5-mysql

Kemudian install paket php yang dikaitkan dengan mysql. Yaitu dengan

menggetikkan apt-get install php5-mysql.

root@server:~# apt-get install php5-mssql Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done Note, selecting 'php5-sybase' instead of 'php5-mssql' The following extra packages will be installed: freetds-common libsybdb5 The following NEW packages will be installed: freetds-common libsybdb5 php5-sybase 0 upgraded, 3 newly installed, 0 to remove and 262 not upgraded. Need to get 226 kB of archives. After this operation, 688 kB of additional disk space will be used. Do you want to continue [Y/n]? Y Get:1 http://id.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty/main freetds-common all 0.82-7 [29.7 kB] Get:2 http://id.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty/main libsybdb5 i386 0.82-7 [173 kB] Get:3 http://id.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty-updates/universe php5-sybase i386 5.3.5-1ubuntu7.4 [23.2 kB] Fetched 226 kB in 17s (13.2 kB/s)


Selecting previously deselected package freetds-common. (Reading database ... 132511 files and directories currently installed.) Unpacking freetds-common (from .../freetds-common_0.82-7_all.deb) ... Selecting previously deselected package libsybdb5. Unpacking libsybdb5 (from .../libsybdb5_0.82-7_i386.deb) ... Selecting previously deselected package php5-sybase. Unpacking php5-sybase (from .../php5-sybase_5.3.5-1ubuntu7.4_i386.deb) ... Processing triggers for man-db ... Processing triggers for libapache2-mod-php5 ... * Reloading web server config apache2 apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for serverName [ OK ] Setting up freetds-common (0.82-7) ... Setting up libsybdb5 (0.82-7) ... Setting up php5-sybase (5.3.5-1ubuntu7.4) ... Processing triggers for libc-bin ... ldconfig deferred processing now taking place root@server:~#

root@server:~# apt-get install php5-mssql Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done Note, selecting 'php5-sybase' instead of 'php5-mssql' The following extra packages will be installed: freetds-common libsybdb5 The following NEW packages will be installed: freetds-common libsybdb5 php5-sybase 0 upgraded, 3 newly installed, 0 to remove and 262 not upgraded. Need to get 226 kB of archives. After this operation, 688 kB of additional disk space will be used. Do you want to continue [Y/n]? Y Get:1 http://id.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty/main freetds-common all 0.82-7 [29.7 kB] Get:2 http://id.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty/main libsybdb5 i386 0.82-7 [173 kB] Get:3 http://id.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty-updates/universe php5-sybase i386 5.3.5-1ubuntu7.4 [23.2 kB] Fetched 226 kB in 17s (13.2 kB/s)


Selecting previously deselected package freetds-common. (Reading database ... 132511 files and directories currently installed.) Unpacking freetds-common (from .../freetds-common_0.82-7_all.deb) ... Selecting previously deselected package libsybdb5. Unpacking libsybdb5 (from .../libsybdb5_0.82-7_i386.deb) ... Selecting previously deselected package php5-sybase. Unpacking php5-sybase (from .../php5-sybase_5.3.5-1ubuntu7.4_i386.deb) ... Processing triggers for man-db ... Processing triggers for libapache2-mod-php5 ... * Reloading web server config apache2 apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for serverName [ OK ] Setting up freetds-common (0.82-7) ... Setting up libsybdb5 (0.82-7) ... Setting up php5-sybase (5.3.5-1ubuntu7.4) ... Processing triggers for libc-bin ... ldconfig deferred processing now taking place root@server:~#

kemudian install paket yang menghubungkan antara php dan mysql sebagai berikut

root@server:~# apt-get install libapache2-mod-php5 Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done libapache2-mod-php5 is already the newest version. libapache2-mod-php5 set to manually installed. 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 262 not upgraded. root@server:~#

Mencoba paket php Untuk memeriksa apakah php dan mysql sudah jalan, buatlah program dengan nama test.php yang isinya sebagai berikut <?phpinfo();?>

Ketiikan nano /root/test.php

root@server:~# pwd


/root root@server:~# cd /home/root bash: cd: /home/root: No such file or directory root@server:~# cd /home/mufid root@server:/home/mufid# ls Desktop Downloads Music Public Videos Documents examples.desktop Pictures Templates root@server:/home/mufid# cd Documents/ root@server:/home/mufid/Documents# ls Dataserver Datawebserver root@server:/home/mufid/Documents# cd .. root@server:/home/mufid# mkdir test root@server:/home/mufid# cd test

kemudian run file test.php tersebut dengan cara sebagai berikut :php /root/test.php

root@server:/home/mufid/test# php /root/test.php PHP Version => 5.3.5-1ubuntu7.4 System => Linux server 2.6.38-8-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP Mon Apr 11 03:31:50 UTC 2011 i686 Build Date => Dec 13 2011 18:23:19 server API => Command Line Interface Virtual Directory Support => disabled Configuration File (php.ini) Path => /etc/php5/cli Loaded Configuration File => /etc/php5/cli/php.ini Scan this dir for additional .ini files => /etc/php5/cli/conf.d Additional .ini files parsed => /etc/php5/cli/conf.d/mssql.ini, /etc/php5/cli/conf.d/pdo.ini, /etc/php5/cli/conf.d/pdo_dblib.ini PHP API => 20090626 PHP Extension => 20090626 Zend Extension => 220090626 Zend Extension Build => API220090626,NTS PHP Extension Build => API20090626,NTS Debug Build => no Thread Safety => disabled Zend Memory Manager => enabled Zend Multibyte Support => disabled IPv6 Support => enabled Registered PHP Streams => https, ftps, compress.zlib, compress.bzip2, php, file, glob, data, http, ftp, phar, zip Registered Stream Socket Transports => tcp, udp, unix, udg, ssl, sslv3, sslv2, tls


Registered Stream Filters => zlib.*, bzip2.*, convert.iconv.*, string.rot13, string.toupper, string.tolower, string.strip_tags, convert.*, consumed, dechunk This server is protected with the Suhosin Patch 0.9.10 Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Hardened-PHP Project Copyright (c) 2007-2009 SektionEins GmbH This program makes use of the Zend Scripting Language Engine: Zend Engine v2.3.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2010 Zend Technologies _______________________________________________________________________ Configuration bcmath BCMath support => enabled Directive => Local Value => Master Value bcmath.scale => 0 => 0 bz2 BZip2 Support => Enabled Stream Wrapper support => compress.bzip2:// Stream Filter support => bzip2.decompress, bzip2.compress BZip2 Version => 1.0.5, 10-Dec-2007 calendar Calendar support => enabled Core PHP Version => 5.3.5-1ubuntu7.4 Directive => Local Value => Master Value allow_call_time_pass_reference => Off => Off allow_url_fopen => On => On allow_url_include => Off => Off always_populate_raw_post_data => Off => Off arg_separator.input => & => & arg_separator.output => & => & asp_tags => Off => Off auto_append_file => no value => no value auto_globals_jit => On => On auto_prepend_file => no value => no value browscap => no value => no value default_charset => no value => no value default_mimetype => text/html => text/html define_syslog_variables => Off => Off disable_classes => no value => no value disable_functions => no value => no value display_errors => Off => Off display_startup_errors => Off => Off


doc_root => no value => no value docref_ext => no value => no value docref_root => no value => no value enable_dl => Off => Off error_append_string => no value => no value error_log => no value => no value error_prepend_string => no value => no value error_reporting => 22527 => 22527 exit_on_timeout => Off => Off expose_php => On => On extension_dir => /usr/lib/php5/20090626+lfs => /usr/lib/php5/20090626+lfs file_uploads => On => On highlight.bg => <font style="color: #FFFFFF">#FFFFFF</font> => <font style="color: #FFFFFF">#FFFFFF</font> highlight.comment => <font style="color: #FF8000">#FF8000</font> => <font style="color: #FF8000">#FF8000</font> highlight.default => <font style="color: #0000BB">#0000BB</font> => <font style="color: #0000BB">#0000BB</font> highlight.html => <font style="color: #000000">#000000</font> => <font style="color: #000000">#000000</font> highlight.keyword => <font style="color: #007700">#007700</font> => <font style="color: #007700">#007700</font> highlight.string => <font style="color: #DD0000">#DD0000</font> => <font style="color: #DD0000">#DD0000</font> html_errors => Off => Off ignore_repeated_errors => Off => Off ignore_repeated_source => Off => Off ignore_user_abort => Off => Off implicit_flush => On => On include_path => .:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear => .:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear log_errors => On => On log_errors_max_len => 1024 => 1024 magic_quotes_gpc => Off => Off magic_quotes_runtime => Off => Off magic_quotes_sybase => Off => Off mail.add_x_header => On => On mail.force_extra_parameters => no value => no value mail.log => no value => no value max_execution_time => 0 => 0 max_file_uploads => 20 => 20 max_input_nesting_level => 64 => 64 max_input_time => -1 => -1 memory_limit => -1 => -1


open_basedir => no value => no value output_buffering => 0 => 0 output_handler => no value => no value post_max_size => 8M => 8M precision => 14 => 14 realpath_cache_size => 16K => 16K realpath_cache_ttl => 120 => 120 register_argc_argv => On => On register_globals => Off => Off register_long_arrays => Off => Off report_memleaks => On => On report_zend_debug => Off => Off request_order => GP => GP safe_mode => Off => Off safe_mode_exec_dir => no value => no value safe_mode_gid => Off => Off safe_mode_include_dir => no value => no value sendmail_from => no value => no value sendmail_path => /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i => /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i serialize_precision => 100 => 100 short_open_tag => On => On SMTP => localhost => localhost smtp_port => 25 => 25 sql.safe_mode => Off => Off track_errors => Off => Off unserialize_callback_func => no value => no value upload_max_filesize => 2M => 2M upload_tmp_dir => no value => no value user_dir => no value => no value user_ini.cache_ttl => 300 => 300 user_ini.filename => .user.ini => .user.ini variables_order => GPCS => GPCS xmlrpc_error_number => 0 => 0 xmlrpc_errors => Off => Off y2k_compliance => On => On zend.enable_gc => On => On ctype ctype functions => enabled date date/time support => enabled "Olson" Timezone Database Version => 0.system Timezone Database => internal Default timezone => Asia/Jakarta


Directive => Local Value => Master Value date.default_latitude => 31.7667 => 31.7667 date.default_longitude => 35.2333 => 35.2333 date.sunrise_zenith => 90.583333 => 90.583333 date.sunset_zenith => 90.583333 => 90.583333 date.timezone => no value => no value dba DBA support => enabled Supported handlers => cdb cdb_make db4 inifile flatfile Directive => Local Value => Master Value dba.default_handler => flatfile => flatfile dom DOM/XML => enabled DOM/XML API Version => 20031129 libxml Version => 2.7.8 HTML Support => enabled XPath Support => enabled XPointer Support => enabled Schema Support => enabled RelaxNG Support => enabled ereg Regex Library => Bundled library enabled exif EXIF Support => enabled EXIF Version => 1.4 $Id: exif.c 293036 2010-01-03 09:23:27Z sebastian $ Supported EXIF Version => 0220 Supported filetypes => JPEG,TIFF Directive => Local Value => Master Value exif.decode_jis_intel => JIS => JIS exif.decode_jis_motorola => JIS => JIS exif.decode_unicode_intel => UCS-2LE => UCS-2LE exif.decode_unicode_motorola => UCS-2BE => UCS-2BE exif.encode_jis => no value => no value exif.encode_unicode => ISO-8859-15 => ISO-8859-15 fileinfo fileinfo support => enabled version => 1.0.5-dev filter Input Validation and Filtering => enabled Revision => $Revision: 298196 $ Directive => Local Value => Master Value filter.default => unsafe_raw => unsafe_raw filter.default_flags => no value => no value


ftp FTP support => enabled gettext GetText Support => enabled hash hash support => enabled Hashing Engines => md2 md4 md5 sha1 sha224 sha256 sha384 sha512 ripemd128 ripemd160 ripemd256 ripemd320 whirlpool tiger128,3 tiger160,3 tiger192,3 tiger128,4 tiger160,4 tiger192,4 snefru snefru256 gost adler32 crc32 crc32b salsa10 salsa20 haval128,3 haval160,3 haval192,3 haval224,3 haval256,3 haval128,4 haval160,4 haval192,4 haval224,4 haval256,4 haval128,5 haval160,5 haval192,5 haval224,5 haval256,5 iconv iconv support => enabled iconv implementation => glibc iconv library version => 2.13 Directive => Local Value => Master Value iconv.input_encoding => ISO-8859-1 => ISO-8859-1 iconv.internal_encoding => ISO-8859-1 => ISO-8859-1 iconv.output_encoding => ISO-8859-1 => ISO-8859-1 json json support => enabled json version => 1.2.1 libxml libXML support => active libXML Compiled Version => 2.7.8 libXML Loaded Version => 20708 libXML streams => enabled mbstring Multibyte Support => enabled Multibyte string engine => libmbfl HTTP input encoding translation => disabled mbstring extension makes use of "streamable kanji code filter and converter", which is distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1. Multibyte (japanese) regex support => enabled Multibyte regex (oniguruma) backtrack check => On Multibyte regex (oniguruma) version => 4.7.1 Directive => Local Value => Master Value mbstring.detect_order => no value => no value mbstring.encoding_translation => Off => Off mbstring.func_overload => 0 => 0 mbstring.http_input => pass => pass


mbstring.http_output => pass => pass mbstring.http_output_conv_mimetypes => ^(text/|application/xhtml\+xml) => ^(text/|application/xhtml\+xml) mbstring.internal_encoding => no value => no value mbstring.language => neutral => neutral mbstring.strict_detection => Off => Off mbstring.substitute_character => no value => no value mhash MHASH support => Enabled MHASH API Version => Emulated Support mssql MSSQL Support => enabled Active Persistent Links => 0 Active Links => 0 Library version => FreeTDS Directive => Local Value => Master Value mssql.allow_persistent => On => On mssql.batchsize => 0 => 0 mssql.charset => no value => no value mssql.compatability_mode => Off => Off mssql.connect_timeout => 5 => 5 mssql.datetimeconvert => On => On mssql.max_links => Unlimited => Unlimited mssql.max_persistent => Unlimited => Unlimited mssql.max_procs => Unlimited => Unlimited mssql.min_error_severity => 10 => 10 mssql.min_message_severity => 10 => 10 mssql.secure_connection => Off => Off mssql.textlimit => server default => server default mssql.textsize => server default => server default mssql.timeout => 60 => 60 openssl OpenSSL support => enabled OpenSSL Library Version => OpenSSL 0.9.8o 01 Jun 2010 OpenSSL Header Version => OpenSSL 0.9.8o 01 Jun 2010 pcntl pcntl support => enabled pcre PCRE (Perl Compatible Regular Expressions) Support => enabled PCRE Library Version => 8.12 2011-01-15 Directive => Local Value => Master Value pcre.backtrack_limit => 100000 => 100000 pcre.recursion_limit => 100000 => 100000


PDO PDO support => enabled PDO drivers => dblib pdo_dblib PDO Driver for FreeTDS/Sybase DB-lib => enabled Flavour => freetds Phar Phar: PHP Archive support => enabled Phar EXT version => 2.0.1 Phar API version => 1.1.1 SVN revision => $Revision: 305584 $ Phar-based phar archives => enabled Tar-based phar archives => enabled ZIP-based phar archives => enabled gzip compression => enabled bzip2 compression => enabled OpenSSL support => enabled Phar based on pear/PHP_Archive, original concept by Davey Shafik. Phar fully realized by Gregory Beaver and Marcus Boerger. Portions of tar implementation Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Tim Kientzle. Directive => Local Value => Master Value phar.cache_list => no value => no value phar.readonly => On => On phar.require_hash => On => On posix Revision => $Revision: 305507 $ Reflection Reflection => enabled Version => $Revision: 305605 $ session Session Support => enabled Registered save handlers => files user Registered serializer handlers => php php_binary wddx Directive => Local Value => Master Value session.auto_start => Off => Off session.bug_compat_42 => Off => Off session.bug_compat_warn => Off => Off session.cache_expire => 180 => 180 session.cache_limiter => nocache => nocache session.cookie_domain => no value => no value session.cookie_httponly => Off => Off session.cookie_lifetime => 0 => 0


session.cookie_path => / => / session.cookie_secure => Off => Off session.entropy_file => no value => no value session.entropy_length => 0 => 0 session.gc_divisor => 1000 => 1000 session.gc_maxlifetime => 1440 => 1440 session.gc_probability => 1 => 1 session.hash_bits_per_character => 5 => 5 session.hash_function => 0 => 0 session.name => PHPSESSID => PHPSESSID session.referer_check => no value => no value session.save_handler => files => files session.save_path => /var/lib/php5 => /var/lib/php5 session.serialize_handler => php => php session.use_cookies => On => On session.use_only_cookies => On => On session.use_trans_sid => 0 => 0 shmop shmop support => enabled SimpleXML Simplexml support => enabled Revision => $Revision: 302715 $ Schema support => enabled soap Soap Client => enabled Soap server => enabled Directive => Local Value => Master Value soap.wsdl_cache => 1 => 1 soap.wsdl_cache_dir => /tmp => /tmp soap.wsdl_cache_enabled => 1 => 1 soap.wsdl_cache_limit => 5 => 5 soap.wsdl_cache_ttl => 86400 => 86400 sockets Sockets Support => enabled SPL SPL support => enabled Interfaces => Countable, OuterIterator, RecursiveIterator, SeekableIterator, SplObserver, SplSubject Classes => AppendIterator, ArrayIterator, ArrayObject, BadFunctionCallException, BadMethodCallException, CachingIterator, DirectoryIterator, DomainException, EmptyIterator, FilesystemIterator, FilterIterator, GlobIterator, InfiniteIterator, InvalidArgumentException, IteratorIterator, LengthException, LimitIterator, LogicException, MultipleIterator, NoRewindIterator, OutOfBoundsException,


OutOfRangeException, OverflowException, ParentIterator, RangeException, RecursiveArrayIterator, RecursiveCachingIterator, RecursiveDirectoryIterator, RecursiveFilterIterator, RecursiveIteratorIterator, RecursiveRegexIterator, RecursiveTreeIterator, RegexIterator, RuntimeException, SplDoublyLinkedList, SplFileInfo, SplFileObject, SplFixedArray, SplHeap, SplMinHeap, SplMaxHeap, SplObjectStorage, SplPriorityQueue, SplQueue, SplStack, SplTempFileObject, UnderflowException, UnexpectedValueException standard Dynamic Library Support => enabled Path to sendmail => /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i Directive => Local Value => Master Value assert.active => 1 => 1 assert.bail => 0 => 0 assert.callback => no value => no value assert.quiet_eval => 0 => 0 assert.warning => 1 => 1 auto_detect_line_endings => 0 => 0 default_socket_timeout => 60 => 60 from => no value => no value safe_mode_allowed_env_vars => PHP_ => PHP_ safe_mode_protected_env_vars => LD_LIBRARY_PATH => LD_LIBRARY_PATH url_rewriter.tags => a=href,area=href,frame=src,input=src,form=fakeentry => a=href,area=href,frame=src,input=src,form=fakeentry user_agent => no value => no value sysvmsg sysvmsg support => enabled Revision => $Revision: 303429 $ tokenizer Tokenizer Support => enabled wddx WDDX Support => enabled WDDX Session Serializer => enabled xml XML Support => active XML Namespace Support => active libxml2 Version => 2.7.8 xmlreader XMLReader => enabled xmlwriter XMLWriter => enabled zip Zip => enabled


Extension Version => $Id: php_zip.c 305848 2010-11-30 11:04:06Z pajoye $ Zip version => 1.9.1 Libzip version => 0.9.0 zlib ZLib Support => enabled Stream Wrapper support => compress.zlib:// Stream Filter support => zlib.inflate, zlib.deflate Compiled Version => Linked Version => Directive => Local Value => Master Value zlib.output_compression => Off => Off zlib.output_compression_level => -1 => -1 zlib.output_handler => no value => no value Additional Modules Module Name readline sysvsem sysvshm Environment Variable => Value SHELL => /bin/bash TERM => xterm XDG_SESSION_COOKIE => 8be10abf77f7662581c465bb00000008-1324712998.399390-1166329000 USER => root LS_COLORS => rs=0:di=01;34:ln=01;36:mh=00:pi=40;33:so=01;35:do=01;35:bd=40;33;01:cd=40;33;01:or=40;31;01:su=37;41:sg=30;43:ca=30;41:tw=30;42:ow=34;42:st=37;44:ex=01;32:*.tar=01;31:*.tgz=01;31:*.arj=01;31:*.taz=01;31:*.lzh=01;31:*.lzma=01;31:*.tlz=01;31:*.txz=01;31:*.zip=01;31:*.z=01;31:*.Z=01;31:*.dz=01;31:*.gz=01;31:*.lz=01;31:*.xz=01;31:*.bz2=01;31:*.bz=01;31:*.tbz=01;31:*.tbz2=01;31:*.tz=01;31:*.deb=01;31:*.rpm=01;31:*.jar=01;31:*.rar=01;31:*.ace=01;31:*.zoo=01;31:*.cpio=01;31:*.7z=01;31:*.rz=01;31:*.jpg=01;35:*.jpeg=01;35:*.gif=01;35:*.bmp=01;35:*.pbm=01;35:*.pgm=01;35:*.ppm=01;35:*.tga=01;35:*.xbm=01;35:*.xpm=01;35:*.tif=01;35:*.tiff=01;35:*.png=01;35:*.svg=01;35:*.svgz=01;35:*.mng=01;35:*.pcx=01;35:*.mov=01;35:*.mpg=01;35:*.mpeg=01;35:*.m2v=01;35:*.mkv=01;35:*.ogm=01;35:*.mp4=01;35:*.m4v=01;35:*.mp4v=01;35:*.vob=01;35:*.qt=01;35:*.nuv=01;35:*.wmv=01;35:*.asf=01;35:*.rm=01;35:*.rmvb=01;35:*.flc=01;35:*.avi=01;35:*.fli=01;35:*.flv=01;35:*.gl=01;35:*.dl=01;35:*.xcf=01;35:*.xwd=01;35:*.yuv=01;35:*.cgm=01;35:*.emf=01;35:*.axv=01;35:*.anx=01;35:*.ogv=01;35:*.ogx=01;35:*.aac=00;36:*.au=00;36:*.flac=00;36:*.mid=00;36:*.midi=00;36:*.mka=00;36:*.mp3=00;36:*.mpc=00;36:*.ogg=00;36:*.ra=00;36:*.wav=00;36:*.axa=00;36:*.oga=0


0;36:*.spx=00;36:*.xspf=00;36: SUDO_USER => mufid SUDO_UID => 1000 USERNAME => root MAIL => /var/mail/root PATH => /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games PWD => /home/mufid/test LANG => en_US.UTF-8 SHLVL => 1 SUDO_COMMAND => /bin/su HOME => /root LANGUAGE => en_US:en LOGNAME => root LESSOPEN => | /usr/bin/lesspipe %s SUDO_GID => 1000 DISPLAY => :0.0 LESSCLOSE => /usr/bin/lesspipe %s %s XAUTHORITY => /var/run/gdm/auth-for-mufid-KixR6h/database COLORTERM => gnome-terminal _ => /usr/bin/php OLDPWD => /home/mufid PHP Variables Variable => Value _server["SHELL"] => /bin/bash _server["TERM"] => xterm _server["XDG_SESSION_COOKIE"] => 8be10abf77f7662581c465bb00000008-1324712998.399390-1166329000 _server["USER"] => root _server["LS_COLORS"] => rs=0:di=01;34:ln=01;36:mh=00:pi=40;33:so=01;35:do=01;35:bd=40;33;01:cd=40;33;01:or=40;31;01:su=37;41:sg=30;43:ca=30;41:tw=30;42:ow=34;42:st=37;44:ex=01;32:*.tar=01;31:*.tgz=01;31:*.arj=01;31:*.taz=01;31:*.lzh=01;31:*.lzma=01;31:*.tlz=01;31:*.txz=01;31:*.zip=01;31:*.z=01;31:*.Z=01;31:*.dz=01;31:*.gz=01;31:*.lz=01;31:*.xz=01;31:*.bz2=01;31:*.bz=01;31:*.tbz=01;31:*.tbz2=01;31:*.tz=01;31:*.deb=01;31:*.rpm=01;31:*.jar=01;31:*.rar=01;31:*.ace=01;31:*.zoo=01;31:*.cpio=01;31:*.7z=01;31:*.rz=01;31:*.jpg=01;35:*.jpeg=01;35:*.gif=01;35:*.bmp=01;35:*.pbm=01;35:*.pgm=01;35:*.ppm=01;35:*.tga=01;35:*.xbm=01;35:*.xpm=01;35:*.tif=01;35:*.tiff=01;35:*.png=01;35:*.svg=01;35:*.svgz=01;35:*.mng=01;35:*.pcx=01;35:*.mov=01;35:*.mpg=01;35:*.mpeg=01;35:*.m2v=01;35:*.mkv=01;35:*.ogm=01;35:*.mp4=01;35:*.m4v=01;35:*.mp4v=01;35:*.vob=01;35:*.qt=01;35:*.nuv=01;35:*.wmv=01;35:*.asf=01;35:*.rm=01;35:*.rmvb=01;35:*.flc=01;35:*.avi=01;35:*.fli=01;35:*.flv=01;35:*.gl=01;35:*.dl=01;35:*.xcf=01;35:*.xwd=01;35:*.yuv=01;35:*.cgm=01;35:*.emf=01;35:*.axv=01;35:*.anx=01;35:*.ogv=01;35:*.ogx=01;35:


*.aac=00;36:*.au=00;36:*.flac=00;36:*.mid=00;36:*.midi=00;36:*.mka=00;36:*.mp3=00;36:*.mpc=00;36:*.ogg=00;36:*.ra=00;36:*.wav=00;36:*.axa=00;36:*.oga=00;36:*.spx=00;36:*.xspf=00;36: _server["SUDO_USER"] => mufid _server["SUDO_UID"] => 1000 _server["USERNAME"] => root _server["MAIL"] => /var/mail/root _server["PATH"] => /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games _server["PWD"] => /home/mufid/test _server["LANG"] => en_US.UTF-8 _server["SHLVL"] => 1 _server["SUDO_COMMAND"] => /bin/su _server["HOME"] => /root _server["LANGUAGE"] => en_US:en _server["LOGNAME"] => root _server["LESSOPEN"] => | /usr/bin/lesspipe %s _server["SUDO_GID"] => 1000 _server["DISPLAY"] => :0.0 _server["LESSCLOSE"] => /usr/bin/lesspipe %s %s _server["XAUTHORITY"] => /var/run/gdm/auth-for-mufid-KixR6h/database _server["COLORTERM"] => gnome-terminal _server["_"] => /usr/bin/php _server["OLDPWD"] => /home/mufid _server["PHP_SELF"] => test_php.php _server["SCRIPT_NAME"] => test_php.php _server["SCRIPT_FILENAME"] => test_php.php _server["PATH_TRANSLATED"] => test_php.php _server["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] => _server["REQUEST_TIME"] => 1324721857 _server["argv"] => Array ( [0] => test_php.php ) _server["argc"] => 1 PHP License This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the PHP License as published by the PHP Group and included in the distribution in the file: LICENSE This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.


If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license, or have any questions about PHP licensing, please contact license@php.net. root@server:/home/mufid/test# apt-get install php5-mysql Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done The following NEW packages will be installed: php5-mysql 0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 262 not upgraded. Need to get 65.6 kB of archives. After this operation, 250 kB of additional disk space will be used. Get:1 http://id.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty-updates/main php5-mysql i386 5.3.5-1ubuntu7.4 [65.6 kB] Fetched 65.6 kB in 2s (28.7 kB/s) Selecting previously deselected package php5-mysql. (Reading database ... 132544 files and directories currently installed.) Unpacking php5-mysql (from .../php5-mysql_5.3.5-1ubuntu7.4_i386.deb) ... Processing triggers for libapache2-mod-php5 ... * Reloading web server config apache2 apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for serverName [ OK ] Setting up php5-mysql (5.3.5-1ubuntu7.4) ... root@server:/home/mufid/test#

Untuk memastikan bahwa mysql telah terkoneksi dengan PHP ada tanda sebagaimana ditampilkan pada tambel dibawah ini.

root@server:/home/mufid/test# php test_php.php phpinfo()

PHP Version => 5.3.5-1ubuntu7.4 System => Linux server 2.6.38-8-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP Mon Apr 11 03:31:50

UTC 2011 i686 Build Date => Dec 13 2011 18:23:19

server API => Command Line Interface Virtual Directory Support => disabled

Configuration File (php.ini) Path => /etc/php5/cli Loaded Configuration File => /etc/php5/cli/php.ini

Scan this dir for additional .ini files => /etc/php5/cli/conf.d Additional .ini files parsed => /etc/php5/cli/conf.d/mssql.ini,



/etc/php5/cli/conf.d/mysqli.ini, /etc/php5/cli/conf.d/pdo.ini,

/etc/php5/cli/conf.d/pdo_dblib.ini, /etc/php5/cli/conf.d/pdo_mysql.ini

PHP API => 20090626 PHP Extension => 20090626

Zend Extension => 220090626 Zend Extension Build => API220090626,NTS PHP Extension Build => API20090626,NTS

Debug Build => no Thread Safety => disabled

Zend Memory Manager => enabled Zend Multibyte Support => disabled

IPv6 Support => enabled Registered PHP Streams => https, ftps, compress.zlib, compress.bzip2, php, file,

glob, data, http, ftp, phar, zip Registered Stream Socket Transports => tcp, udp, unix, udg, ssl, sslv3, sslv2, tls

Registered Stream Filters => zlib.*, bzip2.*, convert.iconv.*, string.rot13, string.toupper, string.tolower, string.strip_tags, convert.*, consumed, dechunk

This server is protected with the Suhosin Patch 0.9.10 Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Hardened-PHP Project

Copyright (c) 2007-2009 SektionEins GmbH This program makes use of the Zend Scripting Language Engine: Zend Engine v2.3.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2010 Zend Technologies


Configuration bcmath

BCMath support => enabled Directive => Local Value => Master Value

bcmath.scale => 0 => 0 bz2

BZip2 Support => Enabled

Stream Wrapper support => compress.bzip2:// Stream Filter support => bzip2.decompress, bzip2.compress

BZip2 Version => 1.0.5, 10-Dec-2007 calendar

Calendar support => enabled Core

PHP Version => 5.3.5-1ubuntu7.4 Directive => Local Value => Master Value

allow_call_time_pass_reference => Off => Off


allow_url_fopen => On => On allow_url_include => Off => Off

always_populate_raw_post_data => Off => Off arg_separator.input => & => & arg_separator.output => & => &

asp_tags => Off => Off auto_append_file => no value => no value

auto_globals_jit => On => On auto_prepend_file => no value => no value

browscap => no value => no value default_charset => no value => no value

default_mimetype => text/html => text/html define_syslog_variables => Off => Off

disable_classes => no value => no value disable_functions => no value => no value

display_errors => Off => Off display_startup_errors => Off => Off

doc_root => no value => no value docref_ext => no value => no value docref_root => no value => no value

enable_dl => Off => Off error_append_string => no value => no value

error_log => no value => no value error_prepend_string => no value => no value

error_reporting => 22527 => 22527 exit_on_timeout => Off => Off

expose_php => On => On extension_dir => /usr/lib/php5/20090626+lfs => /usr/lib/php5/20090626+lfs

file_uploads => On => On highlight.bg => <font style="color: #FFFFFF">#FFFFFF</font> => <font

style="color: #FFFFFF">#FFFFFF</font> highlight.comment => <font style="color: #FF8000">#FF8000</font> => <font

style="color: #FF8000">#FF8000</font> highlight.default => <font style="color: #0000BB">#0000BB</font> => <font

style="color: #0000BB">#0000BB</font> highlight.html => <font style="color: #000000">#000000</font> => <font

style="color: #000000">#000000</font> highlight.keyword => <font style="color: #007700">#007700</font> => <font

style="color: #007700">#007700</font> highlight.string => <font style="color: #DD0000">#DD0000</font> => <font

style="color: #DD0000">#DD0000</font> html_errors => Off => Off

ignore_repeated_errors => Off => Off


ignore_repeated_source => Off => Off ignore_user_abort => Off => Off

implicit_flush => On => On include_path => .:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear => .:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear

log_errors => On => On log_errors_max_len => 1024 => 1024

magic_quotes_gpc => Off => Off magic_quotes_runtime => Off => Off magic_quotes_sybase => Off => Off

mail.add_x_header => On => On mail.force_extra_parameters => no value => no value

mail.log => no value => no value max_execution_time => 0 => 0 max_file_uploads => 20 => 20

max_input_nesting_level => 64 => 64 max_input_time => -1 => -1 memory_limit => -1 => -1

open_basedir => no value => no value output_buffering => 0 => 0

output_handler => no value => no value post_max_size => 8M => 8M

precision => 14 => 14 realpath_cache_size => 16K => 16K

realpath_cache_ttl => 120 => 120 register_argc_argv => On => On register_globals => Off => Off

register_long_arrays => Off => Off report_memleaks => On => On

report_zend_debug => Off => Off request_order => GP => GP safe_mode => Off => Off

safe_mode_exec_dir => no value => no value safe_mode_gid => Off => Off

safe_mode_include_dir => no value => no value sendmail_from => no value => no value

sendmail_path => /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i => /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i serialize_precision => 100 => 100

short_open_tag => On => On SMTP => localhost => localhost

smtp_port => 25 => 25 sql.safe_mode => Off => Off track_errors => Off => Off

unserialize_callback_func => no value => no value


upload_max_filesize => 2M => 2M upload_tmp_dir => no value => no value

user_dir => no value => no value user_ini.cache_ttl => 300 => 300

user_ini.filename => .user.ini => .user.ini variables_order => GPCS => GPCS

xmlrpc_error_number => 0 => 0 xmlrpc_errors => Off => Off

y2k_compliance => On => On zend.enable_gc => On => On

ctype ctype functions => enabled

date date/time support => enabled

"Olson" Timezone Database Version => 0.system Timezone Database => internal

Default timezone => Asia/Jakarta Directive => Local Value => Master Value

date.default_latitude => 31.7667 => 31.7667 date.default_longitude => 35.2333 => 35.2333

date.sunrise_zenith => 90.583333 => 90.583333 date.sunset_zenith => 90.583333 => 90.583333

date.timezone => no value => no value dba

DBA support => enabled Supported handlers => cdb cdb_make db4 inifile flatfile

Directive => Local Value => Master Value dba.default_handler => flatfile => flatfile

dom DOM/XML => enabled

DOM/XML API Version => 20031129 libxml Version => 2.7.8

HTML Support => enabled XPath Support => enabled

XPointer Support => enabled Schema Support => enabled

RelaxNG Support => enabled ereg

Regex Library => Bundled library enabled exif

EXIF Support => enabled EXIF Version => 1.4 $Id: exif.c 293036 2010-01-03 09:23:27Z sebastian $

Supported EXIF Version => 0220


Supported filetypes => JPEG,TIFF Directive => Local Value => Master Value

exif.decode_jis_intel => JIS => JIS exif.decode_jis_motorola => JIS => JIS

exif.decode_unicode_intel => UCS-2LE => UCS-2LE exif.decode_unicode_motorola => UCS-2BE => UCS-2BE

exif.encode_jis => no value => no value exif.encode_unicode => ISO-8859-15 => ISO-8859-15

fileinfo fileinfo support => enabled

version => 1.0.5-dev filter

Input Validation and Filtering => enabled Revision => $Revision: 298196 $

Directive => Local Value => Master Value filter.default => unsafe_raw => unsafe_raw filter.default_flags => no value => no value

ftp FTP support => enabled

gettext GetText Support => enabled

hash hash support => enabled

Hashing Engines => md2 md4 md5 sha1 sha224 sha256 sha384 sha512 ripemd128 ripemd160 ripemd256 ripemd320 whirlpool tiger128,3 tiger160,3 tiger192,3

tiger128,4 tiger160,4 tiger192,4 snefru snefru256 gost adler32 crc32 crc32b salsa10 salsa20 haval128,3 haval160,3 haval192,3 haval224,3 haval256,3 haval128,4

haval160,4 haval192,4 haval224,4 haval256,4 haval128,5 haval160,5 haval192,5 haval224,5 haval256,5

iconv iconv support => enabled

iconv implementation => glibc iconv library version => 2.13

Directive => Local Value => Master Value iconv.input_encoding => ISO-8859-1 => ISO-8859-1

iconv.internal_encoding => ISO-8859-1 => ISO-8859-1 iconv.output_encoding => ISO-8859-1 => ISO-8859-1

json json support => enabled

json version => 1.2.1 libxml

libXML support => active libXML Compiled Version => 2.7.8


libXML Loaded Version => 20708 libXML streams => enabled

mbstring Multibyte Support => enabled

Multibyte string engine => libmbfl HTTP input encoding translation => disabled

mbstring extension makes use of "streamable kanji code filter and converter", which is distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1.

Multibyte (japanese) regex support => enabled Multibyte regex (oniguruma) backtrack check => On

Multibyte regex (oniguruma) version => 4.7.1 Directive => Local Value => Master Value

mbstring.detect_order => no value => no value mbstring.encoding_translation => Off => Off

mbstring.func_overload => 0 => 0 mbstring.http_input => pass => pass mbstring.http_output => pass => pass

mbstring.http_output_conv_mimetypes => ^(text/|application/xhtml\+xml) => ^(text/|application/xhtml\+xml)

mbstring.internal_encoding => no value => no value mbstring.language => neutral => neutral mbstring.strict_detection => Off => Off

mbstring.substitute_character => no value => no value mhash

MHASH support => Enabled MHASH API Version => Emulated Support

mssql MSSQL Support => enabled Active Persistent Links => 0

Active Links => 0 Library version => FreeTDS

Directive => Local Value => Master Value mssql.allow_persistent => On => On

mssql.batchsize => 0 => 0 mssql.charset => no value => no value

mssql.compatability_mode => Off => Off mssql.connect_timeout => 5 => 5

mssql.datetimeconvert => On => On mssql.max_links => Unlimited => Unlimited

mssql.max_persistent => Unlimited => Unlimited mssql.max_procs => Unlimited => Unlimited

mssql.min_error_severity => 10 => 10 mssql.min_message_severity => 10 => 10


mssql.secure_connection => Off => Off mssql.textlimit => server default => server default mssql.textsize => server default => server default

mssql.timeout => 60 => 60 mysql

MySQL Support => enabled Active Persistent Links => 0

Active Links => 0 Client API version => 5.1.54

MYSQL_MODULE_TYPE => external MYSQL_SOCKET => /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock

MYSQL_INCLUDE => -I/usr/include/mysql MYSQL_LIBS => -L/usr/lib -lmysqlclient_r Directive => Local Value => Master Value

mysql.allow_local_infile => On => On mysql.allow_persistent => On => On mysql.connect_timeout => 60 => 60

mysql.default_host => no value => no value mysql.default_password => no value => no value

mysql.default_port => no value => no value mysql.default_socket => /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock =>

/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock mysql.default_user => no value => no value

mysql.max_links => Unlimited => Unlimited mysql.max_persistent => Unlimited => Unlimited

mysql.trace_mode => Off => Off mysqli

MysqlI Support => enabled Client API library version => 5.1.54

Active Persistent Links => 0 Inactive Persistent Links => 0

Active Links => 0 Client API header version => 5.1.54

MYSQLI_SOCKET => /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock Directive => Local Value => Master Value

mysqli.allow_local_infile => On => On mysqli.allow_persistent => On => On

mysqli.default_host => no value => no value mysqli.default_port => 3306 => 3306

mysqli.default_pw => no value => no value mysqli.default_socket => no value => no value mysqli.default_user => no value => no value mysqli.max_links => Unlimited => Unlimited


mysqli.max_persistent => Unlimited => Unlimited mysqli.reconnect => Off => Off

openssl OpenSSL support => enabled

OpenSSL Library Version => OpenSSL 0.9.8o 01 Jun 2010 OpenSSL Header Version => OpenSSL 0.9.8o 01 Jun 2010

pcntl pcntl support => enabled

pcre PCRE (Perl Compatible Regular Expressions) Support => enabled

PCRE Library Version => 8.12 2011-01-15 Directive => Local Value => Master Value pcre.backtrack_limit => 100000 => 100000 pcre.recursion_limit => 100000 => 100000

PDO PDO support => enabled

PDO drivers => dblib, mysql pdo_dblib

PDO Driver for FreeTDS/Sybase DB-lib => enabled Flavour => freetds

pdo_mysql PDO Driver for MySQL => enabled

Client API version => 5.1.54 Phar

Phar: PHP Archive support => enabled Phar EXT version => 2.0.1 Phar API version => 1.1.1

SVN revision => $Revision: 305584 $ Phar-based phar archives => enabled Tar-based phar archives => enabled ZIP-based phar archives => enabled

gzip compression => enabled bzip2 compression => enabled OpenSSL support => enabled

Phar based on pear/PHP_Archive, original concept by Davey Shafik. Phar fully realized by Gregory Beaver and Marcus Boerger.

Portions of tar implementation Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Tim Kientzle. Directive => Local Value => Master Value phar.cache_list => no value => no value

phar.readonly => On => On phar.require_hash => On => On

posix Revision => $Revision: 305507 $


Reflection Reflection => enabled

Version => $Revision: 305605 $ session

Session Support => enabled Registered save handlers => files user

Registered serializer handlers => php php_binary wddx Directive => Local Value => Master Value

session.auto_start => Off => Off session.bug_compat_42 => Off => Off

session.bug_compat_warn => Off => Off session.cache_expire => 180 => 180

session.cache_limiter => nocache => nocache session.cookie_domain => no value => no value

session.cookie_httponly => Off => Off session.cookie_lifetime => 0 => 0

session.cookie_path => / => / session.cookie_secure => Off => Off

session.entropy_file => no value => no value session.entropy_length => 0 => 0

session.gc_divisor => 1000 => 1000 session.gc_maxlifetime => 1440 => 1440

session.gc_probability => 1 => 1 session.hash_bits_per_character => 5 => 5

session.hash_function => 0 => 0 session.name => PHPSESSID => PHPSESSID session.referer_check => no value => no value

session.save_handler => files => files session.save_path => /var/lib/php5 => /var/lib/php5

session.serialize_handler => php => php session.use_cookies => On => On

session.use_only_cookies => On => On session.use_trans_sid => 0 => 0

shmop shmop support => enabled

SimpleXML Simplexml support => enabled

Revision => $Revision: 302715 $ Schema support => enabled

soap Soap Client => enabled Soap server => enabled

Directive => Local Value => Master Value


soap.wsdl_cache => 1 => 1 soap.wsdl_cache_dir => /tmp => /tmp soap.wsdl_cache_enabled => 1 => 1

soap.wsdl_cache_limit => 5 => 5 soap.wsdl_cache_ttl => 86400 => 86400

sockets Sockets Support => enabled

SPL SPL support => enabled

Interfaces => Countable, OuterIterator, RecursiveIterator, SeekableIterator, SplObserver, SplSubject

Classes => AppendIterator, ArrayIterator, ArrayObject, BadFunctionCallException, BadMethodCallException, CachingIterator, DirectoryIterator, DomainException,

EmptyIterator, FilesystemIterator, FilterIterator, GlobIterator, InfiniteIterator, InvalidArgumentException, IteratorIterator, LengthException, LimitIterator,

LogicException, MultipleIterator, NoRewindIterator, OutOfBoundsException, OutOfRangeException, OverflowException, ParentIterator, RangeException,

RecursiveArrayIterator, RecursiveCachingIterator, RecursiveDirectoryIterator, RecursiveFilterIterator, RecursiveIteratorIterator, RecursiveRegexIterator,

RecursiveTreeIterator, RegexIterator, RuntimeException, SplDoublyLinkedList, SplFileInfo, SplFileObject, SplFixedArray, SplHeap, SplMinHeap, SplMaxHeap, SplObjectStorage, SplPriorityQueue, SplQueue, SplStack, SplTempFileObject,

UnderflowException, UnexpectedValueException standard

Dynamic Library Support => enabled Path to sendmail => /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i Directive => Local Value => Master Value

assert.active => 1 => 1 assert.bail => 0 => 0

assert.callback => no value => no value assert.quiet_eval => 0 => 0 assert.warning => 1 => 1

auto_detect_line_endings => 0 => 0 default_socket_timeout => 60 => 60

from => no value => no value safe_mode_allowed_env_vars => PHP_ => PHP_

safe_mode_protected_env_vars => LD_LIBRARY_PATH => LD_LIBRARY_PATH

url_rewriter.tags => a=href,area=href,frame=src,input=src,form=fakeentry => a=href,area=href,frame=src,input=src,form=fakeentry

user_agent => no value => no value sysvmsg

sysvmsg support => enabled


Revision => $Revision: 303429 $ tokenizer

Tokenizer Support => enabled wddx

WDDX Support => enabled WDDX Session Serializer => enabled

xml XML Support => active

XML Namespace Support => active libxml2 Version => 2.7.8

xmlreader XMLReader => enabled

xmlwriter XMLWriter => enabled

zip Zip => enabled

Extension Version => $Id: php_zip.c 305848 2010-11-30 11:04:06Z pajoye $ Zip version => 1.9.1

Libzip version => 0.9.0 zlib

ZLib Support => enabled Stream Wrapper support => compress.zlib://

Stream Filter support => zlib.inflate, zlib.deflate Compiled Version =>

Linked Version => Directive => Local Value => Master Value

zlib.output_compression => Off => Off zlib.output_compression_level => -1 => -1

zlib.output_handler => no value => no value Additional Modules

Module Name readline sysvsem sysvshm


Variable => Value SHELL => /bin/bash

TERM => xterm XDG_SESSION_COOKIE => 8be10abf77f7662581c465bb00000008-

1324712998.399390-1166329000 USER => root




0;36:*.spx=00;36:*.xspf=00;36: SUDO_USER => mufid

SUDO_UID => 1000 USERNAME => root

MAIL => /var/mail/root PATH => /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games

PWD => /home/mufid/test LANG => en_US.UTF-8

SHLVL => 1 SUDO_COMMAND => /bin/su

HOME => /root LANGUAGE => en_US:en

LOGNAME => root LESSOPEN => | /usr/bin/lesspipe %s

SUDO_GID => 1000 DISPLAY => :0.0

LESSCLOSE => /usr/bin/lesspipe %s %s XAUTHORITY => /var/run/gdm/auth-for-mufid-KixR6h/database

COLORTERM => gnome-terminal _ => /usr/bin/php

OLDPWD => /home/mufid PHP Variables

Variable => Value _server["SHELL"] => /bin/bash

_server["TERM"] => xterm _server["XDG_SESSION_COOKIE"] => 8be10abf77f7662581c465bb00000008-



_server["USER"] => root _server["LS_COLORS"] =>


0;36:*.spx=00;36:*.xspf=00;36: _server["SUDO_USER"] => mufid

_server["SUDO_UID"] => 1000 _server["USERNAME"] => root

_server["MAIL"] => /var/mail/root _server["PATH"] =>

/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games _server["PWD"] => /home/mufid/test _server["LANG"] => en_US.UTF-8

_server["SHLVL"] => 1 _server["SUDO_COMMAND"] => /bin/su

_server["HOME"] => /root _server["LANGUAGE"] => en_US:en

_server["LOGNAME"] => root _server["LESSOPEN"] => | /usr/bin/lesspipe %s

_server["SUDO_GID"] => 1000 _server["DISPLAY"] => :0.0

_server["LESSCLOSE"] => /usr/bin/lesspipe %s %s _server["XAUTHORITY"] => /var/run/gdm/auth-for-mufid-KixR6h/database

_server["COLORTERM"] => gnome-terminal _server["_"] => /usr/bin/php

_server["OLDPWD"] => /home/mufid _server["PHP_SELF"] => test_php.php

_server["SCRIPT_NAME"] => test_php.php _server["SCRIPT_FILENAME"] => test_php.php


_server["PATH_TRANSLATED"] => test_php.php _server["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] =>

_server["REQUEST_TIME"] => 1324722022 _server["argv"] => Array

( [0] => test_php.php

) _server["argc"] => 1

PHP License

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the PHP License as published by the PHP Group

and included in the distribution in the file: LICENSE This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,


If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license, or have any questions about PHP licensing, please contact license@php.net.


root@server:/home/mufid/test# apt-get install phpmyadmin Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree

Reading state information... Done The following extra packages will be installed:

dbconfig-common javascript-common libjs-mootools libmcrypt4 php5-gd php5-mcrypt wwwconfig-common

Suggested packages: libmcrypt-dev mcrypt postgresql-client

The following NEW packages will be installed: dbconfig-common javascript-common libjs-mootools libmcrypt4 php5-gd php5-

mcrypt phpmyadmin wwwconfig-common 0 upgraded, 8 newly installed, 0 to remove and 262 not upgraded.

Need to get 5,104 kB of archives. After this operation, 21.2 MB of additional disk space will be used.

Do you want to continue [Y/n]? Y Get:1 http://id.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty/main dbconfig-common all 1.8.47


[458 kB] Get:2 http://id.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty/universe wwwconfig-common all

0.2.2 [18.0 kB] Get:3 http://id.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty/universe javascript-common all 8

[4,208 B] Get:4 http://id.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty/universe libjs-mootools all

1.2.5~debian1-2 [176 kB] Get:5 http://id.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty/universe libmcrypt4 i386 2.5.8-3.1

[76.1 kB] Get:6 http://id.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty-updates/main php5-gd i386 5.3.5-

1ubuntu7.4 [33.6 kB] Get:7 http://id.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty/universe php5-mcrypt i386 5.3.5-

0ubuntu1 [16.9 kB] Get:8 http://id.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty/universe phpmyadmin all 4:3.3.10-

1 [4,321 kB] Fetched 5,104 kB in 2min 2s (41.6 kB/s)

Preconfiguring packages ... Selecting previously deselected package dbconfig-common.

(Reading database ... 132551 files and directories currently installed.) Unpacking dbconfig-common (from .../dbconfig-common_1.8.47_all.deb) ...

Selecting previously deselected package wwwconfig-common. Unpacking wwwconfig-common (from .../wwwconfig-common_0.2.2_all.deb) ...

Selecting previously deselected package javascript-common. Unpacking javascript-common (from .../javascript-common_8_all.deb) ...

Selecting previously deselected package libjs-mootools. Unpacking libjs-mootools (from .../libjs-mootools_1.2.5~debian1-2_all.deb) ...

Selecting previously deselected package libmcrypt4. Unpacking libmcrypt4 (from .../libmcrypt4_2.5.8-3.1_i386.deb) ...

Selecting previously deselected package php5-gd. Unpacking php5-gd (from .../php5-gd_5.3.5-1ubuntu7.4_i386.deb) ...

Selecting previously deselected package php5-mcrypt. Unpacking php5-mcrypt (from .../php5-mcrypt_5.3.5-0ubuntu1_i386.deb) ...

Selecting previously deselected package phpmyadmin. Unpacking phpmyadmin (from .../phpmyadmin_4%3a3.3.10-1_all.deb) ...

Processing triggers for man-db ... Processing triggers for libapache2-mod-php5 ...

* Reloading web server config apache2 apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for

serverName [ OK ]

Processing triggers for hicolor-icon-theme ... Processing triggers for doc-base ...

Processing 34 changed 1 added doc-base file(s)...


Registering documents with scrollkeeper... Setting up dbconfig-common (1.8.47) ...

Creating config file /etc/dbconfig-common/config with new version Setting up wwwconfig-common (0.2.2) ...

Setting up javascript-common (8) ... Setting up libjs-mootools (1.2.5~debian1-2) ...

Setting up libmcrypt4 (2.5.8-3.1) ... Setting up php5-gd (5.3.5-1ubuntu7.4) ...

Setting up php5-mcrypt (5.3.5-0ubuntu1) ... Setting up phpmyadmin (4:3.3.10-1) ...

dbconfig-common: writing config to /etc/dbconfig-common/phpmyadmin.conf Creating config file /etc/dbconfig-common/phpmyadmin.conf with new version

Creating config file /etc/phpmyadmin/config-db.php with new version granting access to database phpmyadmin for phpmyadmin@localhost: success.

verifying access for phpmyadmin@localhost: success. creating database phpmyadmin: success.

verifying database phpmyadmin exists: success. populating database via sql... done.

dbconfig-common: flushing administrative password * Reloading web server config apache2 apache2: Could

not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for serverName

[ OK ] Processing triggers for libc-bin ...

ldconfig deferred processing now taking place root@server:/home/mufid/test#

Memeriksa server agar dapat dilakukan pengaturan dari jarak jauh. Paketnya yaitu ssh, adapun untuk menginstall ssh pertama kali periksa dahulu paket ssh yang dapat

digunakan dengan cara sebagai berikut aptitude search ssh

root@server:/home/mufid/Documents/Dataserver/www/Quran_ver_3# aptitude search ssh p aolserver4-nssha1 - AOLserver4 module: performs SHA1 hashes Pr p autossh - Automatically restart SSH sessions and tun p clusterssh - administer multiple ssh or rsh shells simu p crosshurd - Install a Debian system p dpsyco-ssh - Automate administration of access via ssh p erlang-ssh - Erlang/OTP implementation of SSH protocol p gosa-plugin-ssh - ssh plugin for GOsa² p gosa-plugin-ssh-schema - LDAP schema for GOsa² ssh plugin


p gpsshogi - Shogi playing program based on OpenShogiLi p gpsshogi-data - data files for gpsshogi p gpsshogi-dbg - Shogi playing program based on OpenShogiLi p hotssh - graphical interface to secure shell p ksshaskpass - interactively prompt users for a passphras p libconfig-model-openssh-perl - OpenSSH configuration file editor p libganymed-ssh2-java - pure Java implementation of the SSH-2 prot p libj2ssh-java - a Java library for the SSH protocol p libj2ssh-java-doc - a Java library for the SSH protocol - docu p libnet-ssh-gateway-ruby - Ruby library for tunneling connections to p libnet-ssh-gateway-ruby1.8 - Ruby library for tunneling connections to p libnet-ssh-gateway-ruby1.9.1 - Ruby library for tunneling connections to p libnet-ssh-multi-ruby - Ruby library for making multiple SSH conne p libnet-ssh-multi-ruby1.8 - Ruby library for making multiple SSH conne p libnet-ssh-multi-ruby1.9.1 - Ruby library for making multiple SSH conne p libnet-ssh-perl - Perl extension for secure shell v libnet-ssh-ruby - p libnet-ssh-ruby1.8 - pure ruby module that emulates an SSH clie p libnet-ssh2-perl - Perl module for the SSH 2 protocol p libnet-ssh2-ruby - Ruby implementation of the SSH2 client pro p libnet-ssh2-ruby1.8 - Ruby implementation of the SSH2 client pro p libnet-ssh2-ruby1.9.1 - Ruby implementation of the SSH2 client pro p libpam-ssh - Authenticate using SSH keys p libssh-4 - A tiny C SSH library p libssh-dbg - A tiny C SSH library. Debug symbols p libssh-dev - A tiny C SSH library. Development files p libssh-doc - A tiny C SSH library. Documentation files p libssh2-1 - SSH2 client-side library p libssh2-1-dbg - SSH2 client-side library (debug package) p libssh2-1-dev - SSH2 client-side library (development head p libssh2-php - PHP Bindings for libssh2 p libtrilead-ssh2-java - Java SSH libarary p mssh - tool to administrate multiple servers at o p mussh - MUltihost SSH Wrapper p opendrim-lmp-ssh - OpenDRIM SSH provider p openssh-blacklist - list of default blacklisted OpenSSH RSA an p openssh-blacklist-extra - list of non-default blacklisted OpenSSH RS i openssh-client - secure shell (SSH) client, for secure acce p openssh-server - secure shell (SSH) server, for secure acce p pssh - Parallel versions of SSH-based tools p python-libssh2 - Python binding for libssh2 library v python2.6-libssh2 - v python2.7-libssh2 -


p rssh - Restricted shell allowing scp, sftp, cvs, p scanssh - get SSH server versions for an entire netw p ssh - secure shell client and server (metapackag p ssh-askpass - under X, asks user for a passphrase for ss p ssh-askpass-fullscreen - Under Gnome2, asks user for a passphrase f i ssh-askpass-gnome - interactive X program to prompt users for v ssh-client - p ssh-contact - establish SSH connections to your IM conta p ssh-contact-client - establish SSH connections to your IM conta p ssh-contact-service - establish SSH connections to your IM conta p ssh-import-id - securely retrieve an SSH public key and in p ssh-krb5 - secure shell client and server (transition v ssh-server - p sshfp - DNS SSHFP records generator p sshfs - filesystem client based on SSH File Transf p sshfs-dbg - filesystem client based on SSH File Transf p sshguard - Protects from brute force attacks against p sshm - A command-line tool to manage your ssh ser p sshmenu - A standalone for connecting to hosts using p sshmenu-gnome - A GNOME panel applet for connecting to hos p sshpass - Non-interactive ssh password authenticatio p sshuttle - Transparent proxy server for VPN over SSH p zssh - interactive file transfers over ssh root@server:/home/mufid/Documents/Dataserver/www/Quran_ver_3# aptitude search ssh p aolserver4-nssha1 - AOLserver4 module: performs SHA1 hashes Provides a Tcl p autossh - Automatically restart SSH sessions and tunnels p clusterssh - administer multiple ssh or rsh shells simultaneously p crosshurd - Install a Debian system p dpsyco-ssh - Automate administration of access via ssh p erlang-ssh - Erlang/OTP implementation of SSH protocol p gosa-plugin-ssh - ssh plugin for GOsa² p gosa-plugin-ssh-schema - LDAP schema for GOsa² ssh plugin p gpsshogi - Shogi playing program based on OpenShogiLib p gpsshogi-data - data files for gpsshogi p gpsshogi-dbg - Shogi playing program based on


OpenShogiLib p hotssh - graphical interface to secure shell p ksshaskpass - interactively prompt users for a passphrase for ssh-add p libconfig-model-openssh-perl - OpenSSH configuration file editor p libganymed-ssh2-java - pure Java implementation of the SSH-2 protocol p libj2ssh-java - a Java library for the SSH protocol p libj2ssh-java-doc - a Java library for the SSH protocol - documentation and examples p libnet-ssh-gateway-ruby - Ruby library for tunneling connections to servers with ssh p libnet-ssh-gateway-ruby1.8 - Ruby library for tunneling connections to servers with ssh p libnet-ssh-gateway-ruby1.9.1 - Ruby library for tunneling connections to servers with ssh p libnet-ssh-multi-ruby - Ruby library for making multiple SSH connections to remote system p libnet-ssh-multi-ruby1.8 - Ruby library for making multiple SSH connections to remote system p libnet-ssh-multi-ruby1.9.1 - Ruby library for making multiple SSH connections to remote system p libnet-ssh-perl - Perl extension for secure shell v libnet-ssh-ruby - p libnet-ssh-ruby1.8 - pure ruby module that emulates an SSH client p libnet-ssh2-perl - Perl module for the SSH 2 protocol p libnet-ssh2-ruby - Ruby implementation of the SSH2 client protocol p libnet-ssh2-ruby1.8 - Ruby implementation of the SSH2 client protocol p libnet-ssh2-ruby1.9.1 - Ruby implementation of the SSH2 client protocol p libpam-ssh - Authenticate using SSH keys p libssh-4 - A tiny C SSH library p libssh-dbg - A tiny C SSH library. Debug symbols p libssh-dev - A tiny C SSH library. Development files p libssh-doc - A tiny C SSH library. Documentation files p libssh2-1 - SSH2 client-side library p libssh2-1-dbg - SSH2 client-side library (debug package)


p libssh2-1-dev - SSH2 client-side library (development headers) p libssh2-php - PHP Bindings for libssh2 p libtrilead-ssh2-java - Java SSH libarary p mssh - tool to administrate multiple servers at once p mussh - MUltihost SSH Wrapper p opendrim-lmp-ssh - OpenDRIM SSH provider p openssh-blacklist - list of default blacklisted OpenSSH RSA and DSA keys p openssh-blacklist-extra - list of non-default blacklisted OpenSSH RSA and DSA keys i openssh-client - secure shell (SSH) client, for secure access to remote machines p openssh-server - secure shell (SSH) server, for secure access from remote machines p pssh - Parallel versions of SSH-based tools p python-libssh2 - Python binding for libssh2 library v python2.6-libssh2 - v python2.7-libssh2 - p rssh - Restricted shell allowing scp, sftp, cvs, svn, rsync or rdist p scanssh - get SSH server versions for an entire network p ssh - secure shell client and server (metapackage) p ssh-askpass - under X, asks user for a passphrase for ssh-add p ssh-askpass-fullscreen - Under Gnome2, asks user for a passphrase for ssh-add i ssh-askpass-gnome - interactive X program to prompt users for a passphrase for ssh-ad v ssh-client - p ssh-contact - establish SSH connections to your IM contacts using Telepathy (me p ssh-contact-client - establish SSH connections to your IM contacts using Telepathy (cl p ssh-contact-service - establish SSH connections to your IM contacts using Telepathy (se p ssh-import-id - securely retrieve an SSH public key and install it locally p ssh-krb5 - secure shell client and server (transitional package) v ssh-server -


p sshfp - DNS SSHFP records generator p sshfs - filesystem client based on SSH File Transfer Protocol p sshfs-dbg - filesystem client based on SSH File Transfer Protocol (with debbu p sshguard - Protects from brute force attacks against ssh p sshm - A command-line tool to manage your ssh servers p sshmenu - A standalone for connecting to hosts using SSH without GNOME depe p sshmenu-gnome - A GNOME panel applet for connecting to hosts using SSH p sshpass - Non-interactive ssh password authentication p sshuttle - Transparent proxy server for VPN over SSH p zssh - interactive file transfers over ssh

Setelah itu install paket ssh server dengan menggunakan perintah sebagai berikutroot@server:/home/mufid/Documents/Dataserver/www/Quran_ver_3# apt-get install ssh-server Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done Package ssh-server is a virtual package provided by: lsh-server 2.0.4-dfsg-7 dropbear 0.52-5 openssh-server 1:5.8p1-1ubuntu3 You should explicitly select one to install. E: Package 'ssh-server' has no installation candidate

Jika keliru, dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan perintah sebagai berikut : apt-get install openssh-server

root@server:/home/mufid/Documents/Dataserver/www/Quran_ver_3# apt-get install openssh-server Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done The following extra packages will be installed: ssh-import-id


Suggested packages: rssh molly-guard openssh-blacklist openssh-blacklist-extra The following NEW packages will be installed: openssh-server ssh-import-id 0 upgraded, 2 newly installed, 0 to remove and 262 not upgraded. Need to get 317 kB of archives. After this operation, 913 kB of additional disk space will be used. Do you want to continue [Y/n]? Y Get:1 http://id.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty/main openssh-server i386 1:5.8p1-1ubuntu3 [311 kB] Get:2 http://id.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty/main ssh-import-id all 2.4-0ubuntu1 [5,934 B] Fetched 317 kB in 7s (42.1 kB/s) Preconfiguring packages ... Selecting previously deselected package openssh-server. (Reading database ... 140594 files and directories currently installed.) Unpacking openssh-server (from .../openssh-server_1%3a5.8p1-1ubuntu3_i386.deb) ... Selecting previously deselected package ssh-import-id. Unpacking ssh-import-id (from .../ssh-import-id_2.4-0ubuntu1_all.deb) ... Processing triggers for ureadahead ... Processing triggers for ufw ... Processing triggers for man-db ... Setting up openssh-server (1:5.8p1-1ubuntu3) ... Creating SSH2 RSA key; this may take some time ... Creating SSH2 DSA key; this may take some time ... Creating SSH2 ECDSA key; this may take some time ... ssh start/running, process 11393 Setting up ssh-import-id (2.4-0ubuntu1) ...

Jika dirangkum maka perintah-perintah yang dilakukan tersebut adalah sebagai berikut

root@server:/home/mufid# history Bagaimana cara melakukan koneksi ke provider dengan menggunakan 1 pppoeconf


2 vi /etc/ppp/peers/dsl-provider 3 pon dsl-provider 4 ifconfig 5 vi /etc/ppp/peers/dsl-provider 6 pppoeconf 7 vi /etc/ppp/peers/dsl-provider 8 pon dsl-provider 9 ifconfig 10 apt-get install aptitude 11 aptitude search dhcp 12 apt-get install isc-dhcp-server 13 ufw enable 14 ufw disable 15 aptitude search ftp 16 apt-get install vsftpd 17 aptitude search squid 18 apt-get install squid 19 ifconfig 20 pof dsl-provider 21 poff dsl-provider 22 ping 23 ifconfig 24 cd Documents/ 25 ls -l 26 cd .. 27 cd Documents/ 28 cd .. 29 ls -l 30 chmod 777 Document 31 chmod 777 Documents/ 32 ls -l 33 cd Documents 34 ls -l 35 exit 36 ifconfig 37 aptitude search ftp 38 apt-get remove vsftpd 39 apt-get autoremove vsftpd 40 apt-get install wu-ftpd 41 cd Documents/ 42 ls 43 cd Dataserver/ 44 ls


45 cd root 46 ls 47 cp * /root 48 cp -r * /root 49 cd .. 50 ls 51 cd dhcp3/ 52 ls 53 ls /etc/dhcp 54 cp dhcpd.conf /etc/dhcp/ 55 ifconfig 56 /etc/init.d/isc-dhcp-server start 57 ip neigh list 58 cd /etc/squid 59 ls 60 mv squid.conf squid_org_awal 61 cp /home/mufid/Documents/Dataserver/squid/* ../squid/ 62 ls -l 63 /etc/init.d/squid restart 64 cd /root 65 chmod +x active_route 66 ./active_route 67 route 68 ifconfig 69 ip neigh list 70 telnet localhost 8080 71 ip addr add dev eth0 72 tail -f /var/log/squid/access.log 73 ip neigh list 74 ping 75 iptables-apply /root/iptables.rules_rw 76 route 77 ufw status 78 ufw active 79 ufw enable 80 tail -f /var/log/squid/access.log 81 aptitude search mysql 82 apt-get install mysql-server 83 aptitude search php 84 apt-get install php5 85 aptitude search php 86 apt-get install php5-mssql 87 aptitude search apache


88 apt-get install apache2 89 apt-get install libapache2-mod-php5 90 vi test.php 91 pwd 92 cd /home/root 93 cd /home/mufid 94 ls 95 cd Documents/ 96 ls 97 cd .. 98 mkdir test 99 cd test 100 vi test_php.php 101 php test_php.php 102 apt-get install php5-mysql 103 php test_php.php 104 aptitude search php 105 apt-get install phpmyadmin 106 aptitude search php 107 apt-get install phpbb3 108 aptitude search php 109 apt-get install phpbb3-l10n 110 cd /home/mufid 111 ls 112 cd Dataserver 113 cd cd Documents/ 114 ls 115 cd Documents/ 116 ls 117 cd Datawebserver/ 118 ls -l 119 rm -r Quran_ver_3/ 120 cd .. 121 ls 122 cd Dataserver/ 123 ls 124 cd www 125 ls -l 126 cd Quran_ver_3 127 ls -l 128 ip addr add dev eth0 129 iptables-apply /root/iptables.rules_rw 130 df


131 aptitude ssh 132 aptitude search ssh 133 apt-get install ssh-server 134 apt-get install openssh-server 135 aptitude search bind 136 aptitude install bind9 137 aptitude search c++ 138 ls -l 139 df 140 ls -l 141 ls 142 ip neigh list 143 tail -f /var/log/squid/access.log |grep 144 tail -f /var/log/squid/access.log |grep 145 ping 146 ip neigh list 147 tail -f /var/log/squid/access.log 148 traceroute quran.com 149 apt-get install traceroute 150 traceroute quran.com 151 traceroute www.youtube.com 152 tail -f /var/log/squid/access.log 153 aptitude search php 154 ip neigh list 155 tail -f /var/log/squid/access.log 156 ip neigh list 157 tail -f /var/log/squid/access.log 158 shutdown -t 0 159 shutdown 0 160 ip neigh list 161 tail -f /var/log/squid/access.log 162 ip neigh list 163 tail -f /var/log/squid/access.log 164 vi /etc/sysctl.conf 165 sysctl -p 166 tail -f /var/log/squid/access.log 167 iptables-apply /root/iptables.rules_rw 168 tail -f /var/log/squid/access.log 169 ssh localhost 170 ssh mufid@localhost 171 ip neigh list 172 ip addr add dev eth0 173 cd /etc/networks


174 cd /etc/network/ 175 ls 176 vi interfaces 177 ls 178 cd if-up.d/ 179 ls 180 cd .. 181 grep -iR "" /etc/ 182 cd NetworkManager/system-connections/ 183 vi Auto\ eth0 184 cp Auto\ eth0 Auto\ eth0:1 185 vi Auto\ eth0 :1 186 cd /etc/NetworkManager/ 187 ls 188 cd system-connections/ 189 ls 190 vi Auto\ eth0:1 191 reboot 192 ip neigh list 193 ifconfig 194 ping 195 cd /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/ 196 ls 197 ls -i 198 ls -l 199 vi Auto\ eth0 200 vi Auto\ eth01 201 ls 202 vi Auto\ eth0:1 203 ip addr add dev eth0 204 ifconfig 205 ls -l 206 ping 207 ip addr add dev eth0 208 ping 209 ping 210 tail -f /var/log/squid/ac 211 tail -f /var/log/squid/access.log 212 ip neigh list 213 ping 214 ping 215 telnet localhost 8080 216 ls -l


217 ip neigh list 218 ifconfig 219 nslookup 220 apt-get install dnsutil 221 apt-get install dnsutils 222 nslookup www.google.go.id 223 /etc/init.d/bind9 start 224 nslookup www.google.go.id 225 nslookup www.google.co.id 226 /etc/init.d/squid reload 227 service squid reload 228 ip addr add dev eth0 229 cd /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/ 230 ls -l 231 rm Auto\ eth0:1 232 reboot 233 ip addr add dev eth0 234 nslookup 235 telnet localhost 8080 236 iptables-apply /root/iptables.rules_rw 237 cd /root 238 ls 239 iptables -F 240 iptables-restore /root/iptables.rules_rw 241 vi /etc/rc.local 242 ip neigh list 243 reboot 244 poff dsl-provider 245 pon dsl-provider 246 ifconfig 247 ifup eth1 248 ifconfig 249 ifdown eth1 250 ifconfig 251 ifdown eth1 252 ifup eth1 253 ifconfig 254 ifdown eth1 255 ifconfig 256 clear 257 history root@server:/home/mufid#


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