BSI Gelar Pelatihan Budidaya Jamur Tiram untuk Warga · baglog (kantong bibit jamur), pembuatan...

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Transcript of BSI Gelar Pelatihan Budidaya Jamur Tiram untuk Warga · baglog (kantong bibit jamur), pembuatan...

Versi Bahasa IndonesiaBSI News

BUMI SUKSESINDOC o p p e r a n d G o l d

Peserta pelatihan belajar membuat baglog yang akan dijadikan media tumbuh jamur tiram (30/1).

informasi lebih lanjut hubungi: email: contact number: ext. 182

tentang budidaya jamur tiram yang

benar, saya juga mengikuti praktik

pembuatannya secara langsung,”


Selain i tu, setiap peserta

diberikan 50 buah baglog jamur tiram

yang sudah siap dibudidaya. Dengan

5 0 b a g l o g i n i , p e s e r t a

mempraktekkan apa yang telah

dipelajari dalam pelatihan. “Kami

akan dampingi dan memantau setiap

perkembangannya,” kata Comdev

Superv isor PT BSI, Syahrul

Wahidah. (dni)


To access PT BSI’s socmed, click on the link below: (fanpage) (twitter) (IG)

M1e26g (YouTube)

diadakan d i set iap desa d i

K e c a m a t a n P e s a n g g a r a n .

Pelaksanaannya secara bergiliran,”

terang Dadang.

Setelah mengikuti pelatihan, para

peserta akan disatukan dalam

sebuah kelompok. Kelompok inilah

y a n g a k a n b e k e r j a s a m a

membudidayakan jamur tiram di

wilayahnya. Dalam hal ini, PT BSI

akan memberikan pendampingan

untuk memastikan usaha kelompok

berkembang dengan baik. “Dalam

pelaksanaannya kami akan terus

member ikan pendampingan, ”


Untuk memastikan peserta dapat

memulai usaha budidaya jamur tiram

secara mandiri, mereka dikenalkan

secara menyeluruh mengenai proses

budidaya jamur tiram, seperti

pembuatan benih, pembuatan

baglog (kantong bibit jamur),

pembuatan kandang, proses

perawatan, proses panen hingga

teknik pemasaran.

Para peserta antusias mengikuti

setiap materi yang disampaikan.

Menurut sa lah satu peser ta

pelatihan, Riyono, kegiatan yang

diikutinya sangat bermanfaat.

“Kegiatan ini bagus. Di sini, selain

saya mendapat pengetahuan

#SahabatBSI - PT Bumi Suksesindo

(BSI ) kemba l i memfas i l i t as i

masyarakat Pesanggaran untuk

m e n i n g k a t k a n t a r a f

p e r e k o n o m i a n n y a . K a l i i n i

diwujudkan dengan mengadakan

kegiatan pelatihan budidaya jamur

tiram. Kegiatan yang bertempat di

Sekretariat Yayasan SRI desa

Sumbermu lyo , Pesangga ran

tersebut berlangsung selama dua

hari (30-31/1).

Dalam kegiatan pelat ihan

tersebut, PT BSI mendatangkan

seorang praktisi budidaya jamur

tiram, Arief Indaka. Arief juga dikenal

s e b a g a i k e t u a k o m u n i t a s

p e m b u d i d a y a j a m u r t i r a m ,

Agrowangi Mushroom Banyuwangi.

Dalam kegiatan ini, alumnus Institut

Pertanian Bogor (IPB) ini didapuk

untuk melatih 13 orang warga

Kaliuluh, Silirbaru, Sumberagung,

P e s a n g g a r a n a g a r d a p a t

membudidayakan jamur tiram


C o m m u n i t y D e v e l o p m e n t

(Comdev) Officer PT BSI, Dadang

Nugraha, sebagai penanggung

jawab kegiatan menargetkan

pelatihan ini dapat terlaksana di tiap-

tiap desa di wilayah Pesanggaran.

“Kegiatan pelat ihan ini akan

@ptbumisuksesindo PT Bumi Suksesindoplease like & follow us on: @bumisuksesindo Bumi Suksesindo

Berkhidmat Berbagi Manfaat

SeSeDulurDulurb u l e t i n




Budidaya untuk Jamur Tiram WargaBSI Gelar Pelatihan

Pemberdayaan EkonomiMasyarakat

edisi 16 Februari 2018 | LV

Arief Indaka (memegang baglog) sedang menjelaskan alur produksi jamur tiram (30/1).


informasi lebih lanjut hubungi: email: contact number: ext. 182

cultivation correctly, I also participate

in practicing its process directly,” he


Furthermore, the participants were

given 50 baglog of mushroom which

is ready to be cultivated. With the 50

baglog, the participants practice what

they have learnt in the training. “We

will assist and monitor every

progress,” Comdev Supervisor of PT

BSI, Syahrul Wahidah, said. (dni)


To access PT BSI’s socmed, click on the link below: (fanpage) (twitter) (IG)

M1e26g (YouTube)

village in Pesanggaran sub-district.

The implementation will be one after

the other," Dadang explained.

After participating the training, the

participants will be united into a

group. That group will collaborate

amongst each other in cultivating

mushrooms in its area. In this case,

PT BSI will provide assistance to

ensure the group's business to

develop well. "In its implementation,

we wil l continuously provide

assistance," he added.

In order to ensure the participants

ability to start mushroom cultivation

business independently, they were

introduced comprehensively on

processing mushroom cultivation

including producing seeds, making

baglog (mushroom seeds bag),

building shed, maintenance process,

harvest process up to marketing


The participants attended the

training enthusiastically for every

presented material. According to one

of the training participant, Riyono, the

activity was quite beneficial. "The

training is very good. Here, besides

receiving knowledge on mushroom

#SahabatBSI - PT Bumi Suksesindo

(BSI) cont inues to fac i l i ta te

communities of Pesanggaran in

increasing their economic income.

This time, it was implemented

through training of mushroom

cultivation. The activity took place in

SRI Foundation of Sumbermulyo

village, Pesanggaran sub-district

which lasted for two days (30-31/1).

During the training, PT BSI

presented Arief Indaka as the

practitioner of mushroom cultivation.

Arief is also known as the chairman of

mushroom cultivators' community,

A g r o w a n g i M u s h r o o m i n

Banyuwangi. In the training, the

alumnus of Agricultural Institute of

Bogor (IPB) trained 13 community

members of Kaliuluh, Silirbaru,

Sumberagung, Pesanggaran in order

to be able to cultivate mushrooms


C o m m u n i t y D e v e l o p m e n t

(Comdev) Officer of PT BSI, Dadang

Nugraha, as the person in charge of

expec ts the t ra in ing to be

implemented in every village in

Pesanggaran area. "The training

activity will be conducted in every

A participant was trying to fill baglog with mushroom seeds.

Community Economic Empowering

English VersionBSI News

BUMI SUKSESINDOC o p p e r a n d G o l d

edition 16th February 2018 | LV@ptbumisuksesindo PT Bumi Suksesindoplease like & follow us on: @bumisuksesindo Bumi Suksesindo

Berkhidmat Berbagi Manfaat

SeSeDulurDulurb u l e t i n




The baglog must be poached before being seeded in the shed.


Mushroom Cultivation for Communities

BSI Conducts Training on